
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · แฟนตาซี
142 Chs

Spirit Reappearance

A very blurry shadow flashed in Raymond's vision.

Raymond, who had been immersed in deleting items from the list, finally looked up. The two little Nagas seemed to have left the room and closed the door.

But the somewhat blurry red skirt he saw just now looked like the one Louisa wore last time she came. So Raymond leaned back in his chair, relieved, and laughed. "Louisa, you can get out of bed and walk so soon?"

But after Raymond's joking words, Louisa's figure did not appear in his vision, and the silence in the room made him feel uneasy.

Louisa, who had left his room early yesterday morning, could barely walk. Thinking of this, Raymond squinted his eyes and was too lazy to get up. He changed his vision to the "Wizard's Eye" field of view controlled by the chip and scanned the room.

But in the tightly closed room, there was no one but him.

And the door of the bedroom was also set with magic protection, so Louisa could not sneak in directly.

"Stop joking, come over and squeeze my neck," Raymond grumbled, switching back to normal vision. "Have you learned a new concealment spell? Interesting..."

But the moment Raymond switched back from the magic vision, a blurry figure gradually became clear in front of him.

A red skirt, bare feet, a little blonde girl with her back to Raymond standing in the corner, and the pale skin even showed greenish veins.

Raymond's scalp exploded immediately. He quickly moved his gaze back to the list on the table, staring at the list in front of him and forcing himself not to recall.

Although Raymond's gaze turned back to the table, he soon heard a tender voice chanting a nursery rhyme in his ears. "My little doll, my little doll..."

As the clear and tender nursery rhyme sounded, the hairs on the back of Raymond's hand holding the parchment list stood on end, and uncontrollable fear made Raymond immediately order the chip, "Check everything in the room!"

"Task established, scan initiated..."

The mechanical chip voice echoed in his ears, but the results came quickly. "Task complete, no abnormalities in the room."

Involuntarily recalling what Master Edgar had said last time, Raymond tried his best to remain calm, not to look at the back in the red skirt, and to relax his body, pretending he knew nothing.

Although Raymond did not see the appearance of this little girl, the impressive red skirt made Raymond understand that he was now seeing the spirit in the academy again.

The tender voice chanted a nursery rhyme, somewhat ethereal, sometimes near and sometimes far.

Raymond, whose gaze was focused on the parchment, was already sweating. Soon, drops of sweat dripped from his forehead onto the parchment list, leaving a small wet spot.

"Can you see me?" The exquisite little face that suddenly emerged from the center of the parchment showed surprise. "Can you see me?"

The spirit in front of him, her question scared Raymond out of his wits. No longer able to remain calm, Raymond's body instantly leaned back with a scream, flipping over and falling to the ground with the chair.

But before the terrified Raymond could get up, the exquisite little face appeared in his vision again. "You really can see me?"

"Can't see!" Raymond shouted hoarsely as he rolled over and climbed up, rushing out of the room and out of the castle.

Going through the spiral stairs of the castle, by the time Raymond ran to the gate of the castle, his robe was soaked with cold sweat. And after switching to the "Wizard's Eye" view, Raymond found that there was no color on his face, extremely pale and frightening, even his lips were trembling uncontrollably.

Taking a deep breath, Raymond looked around at the gate of the castle. After seeing that the little girl in the red skirt did not appear again, the frightened Raymond recovered a little.

Outside the castle was still shrouded in thin mist. Hesitating a little at the gate, Raymond rushed straight to the magic testing room of the Wizard Academy.

The terrified Raymond did not collapse until he entered the magic testing room and closed the heavy door with its powerful protective force field.

With a light snap of his fingers, Raymond left a message for his mentor, the wizard Edgar, telling him everything that had just happened and telling the wizard Edgar that he had taken refuge in the magic testing room of the Wizard Academy and was waiting for his rescue.

Scared to death by the little girl in the red skirt, Raymond lived directly in the magic testing room of the Wizard Academy. Although he could no longer teach the two little Nagas, at least he did not have to fear the spirit appearing by his side here.

Because last time after Raymond saw the spirit, Master Edgar had told him that the powerful protective force field in the magic testing room of the academy was an insurmountable barrier for these spirits.

Although spending several magic stones a day was rather extravagant, Raymond felt it was necessary to spend money to buy safety as he was unwilling to face such spirits that even their camps could not be distinguished.

"Whether possessed or haunted by spirits, I have never heard of a good result..." Raymond muttered to himself as he slumped on the floor.

As time passed, Raymond calmed down from this inexplicable fear and checked the monitoring records of the chip.

But in the records of the chip, as expected, there were no traces of any spirits. Once again frightened, Raymond gave up using the chip to detect the existence of spirits.

So Raymond locked himself in the testing room of the Wizard Academy and began a dull and safe life, depleting all his magic power every day by repeatedly performing magic and then immersing himself in meditation to slowly increase his own strength.

For two weeks, Raymond received a message from Elder Heloise of the Naga clan, but Raymond would rather give up going to the scene to monitor the exchange of goods between the Naga clan and the Trading Tower. He did not want to leave here before Master Edgar came to the rescue.

Because the hair-raising feeling made Raymond shudder all over just thinking about it. The fear from the depths of his heart made Raymond even unwilling to recall the appearance of the little girl in the red skirt.

Such a life lasted until Raymond received a magic message from the wizard Edgar. "Stay in the test room and wait for me, the great mentor Edgar is coming!"