
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · แฟนตาซี
142 Chs

Turning Point 3

Ronald's strange words left the teenagers on the deck stunned, all staring at him blankly for a while without reacting.

Only Mr. Haimens immediately cried out in indignation, "You can't do this! They are wizard apprentices. You can't let them go to..."

But before Mr. Haimens finished speaking, Ronald, whose expression had turned cold, directly took action.

Black light beams as thick as arms suddenly pounced over. After knocking the Great Knight Elvis flying, they were blocked by the magic spells cast by Mr. Haimens and Lu Simarie, who were prepared.

There was a loud bang near Mr. Haimens and Lu Simarie, and three different magic spells showed an astonishing stalemate.

Simon, with a fierce light in his eyes, immediately took action. As he chanted a spell, withered vines grew from the deck and climbed onto Mr. Haimens and Lu Simarie, interrupting their magic and quickly tying them up to form two spherical shapes.

Elvis, knocked flying by the black light beam, was also tied up by the thick withered vines when he rushed over to rescue Mr. Haimens and Lu Simarie and unable to move.

Only the heads of the three people were exposed, and even their mouths were sealed by withered leaves on the withered vines, allowing only whimpering sounds.

Screams of terror came from the teenagers on the deck. Only Raymon, with a barely perceptible playful look, came out of the crowd, supporting the nearly unconscious wizard Calk.

"You two are wizards too, aren't you?" Raymon asked with a harmless smile. "All the wizard apprentices on the ship have now been kidnapped by you. What do you want to do with them?"

Surprised expressions appeared on Simon and Ronald's faces. After sizing up Raymon with interest, Ronald, the taller one, finally spoke.

He briefly recounted the origin of the dark wizards and then promised the wizard apprentices on the ship that after entering the underground world, they would have the power to choose again.

No matter the potential of these people, they would have about five years of systematic learning time and could freely choose suitable personal wizard subjects to study. They would also have the resources to smoothly advance to become official wizards.

According to Ronald's account, although the underground world had no sunlight and some luxuries of the mortal world, as long as they were willing to make enough effort, successfully advancing to become official wizards would definitely not be a dream!

"Choose, children!" Ronald opened his arms in a welcoming gesture and shouted to the teenagers on the deck with glory on his face. "The future is in your hands. Do you want to be a mediocre white wizard dominated by others in the surface world or a powerful dark wizard controlling your destiny? You may only have this one chance!"

The stirring shouts aroused discussions among the teenagers behind Raymon.

But Raymon, squinting, ignored the voices of discussion behind him and continued to question Ronald, staring into his eyes. "Can we choose not to go with you to the underground world before we go there?"

Simon's expression froze in astonishment as he watched Raymon. Ronald smiled bitterly, but Simon could not help shouting loudly, "You have no other choice now!"

Looking a little frightened, Raymon asked persistently after hesitating, "Two great wizards, will you rob these apprentices of their belongings?"

Flushing faces and helpless expressions appeared on their faces. Simon was so depressed that he pointed at Raymon for a long time before shouting, "No!"

A brilliant smile immediately appeared on Raymon's face. He then threw the wizard Calk, whom he had been supporting, heavily onto the deck.

Calk cried out in pain and nearly fainted but woke up. But a sharp dagger had already appeared at his throat.

"Master Calk, since I can't get off the ship with you, I have no choice but to ask you to return my artifact before my strength improves further."

Calk's face turned pale in shock at Raymon's sudden move. His eyes bulged, and his mouth trembled, unable to speak.

Raymon gently slid the dagger across Calk's throat, saw goosebumps appear on his throat, and felt his trembling body. With a calm face, Raymon chuckled, "Oh, by the way, you're injured. To prevent your injury from worsening, let me get it myself."

Carefully holding the dagger to Calk's throat, Raymon's hand quickly searched Calk's body.

Waist pouches, small pockets sewn into the lining, miscellaneous small items—Raymon took them all out.

After gathering everything together, Raymon sighed appreciatively and put a few gold coins back into Calk's pockets, apologizing to him. "You left me some last time. These precious gold coins are yours to keep."

"Bastard..." Calk's face turned livid before he could breathe. He finally cursed resentfully, "Don't let me catch you; otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, a violent cough made fresh blood flow from the corner of Calk's mouth again.

Smiling at Calk's resentful eyes and furious expression, Raymon slowly stood up after stuffing everything he had gathered into his pockets.

However, the dagger he had been holding to Calk's throat seemed to be inadvertently used with a little force, lightly sliding across Calk's throat.

Calk hissed loudly. A large amount of fresh blood spurted from his throat wound. Caught off guard, Raymon was splashed all over his face and body.

Surprised to see Calk clutching his throat without breathing, Raymon quickly stepped back two paces, rather apologetically. "My God! Master Calk, I really didn't mean to. This dagger is too sharp. Please forgive me!"

The bizarre scene stunned the teenagers facing Raymon. A girl in a white dress even fainted, rolling her eyes.

There was a deathly silence, but soon clapping came from the bow. Slowly turning his head, Raymon saw Ronald with a mix of surprise and joy on his face gently clapping.

Standing next to Ronald, Simon's fierce eyes showed a trace of admiration. He then raised his finger at Raymon, shouting, "You've got guts!"

Raymon put the dagger, stained with blood, back into his pocket. He bowed to the bow, saying word for word, "Respected sirs, I am willing to go to the underground world with you. I want to become an official wizard. I hope you will allow me."

After speaking, Raymon wiped the fresh blood off his face with his hand, but unfortunately, instead of making his face clean, it made him look rather hideous...