
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · แฟนตาซี
142 Chs

Departure 2

The huge sea ship stopped outside the port was even larger than the one launched by the West Coast Chamber of Commerce a few months ago.

Soon an old man in a white robe flew over from the ship's side and came directly in front of everyone.

Dean Barmer respectfully placed his hands on his chest and bowed. "Respected Sir Haimens, Dean Barmer of Heihe Valley Academy pays his respects!"

Pale, with wrinkles all over his white robe, the old man called Sir Haimens frowned with a ghastly white face. He ignored Dean Barmer's salute and directly sized up the six teenagers, including Raymon.

Feeling the immense aura enveloping him, Raymon was shocked by the warning sound that suddenly appeared in his ear chip. "Warning! Warning! Unexplained force field detected, evacuate immediately!"

Knowing that the sudden force field was the divination used by Haimens, Raymon bowed like the others but ignored the chip's reminder.

Fortunately, the strange force field soon disappeared from him. Raymon breathed a sigh of relief and then followed the other teenagers to raise their heads.

Dean Barmer, with an embarrassed smile, wanted to say more, but Haimens waved him away directly. "Don't say more. There have been some changes on the West Coast this year. Let them get on board directly."

After speaking, the old man moved and flew back to the sea ship, disappearing quickly from everyone's sight.

But soon a small boat was lowered from the ship. A tall, brawny man quickly rowed the oars towards everyone.

Dean Barmer's face turned severe, frowning and pursing his lips. After pondering for a moment, he called the six teenagers together again and admonished them to obey the arrangements of the wizards on the ship and not to offend the formal wizards due to any proud background, causing trouble.

Raymon did not listen to Dean Barmer's old and tedious words at all but frowned and observed carefully.

There were no shadows on the deck of the anchored ship. The traces left by the attack were clearly visible, especially in the middle of the ship. The scorch marks were more apparent, as if set on fire. The cabin door above also had deep depressions, and the masts had traces like chopping with knives and axes.

Blown by the sea breeze, the sails were covered with large amounts of dark purple stains. With the help of the chip, Raymon could vaguely see that these marks looked like blood stains when zooming in.

Before Dean Barmer had finished instructing, dull shouts came from the approaching boat. The bare-chested, muscular brawny man was impatient to gather everyone onboard.

The original grand farewell ceremony was not held. Barefoot on the dirty little boat, the brawny man with the oars was hateful.

Not daring to delay any longer, the six teenagers boarded the little boat one after another under Dean Barmer's urging. The brawny man only greeted Dean Barmer indifferently and immediately waved the oars to row the little boat toward the big ship anchored at sea.

Like an arrow from the string, the little boat made it difficult for the standing teenagers to stand steadily. They had to squat down awkwardly to avoid falling into the sea.

Matina, the pink princess of the Ogaso Kingdom, immediately got stains on her knee-length skirt in the little boat. Her exquisite white deer leather ankle boots were covered with filthy water from the little boat, becoming extremely ugly.

With a pretty face, her tearful expression made her look pitiful. Hobart, who had been supporting her, couldn't help shouting angrily, "Hey! No need to be in such a hurry!"

Hobart's roar received no response. The brawny man standing at the front of the little boat ignored it and waved the oars quickly.

Seeing the angry Hobart, he stood up and wanted to go over, but Matina, with red eyes, hurriedly pulled his sleeve back and shook her head at him.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the little boat sailed away from the shore quickly and approached the ship. After the little boat stopped under the thick rope, the brawny man with a terrifying appearance quickly tied the rope and then turned around to size up everyone carefully.

Tied tightly by the rope, the little boat slowly rose with creaking sounds from the ship.

Standing on the little boat with his arms crossed, the brawny man had ugly scars crisscrossing his face, making it look exceptionally terrifying. However, his clear eyes were flashing with playful expressions.

As the little boat was about to be pulled up onto the ship, he said softly to the angry Hobart, "The wizards on the ship are in a bad mood. If you don't want to suffer, close your mouth and be honest. It will make your journey more pleasant."

The gentle tone was very different from his appearance. Frowning, Raymon became interested in this brawny man. But after letting the chip collect data on the brawny man, Raymon's inner horror was indescribable when he saw the brawny man's body values.

This brawny man with gentle eyes and tone turned out to be a Grand Knight!

Still in horror, Raymon followed the others onto the ship. Feeling slight swaying under his feet, Raymon realized that the ship had started. But within Raymon's field of vision, there were only the brawny man who had picked them up and the old man called Sir Haimens on the entire deck.

No sailors, no crew, the empty deck only had a faint smell of blood.

Seeing the black-purple deck under his feet, Raymon frowned and asked the chip to detect.

The mechanical voice of the chip immediately echoed in Raymon's ear.

"Task established, analysis begins ..."