
Tournament of time-dragonball

After the tournament of power Grand Xeno became extremely interested in the 7th universe especially earth. So since that day they have been watching and has been became more and more interested. Xenos think time for another tournament. A tournament of time.

Waynehead803 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

History of Vegeta and Tarble part.1

What? You can't a brother Vegeta i would fought him by now. How come we've never seen before? "Because i haven't seen him since I joined frieza force. Well i did see him once."

Vegeta started thinking about the past and how things ended with brother. It was 35 years ago since planet vegeta was destroyed. Since then Vegeta part of the frieza force. For now his job was to train younger warriors for the frieza force. Tarble was one was young kids Vegeta was training. Vegeta saw his brother was way weaker than he was at that age and he would not be allowed on the frieza force. When warriors are to weak to join the force frieza destroys them.

Vegeta didn't really care for his brother but didn't want to watch as frieza killed him. He decided to get Tarble off planet before it was time for frieza to judge them.

"Hey Tarble come outside now!" "Yes Vegeta I'll be out shortly." "I said now! Im going to be straight with you. Your not going to make onto the frieza force so you have to run." "No im running big brother im strong i can be stronger."

Vegeta kicked him in the stomach dropping him to his knees. "I said your to weak. That was your only warning. I ship is leaving tonight. Sneak on it if you want to live. Go and get stronger and come back to us. Maybe he'll let you join but next week is judgement time for your group and when see how weak you are he will kill you."

The next day he saw Tarble was still there. "There will be no more training for you all. Today we leave for a mission. Our targets power level is unknown so if they're stronger you better be ready to protect yourself. I'm not going to protect you my only concern is the mission."

Vegeta, Tarble and the others took off for planet zelda which would take 3 days to reach. On the way vegeta suggested the all the young recruits get some last minute training gravity room. During the recruits training he noticed Tarble was being alittle more aggressive than normal. He wasn't pulling any of his punching and his concentration was on a whole never level. Tarble took down all of the recruits except for kraton. He was by far the strongest in this recruiting class.

"Well well Tarble looks like you have a little fight in you but heres where it's get tough. I am i true saiyan warrior and you are a embarrassment. Your own brother won't even acknowledge you." "Are you going to talk all day Kraton or are you going to fight."

Tarble rushed in with a fury of punches but none connected. Kraton dodge them kicked Tarble in face knocking him into the wall. But Tarble recovered quickly and attacked him again. These time he tried kicking kraton in the head. He blocked it then tried to follow up with a punch. But Tarble was prepared for it and dodged it. He grabbed kraton's wrist and slammed him into the ground. Tarble jumped up into the air and stomped him in his chest.

Tarble tried to hurry and hit kraton with a energy blast but he was to fast. He grabbed Tarble by the throat and slammed him into the ground. He then started punching him in his face relentlessly. Tarble finally found an opening and able to jumped back to his feet. Tarble and Kraton both let out an angry roar and started punching each other. They stood there going blow for blow until Tarble collapsed.

"Thats enough you two. What the hell you think you where doing anyway. Going all out in a fight on your way to a mission? How dumb are you 2." "Tarble get on your feet and get in a healing pod now. We are less 2 days away so you better be act 100% or you will die on this mission."

To be continued.....