
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · แฟนตาซี
142 Chs

Removing Hidden Dangers

Watching the small boat gradually disappear from sight, Raymon squinted his eyes with great satisfaction, leaning against the railing.

Three escort wizards, one dead and two injured. Elvis, with the strength of a great knight, could only obediently obey Ronald's orders. After taking the unconscious Jefory up, he took the two seriously injured escort wizards onto the small boat.

With only ten days' worth of fresh water and food on this vast sea, they would surely die if they did not get rescued in time.

"Child, tell me your name."

"Raymon." Raymon turned around, saluted Ronald with his right hand on his chest.

"Not bad. I like your style of action as a dark wizard!" After sizing Raymon up appreciatively, Ronald, who was standing side by side with him leaning against the railing, said in a low voice with a rather blank expression.

Quietly watching the distant sea that had changed course, Ronald slowly began to speak with a nostalgic expression on his face.

It seemed that he was speaking to Raymon, and it seemed that he was just mumbling to himself. Under Ronald's account, some fragments about dark wizards gave Raymon an understanding of the underground world that he did not know.

The underground world, vast and nearly endless, had been developed for countless years, but no one could say exactly what was in it.

Weak goblins, cunning dark elves, creatures like nightmares, and beasts with huge bodies...

The underground world did not belong to humans, but there were secret passages leading to the surface world.

To prevent the roots of the wizarding world from being invaded, wizards established underground bases in the underground world countless years ago to resist greedy creatures that wanted to appear on the surface.

According to the original agreement, wizard apprentices with potential on the surface must have one-quarter go directly underground to become a backup force in the underground world.

However, since the underground world had been very calm for nearly a thousand years without signs of strange creatures invading on a large scale, the white wizards in the Tower 150 years ago interrupted sending wizard apprentices into the underground world.

Losing the influx of young people with the potential to become wizards, the underground world faced the risk of collapse. So wizards like Ronald were sent to the surface world to carry out the task of plundering apprentice resources.

"Those bathed in sunlight are called white wizards. We who have not seen the sun for years and must carry out bloody massacres are slandered as dark wizards!"

With his fists clenched and an indignant expression, Ronald suddenly roared, "So we dark wizards wear crimson robes to make this bloody color our symbol! Oh la!"

With Ronald's high cry, Simon, standing at the bow, raised his fist like him. "Oh la, oh la!"

Driven by the emotion in Simon's voice, even Raymon felt excited, his blood surging with agitation and an impulse to follow this call and boil over!

With approval in his eyes, Ronald glanced at Raymon. After Simon's shouts ended, Ronald patted Raymon's shoulder gently and told him kindly that the voyage would still be long, so he would be in charge of the teenagers on the ship.

Seeing Ronald about to leave, Raymon hesitated briefly and immediately followed him, telling him about the toxin hidden in his body.

Greatly surprised, Ronald re-examined Raymon for a long time before laughing loudly. He waved Simon over and told him about the toxin in Raymon's body. Then he pointed at Raymon and laughed. "Simon, I said this little guy was so decisive. It turns out he has quite a story. Check him out, will you?"

With a strange expression, Simon immediately grabbed Raymon's wrist. He soon smiled bitterly, shaking his head. He took out a small bottle from his waist pouch and reluctantly poured out one pill, handing it to Raymon with a mutter. "What a loss. This antidote was hard to come by..."

Hearing this, Ronald laughed loudly and went straight away, shouting back without looking back, "Simon, this guy is not bad and will become someone in the future. Don't regret it!"

Like guessing riddles, Raymon's calm face knew the inside story, but he did not point it out. He just kept thanking Simon and praising his generosity...

Simon's face turned red, then white, then red again. He pursed his lips and quickly took out another pill from the small bottle and handed it to Raymon, telling him painfully that although one pill was enough for the toxin left in his body for safety, take two.

Without waiting for Raymon to thank him again, Simon turned and left immediately, muttering all the way. His distressed expression almost made Raymon unable to hold back his laughter.

Raymon quickly put the two pills into his mouth and tensely ordered the chip to start checking.

Soon, under the chip's analysis, the toxin that had been lurking in Raymon's body was quickly decomposed and disappeared.

Finally relieved, Raymon let out a long sigh. Then he walked leisurely down the deck with pleasure, preparing to return to his room.

But as soon as he entered the cabin, two people at the door of Raymon's room came over to greet him.

Martina's face was rosy with a slightly frightened look, supporting Hobart, whose whole body was still wrapped in bandages. "Raymon, thank you for saving us that day. Because Hobart has not been able to move around, so..."

Raymon smiled with a barely perceptible playful look. He quickly opened the door and invited the two in to sit down. Hobart, wrapped up like a dumpling, only had two eyes exposed outside, with many splints on his body.

Somewhat awkward and uneasy, Martina had been twisting the collar of her clothes since she sat down. Her voice was also trembling.

Seeing Martina with a blushing neck, Raymon's heart skipped a beat as he involuntarily recalled a scene in the cabin passageway.

But Raymon quickly shook his head, hurriedly drove that charming scene out of his mind, and casually chatted with Martina.

As the atmosphere became harmonious, according to Martina's account, Hobart was severely injured that night. Although he had received treatment from Elvis afterwards, Hobart's injuries of broken bones and tendons could not recover in just over ten days.

Raymon did not want her to misunderstand what had happened that day, so he told the two straightforwardly that even without Martina's matter that day, Raymon would have taken action.

Because as far as Raymon's heart was concerned, since he had lived again, if he could not live freely, he might as well die sooner.

However, the more Raymon explained like this, the brighter Martina's dark eyes became, containing inexplicable affection that made Raymon very embarrassed...