
Another Mission.

Samael, after driving for a while, finally reached the destination he desired. His current location is the last floor of an underground parking lot.

Getting out of his car, he tapped on his comms. "Sombra, where are you? I am in position waiting for you."

Instead of getting a response from his comms, he felt a tap on his left shoulder. Instinctually, Samael immediately turned turn around, extending the claw of his left hand in the process, stopping on the neck of a certain individual. "Sombra, I have warned you multiple times. Stop doing that. It gets on my nerves."

Sombra smiled and placed her hand on the cylinders above the claws that carried a bunch of his liquefied toxins. She then slowly tried to lower his hand. "Why do you think I do it? I enjoy seeing you panic from a little tap."

Samael grumbled and glared at her.

"Oh come on, I had a good laugh. Be a good childhood friend and lower that hand down. As much as I love the sexual tension between us, the fact that a bunch of your toxins are that close to my body gives me the creeps. God knows what you mixed in those little flasks." She urged him, making him comply with her request and lower his hand, retracting his claw.

He is not dumb enough to kill Sombra, she is too valuable to him, both as an asset and as a friend. He is not sure that he could kill Sombra even if he needed to, he keeps telling himself that he is ready for such situation, but his instincts tell him otherwise...

"Focus on the job at hand, we need to get out of here. The headquarters know that we hit the convoy and soon enough they will track down my vehicle. Also as a footnote, there is no sexual tension between us." He spoke, not worried about what kind of response she would give him.

Sombra giggled as he said that. "Riiiiiigggghhhhtttt... Keep telling yourself that." She prolonged her first word as much as possible, clearly not believing a word coming out of his mouth.

Shaking his head, Samael decided to keep his silence. The best way to deal with Sombra when she is like that is to simply not talk at all. Instead, he walked towards the back of his car. He opened the trunk and revealed the body of the Android that he stole. She was not moving a single muscle, looking like a corpse.

"So this is the little gift that took you so much trouble to get. I can't wait to hack into her systems, I wanna figure out everything about her." Sombra was practically drooling over the Android, she was showing an enthusiasm that was not characteristic of her.

"Focus. We are on the clock."

Samael says while unloading his other weapons from the car. However, Sombra was still enticed by the Android.

"What are you doing?" He asked while approaching her just to see Sombra touching the Android's breasts.

"I was curious, I never touched an Android's before. It feels so real... Can you really blame me from copping a feel?" Sombra asked in an almost innocent manner while looking at him, it would be innocent if her hands didn't continue haressing the body of the Android without any reservation.

Samael just sighed, he was simply too tired for Sombra's shenanigans. He just fought a private army, he needed to get some sleep or a bunch of caffeine would also do the trick. "Where is the car?"

Sombra simply pointed at a car without giving any thought to it. She was carefully inspecting the entire body of the Android. Samael didn't bother asking anything else, he simply started to load up his things to the car, before he went back to pick the Android up. "Give me a hand, she might not look like it, but she is incredibly heavy." He says while grabbing the shoulder of the Android and placing her arm around his shoulder. Using his strength, he pulled her up.

"You can't really expect a fragile lady like me, to carry such a heavy burden. Is chivalry truly dead?" She, instead of helping, faked being offended.

This made him flinch, Sombra referring to herself as a "fragile lady" was complete absurd. "I have seen you crack the skull of grown man with one hand, if you call yourself a fragile woman, I am afraid to see a tough woman."

Sombra laughed and picked up the other side of the Android, helping him in carrying it. Sombra loves to mess around, but she always gets the job done. If she didn't love to tease him, then she would have make the perfect partner. Maybe it is the teasing that makes her the perfect partner, it is difficult to say. He cannot afford to be distracted by such thoughts, he has a job to complete and until he does so, he will not rest.

Samael, with Sombra's help, placed the Android in the backseat and closed the door. He watches as Sombra gets on the driving seat, before he gets on the passenger seat.

As soon as he entered the car, though, Sombra gave him a tablet with 3 names on it. "This is all of the individuals that are architects with the surname Leo. I hope that our target doesn't call himself Leo as a codename, it will be rather troublesome to find him if he does so." She said.

Samael nodded and looked at the three individuals. Every single piece of information that he could ever hope for, from their home addresses to their bank accounts were there. From the three individuals, only one's bank account raised suspicion. "Branton Leo, 45 years old, a resident of Paradise city with a family of 5. You truly are worth every single penny I spent, Sombra. If you didn't talk so much, you would have been perfect."

Sombra laughed with a cheeky expression on her face. "That would take all the fun out of our little games. But more importantly, Where to now "boss"? Do we drop off the Android or do we go hunting an architect?"

Samael considered his possibilities. Right now, he has earned the ire of the Warlord and as soon as he gets word that his shipment was stolen, he will definitely increase security on Paradise. Which means that he has to strike while the iron is hot. "I already told you to stop calling me boss, it gives me the creeps. As for our next course of action, we will go whale hunting. But I will drop you both in the hideout first, I cannot carry her around whilst I am doing my job."

Sombra was not amused with his choice of words. He clearly stated that he wanted to do the job alone again, which it would have been fine with Sombra under normal circumstances. But, she just watched him destroy an entire convoy and steal a precious cargo, she kinda wants to get on the action too. "I will drop her in the hideout. Then, we will go together to catch a whale. I'm in for some action, staying at home is fun, but after a while it gets boring."

Before he could say anything, Sombra flashed him with two silver cards. "You can't get in without my fake I.D cards. Besides, you know me perfectly, just like I know you perfectly. You know that I am not going to give up, and I also know that you love to work alone, I would let you work alone if you were in top condition, however right now, you are exhausted, you have been fighting non-stop for the last 15 hours. If you keep going, your body will break. Just get some rest, I will wake you up when it's time."

Samael was just too tired to refute her, knowing that a discussion with Sombra would waste hours and it would turn into flirting, in the end it would get them to nowhere. Getting into Paradise is not something easy to do, with those I.D cards his life would have been a lot easier.

"Let's go, then." He says while placing his hand on his trench coat and pulling out a detonator. He pressed on the button, making his previous car burn in flames. Sombra, seeing this, grinned and stepped on the gas, getting them out of the parking lot before the explosion raised any suspicion.




In a dark office, a tall figure was solemly standing. In the room, there's two book shelves filled with books, a big table with a cup, besides the cup there's a bottle with some kind of beverage, and a chair. It's quite simple, something that doesn't reflect the figure's wealth.

The figure, whose lips holds a lit cigar, is glancing through the only window of the room. Despite having such a relaxed lifestyle, this figure is without a doubt the most powerful man within the entire city.

His leisure time, however, was interrupted by a knock on his door. With a simple wave of his hand the double doors opened up almost instantly. A dark skinned woman stood at the door. If Samael was there, he would have immediately recognised her as the woman responsible for fracturing his ribs.

"My Lord, the convoy carrying the package with the designation "EDI" was raided. There were no survivors." Upon hearing the woman's news, the cigar on the man's mouth was snapped into two as he immediately turned around. He was now looking eye to eye to his subordinate.

"What about the package? Did we recover it?" He couldn't care less about the soldiers, they were replaceable. That package, however, is not replaceable, she has strength and information that belong to him.

"The package is.... missing... We suspect that whoever raided the convoy also took the pack for themselves." The dark skinned woman said.

The figure then slammed its hand on the table, snapping the hardened wood in half with incredible ease.

"Zest, I gave you a chance to redeem yourself after you let one of those rats escape during the raid and this is how you repay my kindness? WHO DID IT?!" After flying into a fit of rage, the figure calmed himself, crouched and picked up both the cup and the bottle before putting some for himself and downing it. Then he looked at Zest. "Who had the balls to steal my property? If you do not have an answer prepared, your head will fly immediately."

Zest knelled down on one knee as sweat dripped down from her forehead. She lived for her master and she is not in a rush to meet death. One wrong word and she will be beheaded as her blood will paint the carpet. "Master... I have only one suspect. The individual that escaped from my grasp in the raid utilised gas as his main weapon. According to our scientists that inspected the bodies, most of the soldiers died to a toxin similar to the ones used back at the hospital." Zest touched her belly in the same place that Samael had stabbed her.

She received treatment and they managed to stop the poison from spreading to her internal organs, however it was the most painful experience she has ever lived through. While no scar was left on her body, she could still feel pain from time to time whenever she remembered that event. The scientists in charge of her maintenance deducted that this is the result of psychological damage not physical.

"It seems like you are more useful to me alive. Show me everything you have on him." He said.

Almost immediately Zest pulled out a tablet and pressed a couple of times and soon enough a screen was projected from the sealing. A bunch of information about Samael was in that screen, his height, his weight and even the material used on his trench coat. Everything... except his name.

"Master, we don't have much. Everything that we have on him is calculated through footage obtained in security cameras. We don't know his name, we only know that he is feared by every crook in the Undercities. They call him Scarecrow... Apparently every time that he uses his most prided toxin, the fear gas, the subjects under it see him as a burning scarecrow creature that eats them alive."

The figure was not pleased with the amount of information Zest had obtained. This was close to useless, she was proving herself to be more and more unreliable in his eyes. "Zest, I will remind you of this only once. You have failed me two times, there will not be a third. If you show up here without the Android then I will dispose of you myself and put someone more fitting on your position."

"Yes, Master." This were the only two words coming out of Zest before she walked out of the room.

The figure was not happy with this progression of events. He had been in power for far too long and he knew exactly that Zest was unreliable. If she failed him twice then she will fail again.

He picked up his phone and called a certain number. Once the call was answer he simply said four words. "Scarecrow, 50 million platinum."

The call was immediately ended as soon as he finished those words, the target was confirmed and so was the reward. "The Mute Butterfly is going after him which means that his days are numbered. If Zest dies on the mission then so be it... If she, by some miracle, survives, then she will become a sex slave. She has proved herself to be unreliable as a field agent." He said seemingly to himself before lifting his voice. "Are you in here?"

"I am always around. Do you need my enforcers somewhere?" A woman that came from the shadows asked, she was the one in charge of the Enforcers and the most terrifying soldier under him.

"No. I need you to do something else entirely." The man shook his head.

The Android's recovery was of the highest priority, but he also needs to make sure that everything stays under the rug. The Council of Warlords cannot find out of his current operations.

"Those 4 Kingpins have ruled the Undercities for far too long. I need you to remind them who is in charge." He says as the woman nods and disappears back into the shadows.

He knew that she was not going to be able to completely exterminate those 4 rats, if she could then he would have not tolerated their existence for this long. "Everything was going according to plan, I cannot allow this setback to stop me. The Council's days are numbered. Soon enough the entire country will fall into my hands."