
Chapter 37 : History Repeating


“You’re lying,” I told Marisol flatly.

The words came out before I could control them. But it was the only thing that made sense to me. She had to be lying. There was no way that this was happening to me. There was no way that Tiessa had betrayed me.

She didn’t come to me willingly, but she had no reason to betray me. Or, more truthfully, she had no way. She had no one to turn to. She had no friends in the Rising Moon, and she was cast out of the Silver Stone by her father.

I listened to Marisol’s words knowing that she had to be lying. Even though I heard the truth, and it felt like she was telling the truth, she had to be lying in some way.

But Marisol smiled wide, showing off a toothy grin. I could see how she could be intimidating when she was calm. She wasn’t an easy wolf to read. But this expression was easily one of victory.

“You have a thousand gifts, Alpha,” she said softly. “Is truth one of them?”