
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · แฟนตาซี
142 Chs


The little girl Deborah in the red dress finally disappeared in front of Raymond, leaving only the hysterical aftertone.

Wiping his forehead, the cold sweat made Raymond smile wryly. "Although it feels like she can't hurt me, this kind of weird thing is still too scary!"

Sitting in the chair and pondering for a moment, Raymond stood up and went directly out of the room, heading straight for the library of the Wizard Academy.

Although many books inside require reaching the level of a first-level wizard to be read and see the contents, Raymond's purpose in coming this time was not to find knowledge about wizards. He needed to find the cause of the damage to the black market building a thousand years ago.

The Chronicle of the Wizard Academy, The Legend of the Origin of the Red Ze Wetland, The Development History of the Wizard Academy...

There were not a few books in the library of the Wizard Academy on the original intention and development process of the establishment of this academy.

But records of the damage to several buildings a thousand years ago were pitifully few.

Either it was glossed over or vague.

Sitting in the library of the Wizard Academy, Raymond spent an afternoon but could not find any relevant archives or records.

Greatly disappointed, Raymond sank into contemplation after finishing reading all the books he had found and closing the last book on the history of the Wizard Academy.

According to the books Raymond had read before, the damage to the building where the black market was located seemed to be related to an attack by underground dark creatures, but the records of this disaster were pitifully few.

"There must be something hidden inside!" Thinking of this, Raymond, holding the books he had just read, returned to the bookshelf and searched for other book categories again.

Biographies, legends, biological classifications, knowledge of spells...

After Raymond walked past several bookshelves, he finally stopped in front of the bookshelf of biographies of characters from the Wizard Academy.

Hundreds of books recording teachers at the Wizard Academy were placed in the deepest part of the library. And these books, which were obviously not radiant, were also covered with a thick layer of dust due to a long time without dusting.

With a smug expression on his face, Raymond stood by the bookshelf and began to read.

Three hundred years ago...

Five hundred years ago...

A thousand years ago...

The disorderly historical records of characters increased Raymond's workload, but after an hour, Raymond still found the book he needed: The Glorious Life of Octavia.

This lady named Octavia was a student at the academy 1300 years ago. Due to her high wood attribute affinity, after graduation, she was retained by the Wizard Academy and became a teacher there.

But in the sudden attack of underground dark creatures a thousand years ago, facing the siege of ten times more dark creatures of the same level, she exploded all her potential and finally used her 4th level spell to self-destruct, resisting the offensive of the dark creatures and laying the foundation for the final victory of the Wizard Academy.

But in this campaign concerning the survival of the Wizard Academy, Octavia was not the only first-level wizard who perished, but she was the only lady who caused the greatest casualties to the dark creatures.

And the place where Octavia perished was the building where the black market was located. During this battle, her only daughter also disappeared in her self-destruction process.

Although Raymond admired the courageous Lady Octavia very much, this suicidal method of defeating the enemy led to the disappearance of her young daughter, which Raymond did not dare to agree with.

"It should be her!" After storing all the records about Lady Octavia in the chip, Raymond returned directly to his residence and began patiently waiting.

He continued his daily meditation, teaching Glossic to the two little gnomes on time. After a week, when Raymond had almost forgotten the little girl Deborah in the red dress, she suddenly appeared in front of Raymond again.

"Help me find my little doll!" Still looking like a doll, the spirit of little Deborah who hadn't been seen for a week had become less solid.

"I'm not sure I can go in there," Raymond said frankly without wanting to drag it on any longer. "You lead the way. If there is a problem with that room, I would rather bear your harassment every day than go in and take risks!"

The little girl Deborah, who was wandering in front of Raymond, landed her feet on the ground when she heard the sound. A joyful expression appeared on her face. "My mother said the principle of w izards, I understand. As long as you find my little doll, the guiding spell for the spell will be given to you!"

After speaking, the memory light ball that Raymond did not accept last time was presented to Raymond again.

Without ceremony, Raymond did not directly comprehend the spell in the memory light ball, but put the memory light ball directly into his waist bag and followed the little girl Deborah to lead the way.

The little girl Deborah, who became floating again, was half a foot high off the ground, but her six- or seven-year-old body became unusually happy. She frolicked in mid-air like a little girl, making a "hehehe" laughing sound, leading Raymond to the dilapidated building where the black market was located.

Following the familiar secret passage between the walls of the building, Raymond quickly passed through the trading floor used by the black market.

Because today was not a concentrated trading day for the black market, there were not too many apprentices trading inside when the little girl Deborah led Raymond through the basement of the black market trade.

But Raymond, following behind the little girl Deborah, made all the people trading inside raise their heads.

Because after the spirit of the little girl Deborah entered here, a kind of chaotic field suddenly emerged from her body, and a faint cold air leaked from her almost transparent body, making even Raymond feel cold.

Ignoring the startled eyes in the black market, Raymond followed behind the little girl Deborah and quickly passed through the hall of the black market trade, continuing along the secret passages hidden in the walls to the bottom of the building.

The dilapidated walls and the once exquisite murals had become mottled. The deeper they went, the lower the temperature became.

And the huge cracks in the stone blocks supporting the building, the moss and fungi had become unusually huge, far exceeding the size these plants should have.

And after leaving the trading hall of the black market, Raymond's chip also warned Raymond that the deeper they went underground, the faster the temperature dropped, far exceeding the normal temperature change...