
Chapter 36 : The Moment of the Truth

I saw rage move across Marisol’s face. But it was brief, and within a moment, she schooled her expression into something neutral again.

I was learning so many things about her. This woman might be my mother. This woman that I thought was dead for so many years. She was resilient, but then she had to be if she had been married to my father. And she didn’t let her plan be derailed for too long. She seemed to always have one more thing planned, or one more thing going on.

Though it looked like Varon was a little more than what she had planned for.

Because right now, she was in a bind and she knew it. Varon found her weakness. She didn’t want to push this to a fight, even though she very clearly had more wolves here, and she wasn’t really going to kill any of us. But that made no sense. Then why bring him here at all? Why kidnap me just so that he could come looking for me if she was just going to let him go again?