
Toxic Emperor

*Not a Overwatch Fic* This work is just an experiment. We do not own none of the characters besides our original ones. *This Fic is set in a world where's the mix of a bunch of animes, video games and things like that. It is not set in a single anime world with elements and characters of another worlds, but rather a conglomerade of many worlds fused together.* Enjoy. We'll release more chapters depending of your support :)

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


It was night, a few minutes after the sun disappeared, giving way to a full moon that shone in a silvery light. On a highway, 5 heavily armoured trucks from the special forces of Paradise, were quickly travelling in a snake-like formation with the objective of protecting the truck in the middle. The mechanised policemen inside the trucks were all highly experienced individuals that took their jobs extremely seriously, yet... They had no idea what they were transporting but they knew it was something that could not fall into the wrong hands.

"This is Fox 1, Overlord, do you copy? We are 30 minutes away from our final destination." The comms were connected through all the trucks, so when Fox 1 spoke, every single soldier connected to their comms was capable of hearing him.

Fox 1 was the designation given to the biggest truck and it was also where the Commander of this Task Force was located. The security of Fox 1 was the main priority of the mission and the reason as to why the Commander was inside the vehicle.

"Copy that. This is Overlord, we are waiting for your arrival in Paradise. Let me remind you gentlemen, this package is of the highest importance to the Warlord... Failing to deliver the package is not a possibility." Said the Overlord.

The package was the most important part of the mission. They had been transporting it from another city to Paradise. The package was a piece of military hardware that was purchased by the Warlord of Paradise. The amount of money spent on that little piece of equipment was no joke and the amount of security around the package was no joke either.

They had been escorted by 2 armored helicopters for the first 5 hours of the trip. However, due to the helicopters have running out of fuel, they needed to refuel, so they had 15 minutes before another helicopter was sent from base.

"Roger that. Fox 1 out."

The "Overlord" was one of the Generals of the Warlord that was coordinating the operation from base, ensuring that no trouble would come to them and if trouble came, then he is the one in charge of sending reinforcements.

Though that will not be necessary, there is nobody stupid enough to try and rob the Warlord.

"This is Fox 5, We have a man standing in the middle of the road 500 meters ahead." Suddenly from the first truck, a curious message came.




Samael, standing in the middle of the road, is holding a huge, 4 meter-long bolt-action anti-material rifle-cannon with both hands. The gun possesses a long rectangular barrel, resembling a railgun, a magazine containing 3 bullets, a bolt handle and a plain iron sights. For untrained eyes, this was just a huge slab of metal in the form of a gun but in the hands of someone like Samael, this was just one of the most deadly weapon that can be acquired, despite its equally huge weight.

"You know I am still curious... Where the hell did you get one of those?" Sombra's curious voice came out from the ear comms that he took from his hideout.

Samael simply shrugged, due to the increible weight of the anti-material rifle-cannon, holding it was starting to strain his back. "Let's just say that I know a guy and that he had no more need for it. He even gave it away for free with the instructions included in the package."

Sombra laughed knowing exactly what he was implying. "I have also been taking a look at the guns that you have been hiding away and you are carrying quite a bit of heat. I can't wait to see your other hideouts."

Upon hearing that, Samael flinched a little, his other hideouts were secrets that he paid a fortune to create and he always made sure to dispose of the workers that were involved in their construction. He made sure to always clean his tracks, nobody should be able to find his hideouts not even Sombra.

"What makes you think I have other hideouts?" Samael's palms were sweating a little.

Sombra laughed and said. "Oh please! You are paranoid, there is no way that you placed all your eggs on this one basket. There is also the bags hidden on your secret compartments that carry every single thing that you cannot easily replace."

Samael almost released a sigh in relief, Sombra was not able to track down his other hideouts. She, in fact, was able to deduce that he has other hideouts which is something that anybody with a brain would be able to figure out if they knew him.

What scared him was the possibility of anybody finding out the location of his other hideouts. He is not willing to give that information to anybody not even Sombra. The fact that Sombra didn't reveal the location of the hideouts made him immediately realise that she has not been able to locate their exact position.

Sombra loves to show off and she get off by outclassing her opponents or allies in discovering everything that they keep secret in their lives. This is the main reason as to why she is the most hated in the entire Undercities, she knows too much.

If she knew the positions of his hideouts she would have revealed at least one just to get on his nerves and to feed her ego. She probably also gets turned on by it, but saying that to her face is the same as asking for a death sentence.

"This is Fox 5, we have a man standing in the middle of the road 500 meters ahead-" Their conversation was cut short by another voice. The comms of the convoy were hacked by Sombra before they even departed.

Using this information Samael was able to choose the perfect place and time to attack the convoy. Sombra was trully the best ally and the most terrifying enemy, should she turn on him...

"I have a feeling that you are flattering me." Sombra's tone of voice made it impossible to flatter her any longer. While he cannot see her face he can definitely imagine that she had the biggest and smuggest smile.

"Stop annoying me, I have a job to do." He said as he knelled on the ground and waited for the perfect moment.

450 meters...

400 meters...

350 meters...

"Now." He whispered to himself as he pressed the trigger, releasing a thundering sound from the rifle.

From the opening of its barrel, a huge wave of flames manifested. A single large projectile errupted from amidst the sea of flames, flying at breakneck speeds at the first truck.

As soon as the driver of the first truck heard the thundering sound, he knew what it was, but he couldn't do anything about it. Not even warn the others about the danger they were about to face. As an instintive action, he tried to turn the truck but when the large bullet impacted its front, it shredded the front part of the truck forcing it to come into an immediate stop.

However, the truck was already going at high speeds making it impossible to stop instantly. The truck instead flipped and it landed upside down, covering the entire street.

"This is fox 2! Fox 5 is down, I repeat FOX 5 IS DOWN."

The recoil of the rifle-cannon was so strong that it made Samael drag his feet backwards for a few meters.

"Damn, this shit almost ripped my arm off." Cursing, Samael immediately picked up a small gadget from his pocket and threw it into the air like a grenade. "Let's hope that this works like its supposed to..."

He whispered while throwing the thing that Sombra gifted him, a small portable EMP.

Samael watched as the EMP detonated.

"Everything technological within a kilometre from that EMP has been taken down. The base has not been alerted yet, but you have around 10 minutes before they send a recon team." Samael smiled as he heard Sombra's words.

Sombra is so skilled that she created an EMP that can turn off the cop's comms whilst also keeping the comms they used immune. During the effect of the EMP, Samael walked in the direction of the first turned truck.

The soldiers of the other trucks quickly came out and used the doors and the back part of the trucks as cover.

"Hold them off! We cannot let the package fall into the wrong hands. If we stall enough time, we will get reinforcements from the headquarters." Samasl could hear them way before he saw them with the first truck covering his vision.

"As expected, they are highly disciplined soldiers. But the more disciplined they are, the more predictable their actions are." Samael pulled out a phone from his pocket and with a couple of clicks, he watched as 3 simultaneous explosions destroyed the escorts for the biggest truck.

The flames eliminated at least 70% of the entire escort team.

A couple of explosives were planted way before they arrived. Samael had predicted the exact location where the first truck would land and where the others would stop. The only truck that remained intact was the biggest one where the so called package was contained, he didn't want to risk destroying it, so he left it alone... for now.

If they were a couple of mismatched mobsters, they would have been a lot more troublesome to predict. Mobsters or any other type of crooks are incredibly hard to predict, some will fight until their death others will run away as soon as the first gun shot is fired.

"You have 8 minutes, I suggest you hurry it up." Sombra's voice got him out of his train of thoughts as he passed by the first tumbled truck only to see the driver trying to get out of the truck from the window.

"You bast-" Samael unhostered his pistol before shooting him in the head. He couldn't even utter a sentence before dying.

Now that he crossed over the truck, he can clearly see the destruction that his explosives caused. There were charred corpses everywhere, with some of them still alive. One of the trucks was broken into two pieces by an explosive that exploded right underneath it and the other two trucks flipped sideways from a explosion on their right side from what he could tell.

"All of that investment in the armor for the trucks and yet their underbelly is incredibly soft. There are lot more soldiers alive than I predicted... I can't be bothered killing every single last ant, It is time the grand finale." Samael said out loud as he placed his pistol back into his bag and took out a grenade launcher from the same bag.

Without any remorse he fired round after round. Instead of explosions coming out from each round, gas was instead spread throughout the entire area. Serving as the perfect smokescreen from him and killing off any of the remaining soldiers on the ground.

With the smokescreen Samael didn't need to fear the machine gun that came out from the top of the biggest truck.

Using the smoke as cover, Samael dashed to the back of the truck and placed 5 little gadgets that stuck to the backdoor. The gadgets started emitting a blue light before that light turned red and the door exploded.

"Those breaching charges worked like a wonder." Samael commented before taking out the same assault rifle he bought back at the criminal convension. Then he took a gas grenade out of his grenade belt and threw it inside of the truck.

He waited until it exploded in a wave of a greenish gas and proceeded to enter the hole he created. The policemen inside were all confused and most of them were fallen on the ground, trying to get up. The strong explosion of the breaching charge took a heavy toll on them. Even though they're heavily trained, they couldn't ignore the concussive effect that a explosion at close range had on their bodies.

This, summed up with the gas that they started to breathe, were a deadly combination. Policemen left and right started to gasp as their respiratory system were filled with Samael's gas. Most, however, were still brave enough to grab their guns and aim at him, but were met with a rain of bullets coming of Samael's assault rifle.

Due to its high caliber and absurd rpm, the bodies of those who didn't gave up on life and chose to fight instead, were shredded to pieces. Hands, arms, legs, heads, torsos... everything was being mowed down by his gun. None even had the chance to pull their triggers. A complete, gruesome and bloody carnage happened inside that truck, even the most hardened soldier wouldn't be able to stand the horrible sight of the maimed and destroyed corpses.

After having finished his annihilation, Samael looked at the huge door that resembles more a safe door than a normal door. "Inside the truck there is a room that is locked." He communicated Sombra.

"This must be where they keep their package... Whatever it is they are transporting, they definitely don't want it to fall into the wrong hands." Sombra responded while Samael carefully inspected the door and saw that there was a hand imprint on the side.

"Hurry up and open the door, the curiosity is killing me. It's like early Christmas and I was never a patient woman!" Sombra's annoyed voice resounded through his comms.

"Don't worry. I am also quite curious to see what Santa has left me under the Christmas tree." Samael said while he returned to the corpse of a Captain and grabbed his severed hand.

He looked like a pretty heavy guy and since he had already maimed his body, he wasn't in the mood to carry him all the way to the scanner just for his hand.

Samael then returned to the scanner and placed the hand on the right position only to hear. "Permission to enter denied. Clearance not high enough."

He threw the Captain's severed hand away and slammed his hand against the truck's wall. "Sombra this guy doesn't have enough authority to open the door. I highly doubt that the soldiers around have such authority, do you think you can hack it?"

"Get you phone as close as possible to the door and I will connect myself to the mainframe." He heard, and did as she asked.

He stood in place seemingly unfazed by the unusual amount of time that Sombra was taking. "I don't want to hurry you up but soon enough there will be an entire army on top of me. I escaped from the Enforcers once but I would rather not deal with them again."

"Your bitching and moaning is not helping." Sombra complained through the cooms, making him shrug.

After a couple of seconds, he heard Sombra's voice. "It is done.... whatever it is on that room, it is something incredibly precious. The amount of security on that door was no joke. I actually had to work hard to get it open. So make my trouble worth it and open Pandora's box."

Samael watched as the door opened and smiled, though with his gas mask it is almost impossible for his smile to be seen. He himself was extremely curious to see what was inside this room and whatever it was, it was going to join his not-so-little weapon collection.

Once the door opened, he stepped into the room and took a look at its content only to see a lot of machines connected into one point.

Hearing an unusual lack of response, Sombra became impacient. "So?! What is it?! Is it a Nuke?! Or even better, a hydrogen bomb?! A biological weapon?! Come on tell me, don't keep a lady waiting!"

Samael was so surprised that he lost himself for a second. It was nothing like what he was expecting. "Sombra... this is not a bomb or anything like that. It is some kinda of girl... from what I can tell she looks like an Android."

Sombra released a squeal that was completely unnatural for her. "Bring her, bring her, bring her! I want to see her, maybe I can even reprogram her. I want to see what there is so special about her."

Samael was thinking of the exact same thing. While Androids were common in this world, no Android required this type of security.

Samael clicked on the red button that said "Do not press" and watched as the transparent door of something similar to a coffin opened. The Android's entire body was revealed.

The Android's whole body is a mix of black and white with a lustrous "skin" and possessing perfect curves. Designed to have large, metallic breasts with no nipples, a slim waist, wide hips, full thighs and from what he can deduce, a big ass. Without doubts, the one who designed this Android was a massive pervert, but it's not even a surprise, after all, most are.

Due to being disconnected from a multitude of cables and wires, the Android's body started to fall like a puppet without strings. However, before it fell on the ground, Samael was kind enough to pick her up before she fell face first onto the ground.

The second he held her, he immediately regret it.

"What the fuck were they feeding you with?! You weight as much as a whale!" He used most of his strength to support the Android and to not fall on the ground together with it. Then he placed her on his back and felt all that weight crushing him.

"Aren't you a rude one? Calling that poor unconscious android girl, a whale?" Sombra's mocking voice was annoying to say the least. The fact that he had at least 400 pounds on his back didn't really improve his mood.

Using his strength, Samael carried the Android all the way out of the truck before he laid her down on the ground, beside her, his rifle-cannon and assault rifle rested.

"You have 5 minutes to clean everything up and leave." Sombra urged him through the ear comms, the mocking tone was long gone.

Since he didn't had the time to wait for the Android to wake up, Samael had fo re-focus his attention on the task at hand and took out his phone from his pocket. Using a bit of his strength he broke the phone into two and threw it inside of the truck. Immediately after he threw his bag into the truck. As soon as the bag hit the ground the bag exploded, eliminating any type of evidence that he was even in that truck to being with. The flames would burn any type of DNA or technology that could identify him.

With that done now there was only one task left.

"Now... the hard thing, carrying this whale back to my car."