
Transformers: Sam Witwicky with a System

In Transformers with a system. A 21st Century soul has been reborn and the world is in for a surprise! How will Sam Witwicky win against the odds? Stay tuned to find out.

Prahalad_2003 · ภาพยนตร์
11 Chs

The Youngest CEO and Acquisitions (1/2)

"Sam Witwicky, you are invited by the President to Washington D.C for an interview." The man in a black suit said and my parents were astonished.

"Sam, what the hell did you do?" Dad yelled and I smiled. "I made a game with the laptop you bought. I put you as my guardian and registered my own company, 'The Infinite' as an LLP. So, you are looking at the youngest CEO and game developer. I released them on the Netscape and as previews on networking sites. I think I have been invited on that matter. Other than that, I do not know what else." I shrugged and my dad sighed. ..

The men in the black suits had a smile and I bet they are enjoying my father's dilemma. 

 "Mr. Spy, have you played Candy Crush or Angry Birds? Could you tell me if it was good? What else could I improve?" I asked earnestly and the black-suited men stammered and then nodded. "It is good. My son loves it." He said and I nodded with a smile.

I was actually proud that Skye was able to do so much. Thus in 1997, I was sitting in an airplane to Washington D.C to meet with President Clinton. After all, I did demonstrate my high programming skills which hasn't been seen anywhere yet. Programming itself is a very specialized field after all. "Woah! It's so big!"

I said as I looked at the White house from the inside as the men in black suits smiled. Guess they are the secret service. After walking for a long time, I was guided to the President's office, the oval office. 

 I was guided to a seat and the man in front of me looked at me with an amused expression. So, this was the president. "Good evening Mr.President." I greeted in a polite manner and he smiled. "Good evening Sam." He said and paused for a moment.

"So do you know why you are here?" He asked and I nodded. "Because I made a game with the laptop my dad bought me for my birthday few months ago." I said and he nodded again. "See that camera? We will have an interview so that you can tell people about these games that you have made." He said and I nodded.

However, this was an awesome opportunity to advertise my works and future works. "So, everyone is watching me?" I asked him and he nodded again. "Okay. Should I introduce myself?" I asked and the President nodded with a chuckle. "I think you should." He said, so I went ahead. 

 "So, hello to everyone in the United States and people from other countries if you can hear me. This is my first interview. I am Samuel James Witwicky and I am six years old. Close to becoming seven. My father got me a laptop for my studies few months ago but then I decided to put the programming language I had learnt to use. So, I went ahead to develop the programming language even further and make my own games. They are called Angry Birds and Candy Crush. They are available on PC for now. These games would perform much better if we had better phones but I can assure you that they will become better and better. I made the games with children of my age in mind, but I can assure you that it can be played by everyone else too. 

 Then I registered my own company with my dad as my guardian without him knowing. It was only today that my parents came to know when Mr. President sent Mr. Black Suit Man to invite me. But I found out that the White House is very big and people can get lost without Mr. Black Suit to guide them. Just give the game a try.

I have a lot of ideas to implement but unfortunately our technology doesn't allow me to implement those. Thirty thousand people have downloaded the game and since it has been only a week since I released the game, I would say that it exceeded my expectations." I finished speaking and realized that I spoke too much in my enthusiasm. "Sorry Mr.President, I spoke too much." I said and the President laughed. "No problem, Sam, I am also a fan of your game." He said and I smiled. 

The President gave me an award and a huge check. He wished me well for my future endeavors and we even took a photograph. However, with this interview, the people had started to flock towards candy crush and angry birds.

With reaching millions of downloads throughout the world and I knew that gaming companies were trying to understand the code. But that wouldn't be possible due to Skye completely obscuring the source code.

September 1997, the stock of apple was 0.16$ and with the 10,000$ from the President himself, I was able to buy the shares en masse. I invested the ten grand in Apple while I invested the money I received from in-game purchases in other stocks. Since I was my own employee, I was able to get a substantial paycheck. But I was making twenty-five grands in 1997 September to December alone. 

(Time skip 4 years)

Tranquility, LA 2001. 

 After my interview with the President, the world realized that technology had become stagnant. This wake-up call, resulted in a technological boom! The stocks in which I had invested four years ago began to yield returns which surprised my family. The stock of apple gave me a return of 2301.1%.

However, this meant nothing since I knew the true potential of Apple. Thus, I was pumping huge amounts every year into Apple. By now, I had pumped more than a hundred and fifty grands into Apple alone securing more than four hundred thousand shares.

After looking at my understanding of the programming language, Apple Inc. recruited me as a consultant and their offer was too good to pass on. Five percent shares in case the company takes off with my help. The CEO did agree, but the clause was if I failed, they would need my code and to work for Apple. 

 In 1998, the prices of Apple stocks rose up by 144.1% and kept rising to 2301.1% of its price in 1997. The stock market closed for the day with a cap of 32.4$ in September 2001, making Apple one of the best stock options in the market. However, the involvement of the ten-year-old prodigy Samuel James Witwicky was publicized. By now, Sam's name was completely known throughout the United States and he was known as the genius game developer overseas.

With Angry Birds and its yearly updates, yearly events and wide game map choices, it had revolutionized the gaming industry. The never-ending map of candy crush had made people engrossed to be the first one to complete the game.

Partnering with Disney, Infinite Inc. had released a version of angry birds to honor the childhood memory and mascots like Mickey Mouse, Little Mermaid, Snow White, Robinhood and Star Wars! After all every opportunity was being used since Skye was the one operating Infinite Inc. from the shadows. 

 Every day, I would meet with someone or the other who would pitch their proposal for their game and if I was interested, I would partner up with their company to make that game. In case the idea was lacking in certain aspects, I would advise them on certain areas and tell them to pitch them again later. Within one-hour, I would take twelve appointments everyday which had to be booked through the internet.

Due to improving their software rapidly, Apple had preponed and decided to release the Iphone in 2002 and there would be an angry birds and Candy Crush version of the phone. The price of the Iphone would be 499$ for the 4GB RAM and 599$ for the 8GB RAM. The Limited editions would cost 549$.

The CEO listened to my ideas of marketing and after few discussions, we came up with a few good strategies. There were positive reviews regarding the new generation Iphone since we broadcasted how the Iphone will be handy and beneficial to the working men and women. It was touch based and with even better security. The fact that the source code would be masked just like how Infinite Inc's games were masked gave off a good impression. 

 I was the youngest CEO at the age of six according to Guinness Book of records. Being ten years old and having responsibilities, I was allowed to appear directly for my annual exams and the school exempted me from appearing for my classes. My mom and dad were really proud of me and would say 'The most accomplished Witwicky' in the family.

Infinite Inc, basically myself, signed contracts with J.K Rowling to help promote her books and for a few games based on the books. She was in the midst of writing her fifth book, so she asked me how she could keep harry potter as a trending topic and I thought for a while. I came up with a strategy and this action of mine, indirectly boosted the sales of the iPhone.

A multiplayer online role-playing game where characters could experience the life of harry potter by becoming harry potter himself. Even Ms. Rowling was surprised by the game when I showed her a simulation. Rather than portraying Harry potter as the protagonist, the game allowed a person to insert themselves as a character and be an ally or stand against Harry potter or become better than harry himself. 

 The money that I was earning through the stock market and my money was being channeled into the money market of the United States. With Candy crush generating a revenue of two million USD annually, the Angry Birds game series generating five million USD annually and my ownership of 12.3 percent of Apple generating fifty million USD annually, the money was now being invested into upcoming defense contracts.

Twenty-five million USD was channeled into Lockheed Martin Corp. since I had received insider intel that the U.S Government was about to purchase a great deal of latest fighter jets for the aircraft carriers that they were building. Another twenty-five million USD was invested in Boeing Corp. since the U.S Government was about to sign a contract for improved defense systems aboard the carriers.

Upon discussing with Steve, he agreed to me increasing my stake in apple by buying shares worth seven million USD increasing my stake to a whopping 17.5%. Let's just say that the IRS people weren't happy with me increasing my portfolio rapidly. 

 Few weeks passed by and the iPhone was released to the public. Only after a few hours of launching the phone in the market, the phones were sold completely. As we had expected, the specials got emptied first with people demanding that they needed special editions. However, with my involvement saying that special editions were named so for a reason and that we would give them a T-shirt signed by me personally, they reluctantly calmed down. So, a separate production line for shirts were set up.

The mobile stores collected the customer's names and shipping address, and I outsourced this to a company that I had invested in. Amazon. The Amazon officials were very quick to understand that this would be beneficial in putting their company in the front pages. So, people quickly found out about this upcoming company named Amazon and appreciated the delivery partners for delivering the goods swiftly. Each shirt was made at a price of 1.5$ and sold at 5$ apiece. So, a 3.5$ profit out of which I gained a profit of 2.5$ with 1$ earned by Amazon. "Quite the shrewd guy, you are." Steve commented and I gave him a grin. 

Apple had sold a hundred million iPhones, off which twenty million were special editions. So, we sold roughly sixty million shirts which meant that I earned roughly a hundred and thirty million USD in this endeavor alone while amazon gained sixty million USD.

I had invested ten thousand USD in Amazon when it was just starting out in 1998 thus buying around fifty thousand shares. Amazon stocks stood at a 0.9$ currently and I poured in a sixty-million-dollar investment into amazon, raising my stake to 15% percent in the company.

I told Steve that he could market his phones through Amazon which was highly appreciated by people as they started to order from within their homes. Steve who was twenty years elder to me had become very close to me and we had a mutual respect for each other. 

What once started as a bet had become a bond which we cherished. When I unveiled the plot to get Steve to quit being the CEO, Steve fired people really quickly. The dividends that I was being paid from my assets was itself being reinvested into companies which guaranteed the highest returns by Skye. After all, she was actively monitoring the share market every second.

I owned stakes in almost all major companies of the world. 20% stakes in Apple Inc, 17.5% stakes in Amazon, 17.5% stakes in Sony, 15% stakes in Google, 15% stakes in Adani Power, 15% stakes in BlackRock, 12% stakes in Microsoft, 12% stakes in Tesla, 12% stakes in Tata, 12% stakes in PepsiCo, 12% stakes in Coca Cola and stakes in other major companies.

Most of these assets were obtained by Skye through the illegal route however no one could ever prove that it was the case since it was done digitally by Skye. Every year, I would try to push up my stakes so that I would receive higher dividends. Then there was the Infinite Inc. which was evaluated at 25.5 billion with games such as Angry Birds series, the Candy crush series, the Asphalt car racing games, The Dungeon Fighter Online, PAC-man: The Epic Saga, Street fighter series, Donkey Kong: The Legend, Super Mario Series. 

The company now had subsidiaries like Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Nintendo, Activision Blizzard, Pop Cap games, Pokemon Company International, Epic games, Nintendo, Gameloft, 2K, Jam City, Raven Software, Zynga, Game Freak etc. By borrowing money from Steve and the Central Bank, I took in most of the gaming giants under my wing of Infinite Inc and handed them projects on a regular basis, well Skye did.

Rather than flooding the market with games, we controlled the games that would be released into the market. The first few games were related to resurrecting the Pokémon series and with my name, the people knew that the game would be really good after all I delivered on my promise on a lot other game. However, what shocked me the most was that the improvised Pokémon game was a worldwide hit! The money generated by Pokemon on cross platform allowed people to connect across continents. Game boy and Nintendo were selling like chips. Live trading of Pokemon, live battle with other trainers and the stunning VFX were the highlights of the game. 

People could play the game on a cross platform server using iPhones, Nintendo, portable play stations and PC. So, even if you had any of the devices, you could play it. This allowed a bigger audience to play the game and the VFX for every Pokemon and its every mover was different which put the game on the grossing charts.

As for the others, the games that they were working on would be released in the upcoming years. After all, I wasn't just any guy but the man who was ranked the second on the Forbes' richest charts. Both legal and illegal money😊 As for my money, it was being pumped into the money market with every transaction of mine dealing hundreds of millions of USD. After all my game, the Pokemon: Classic had yielded a revenue of 2.2 billion USD. This was the golden moment I was waiting for and right now I was boosting the stock market at record speed. 

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