
Transformers. Marvel

Downey was a cargo driver until he crossed to Marvel. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Hulk and Abomination enthusiastically carrying out the demolition work on the streets of New York. He suddenly turned black and awakened in shock. With the variant ability of “, he began to modify his minivan, which he named “Optimus Prime” step by step.

Maxis_Ark · ภาพยนตร์
66 Chs

Blood God

Twelve huge obelisks were activated in an instant, and an ancient breath was slowly transmitted, and the whole ground seemed to begin to vibrate. These twelve stone steles of unknown origin began to tremble with a strange frequency, and finally reached a strange pulse, which made this altar come alive!

Dickon raised his head and waved his arms, like a madman who danced like a great god. His subordinates also had crazy laughter. They were cheering and jumping for joy. Their master waited for too long, too long, until this moment, everything It is worth it, their master Dicken will eventually become a god. Become the gods of the whole family of vampires as recorded in the Pibu of those people!

"Finally! I have waited until this day! I will be the greatest **** in the world!" Dickon's face was mad, he tore off his coat, and shouted naked. He greedily stared at the strange drop of blood on the dome, it was crystal clear, but a small drop, but it seemed to have a kind of magic, which attracted everyone's eyes, and he kept his eyes intently.

  There was a vampire staring at him, his raging emotions continued to spread, and he couldn't help it anymore. The drop of blood seemed to be whispering to him, guiding him to drink the blood. This vampire was also a little crazy, he roared and rushed forward, he wanted to push Dickon away to meet the drop of blood by himself.

 The other vampires subconsciously tried to stop them, but the strange thing was that they all stopped. Every vampire's eyes flickered and dangled, and his greedy eyes seemed to be expecting something.

   "You dare to blaspheme your god!"

  Dickon was enraged. He grabbed the vampire's neck with a spooky speed and tore it in half with a slight force. He looked fiercely at the surrounding men and warned these guys not to disobey him.

A crowd of vampires showed fear and bowed their heads, expressing surrender. At least there was surrender on the surface, and in the lowered heads, I didn't know what was being calculated, at least the dark light flowing in the eyes was wrong.

  Dickon sneered. He can walk from a hybrid to today, and he has experienced any conspiracy and tricks. Dicken knows what his group of loyal subordinates were thinking about in the past, Dicken knows better than anyone else. Although this group of vampires have followed him for a long time, no one knows how many of these guys are for profit, and how many are pawns of a certain family. This kind of betrayal is most common in Deakin's world.

 Dickon himself, also constantly betrayed one noble master after another, abandoning them like rubbish. Otherwise, why can he rely on the identity of a hybrid to get to where he is today? In the dark world of vampires, loyalty is the least reliable and even the most ridiculous.

That group of vampire families, large and small, are also out of faith in Dickon's fierce and ruthlessness. They are willing to push such a mad dog to charge forward, clear one block after another for each family, and finally overthrow the entire council.

  The parliament was overthrown, and Dickon, the mad dog, has officially started to fight back. Each family has confidence in themselves, and Dickon is more confident in himself.

 There are strange symbols on each stone tablet, which originally looked like some kind of mysterious graffiti, but seemed to be stimulated by some indescribable force, and one after another began to shine. I don't know how many thousand years later, the words on these steles were once again awakened by posterity. Dickon wanted to use these words and stone tablets to make his life form further and become a **** without any weakness. He wanted to rule the world and become the **** of all species in the world.

At that time, all human governments, mutant groups, and ancient reclusive races were all but his slaves.

  Dickon is a crazy person. Members of the council have warned him not to underestimate the world, but Dickon did not take it seriously. After he became the blood god, everything was no longer a problem.

Long life span, endless power, immortal body, with these, he will own the world.

Roar! Roar! Roar! !

 The roar of an ancient beast came from Dickon's mouth, his entire face was distorted, his whole person was distorted!

The tremors of the twelve obelisks grew stronger and stronger, and even caused a small earthquake. Numerous dust and sand fell, and many vampires on the scene showed horrified expressions. No one thought that they were just a pile of ancient stone monuments. There will be such terrible power!

The twelve obelisks gave off a dazzling light, and the councillors in front of each stone seemed to be imprisoned by some terrible force. One after another, they screamed and screamed. An unknown force suddenly appeared in their bodies, devouring and exploiting them. all!

   ah ah ah! ! ! !

The miserable screams kept coming, and the body of each congressman slowly dissipated in the horrifying gaze of the onlookers! They lost their vitality in their hollow pupils, and every noble congressman opened his mouth unconsciously, and under the gaze of some vampires, a skeleton flew out boldly!

  Every member of the Council has a skeleton flying out of his mouth!

   "What the **** is this?!"

Some vampires didn't evade in time, and were hit by a skeleton flying aimlessly but at an astonishing speed. They quickly disintegrated like those councillors, swallowed up their bones, and left nothing! The vampires panicked, and only then remembered that they should avoid it, but it was too late, and their speed could not be faster than these weird skeletons!

 All the bodies of the twelve councillors are gone  Only the skeletons that seem to be alive are left to prove their existence. These skeletons were flying around like crazy. After slaughtering a large number of vampires, they seemed to have absorbed enough blood, and finally aimed at Dicken standing in the center, scrambled to rush towards Dicken, and disappeared into Dicken's body. not see.

Even if the will is as firm as Dickon, every time he gets into a skeleton, he can't help but let out a scream. These skeletons carry the factors of the ancient blood, and seal the memory of the source of the vampire, and at this time they are all swallowed by Dickon.

 That drop of crystal clear blood had silently landed on Dickon's forehead for some unknown time, and he smeared the drop of blood on his entire face like a neurotic, giving him an even more frantic taste. 

All the twelve skeletons got into Diacon's body. It's hard to imagine how Diacon's body contained so many weird things. The gurgling sound came from Dickon's body, the sound from small to large, and finally deafening!

Yhe surviving vampire knew that Dickon should have succeeded. They showed expressions of rejoicing and regret, glad that they had not been swallowed by those weird bones. Regrettably, if they were more decisive just now and everyone rushed forward, then it might be themselves who had evolved into a blood god.

  Dickon's body was constantly twisting and deforming, and then it began to return to its original shape again and again, cyclically. Every time the distortion recovers, his life essence changes a little.

"Where is Donnie? What about that magic mutant?!" Dickon's body seemed to be a liquid covered in a layer of skin, constantly changing, making him struggling to walk and staggering. But this didn't stop him, his face twisted and yelled, "I want Donnie's blood! Sunwalker's blood is just an introduction. Only that magic mutant can his blood give me more!!!"