
Tournament of time-dragonball

After the tournament of power Grand Xeno became extremely interested in the 7th universe especially earth. So since that day they have been watching and has been became more and more interested. Xenos think time for another tournament. A tournament of time.

Waynehead803 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Vegeta and Tarble pt.2

Vegeta and the others was closing in on planet zelda so he retrieved him from his healing pod.

"I hope your back at 100% your gonna need it. Get up and put your uniform on. Im about to brief you weaklings on your target." Ok brother right away"

Vegeta gave the recruits their mission details. They had two targets. Raza and Sly. 2 brothers their don't go anywhere without each other. "Alright you have your mission. How you get it done is up to you but this ship leaves in 1 hour if your not it then you get left behind. I have my own mission so use your training to get this done." "So we don't have the same targets vegeta? "No the 2 you have intel are your own mission. My target is Kana the granddaughter of the ruler zelda. So i don't have time to babysit."

Vegeta left the recruits in hunt of his target. His intel says she is normally at palace with alot of security. Vegeta was able to sneak in without being detected. Kana was just finishing her training was headed back to the hall of the palace. Vegeta had to strike before she reach the palace where she the protection of the army. Vegeta dropped down and dropped a guard with a kick to the head. Then dropped the other three with energy blast.

"Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" "Thats not important that just know it's over for you. Don't try to run and accept your fate and I'll it quick." "Run haha you came to wrong palace. But i promise if you don't run for your backup I'll make this quick." If your stalling for time it won't work Kana. Your about to die by hands of prince vegeta!"

Kana started laughing at charged at vegeta. He was caught off guard and got hit a fury of punches. Vegeta recovery quickly and started smiling. The shot a energy blast. Kana blocked it but Vegeta quickly followed up with a punch to her stomach. He followed up with a knee to the face making kana stumble but she didn't fall. She came back with a kick of her own but Vegeta evaded it and they started throwing punches. Kana stepped back and let out a hugh energy blast knocking vegeta through the wall.

"Your pretty tough for a little princess but im tired of playing with you Kana. You should feel honored for the last face you'll see is mine." Suddenly a handful of guards came rushing in. "Guess I'll have to finish you all off at once. FINAL FLASH!!!!!"

Vegeta wiped out Kana, the security team and half of the palace. Meanwhile Tarble and the others were still planning on how to approach their mission.

"Come on kraton we've gotta find these guys. You heard vegeta if we're not back at the ship when he leave we're stuck here. And if we don't get this done there's no reason go back home." "Shut up Tarble im trying to read this map. If in right we'll be there in a few minutes."

Surely enough they came across the place Raza and Sly hangout. First they made sure that they was there then they started coming up with a plan.

"I say we surprise attack them right now. There not expecting a thing. "No Kraton we don't how strong they are and im sure if a bunch of locals see some strangers attacking them they're not just gonna watch. Let's at least get them alone the try an ambush attack." And how the hell are going to get them alone Tarble? We don't have time to wait." Just leave it to me. One of you come with me. Kraton you take everyone and get ready for the ambush."

Tarble walked into the Bar and walked up to Raza and Sly. They immediately got offended and stood up and Sly pulled out this sword. Sly was a very skilled swordsman why Raza was a pure powerhouse. They were a pair of assassins that his never missed i target. Word is someone was going to hire them to kill Frieza so Frieza planned to have them killed at first.

"Excuse me sirs can i take to you for a moment. My name is Tarble and my boss has hired me and my team to kill you and your brother. But i have other plans. I would like you secretly hire you and Raza to kill my boss."

"What is this? You mean to tell me that you guys are here to kill us but your asking for our help. Why should i believe a word your saying. Tell me why shouldn't I kill you right now then go outside and kill your boss to."

"Because our boss is using us as bait. He doesn't care if we're killed or not and im tired of being under somebody like that. Our job was to come attack you and run. We were supposed to lead you north where there are 3 ships and a small army waiting to take you and Sly out. So this would be the perfect time to escape on our ship thats south of here. Most of his protection is here so we can take you to him now. The money is on our ship. There's more when we get there."

"What do you think Sly? Should we trust this little guy? "He seems to be telling the truth and you know what it's like to be under the rule of an unfit leader. I say we go but let's make it quick. But if your lying im going to make you suffer more than you can imagine. Do i make myself clear?"

Sly and Raza followed Tarble out of the bar and they started heading south towards the ship. They finally approached the spot where they where they was supposed to ambush Sly and Raza. But when they got there almost everyone was dead. Kraton was the only 1 alive still fighting for his life.

"Tarble help me. This whole thing was a set up." "Kraton what's going on?" "Hahaha looks like your boss didn't want you to come back. We ambushed your ambush.

Tarble rushed over and grabbed kraton. "Stand up kraton we've got to fight our way outta. We can do this we've got stand back to back and get them 1 by 1." "Your right Tarble let's go"

To be continued.......