
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · แฟนตาซี
142 Chs


In the silent corridor, several teenagers sat far apart from each other on several solid wooden benches. No one spoke, all maintaining a strange silence.

After walking in from outside, Raymond also lined up behind these teenagers and waited quietly after reading the instructions hanging on the wall.

Here was the Red Swamp Wetland Wizard Academy's Resource Supply Center. All apprentices who had signed contracts with the academy could come here to check the benefits they deserved.

This was also Raymond's first time here. When he entered the Red Swamp Wetland, he was only a second-level apprentice. Because he learned from Rebecca that only a small amount of supplies would be provided after the promotion of second-level apprentices, he did not come here when he was promoted to third-level apprentice.

But now the situation was a little different. If Louise did not lie, the supplies for promotion would be in place in a month, especially the "Fantasy Water" unique to Louise's family, which was even better than that provided by the wizard academy.

In the silent corridor, although Raymond seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, the Wizard's Eye controlled by the chip had clearly seen the situation of all the teenagers.

The teenagers around sixteen or seventeen years old were all at the peak of third-level apprentices. The protective force field emitted from each of them gave off a faint aura of radiation, preventing Raymond from detecting their physical data.

Every ten minutes or so, someone carrying a box would come out of the end of the corridor. The teenager closest to the inside would stand up and walk in quickly.

Roughly estimating the time, Raymond still needed to wait 50 minutes for his turn. So the boring Raymond let the chip bring out his physical data.

"Raymond: Strength 1.9, Agility 1.4, Constitution 2.0, Spirit 7.6, Mana 22.4. Genes: Improving. Physical condition: Healthy."

In more than a month, Raymond's spiritual power growth had almost stagnated due to trivial matters. But his constitution unexpectedly increased by 0.2, which puzzled Raymond.

Only those with an affinity for earth attributes would have such a rapid increase in constitution.

The constitution analyzed by the chip pertained to one's physical stamina, and increased values indicated increased physical endurance, impact resistance, and resistance to various negative spells.

The bewildered Raymond quickly let the chip track his physical data long term because such changes would bring many unexplained influences.

There were soft and subtle footsteps.

Every apprentice who came here would deliberately keep quiet. Soon it was Raymond's turn.

Standing up and tidying his clothes slightly, Raymond briskly walked into the depths of the corridor. He opened a door that was ajar and saw a wardrobe-like room.

An old man in a scarlet robe was holding a goose feather pen and recording on the table.

Gently closing the door, Raymond sat directly opposite the old man.

"Name, level, admission time." The old man did not even raise his head and asked directly.

"Raymond, promoted to third-level apprentice five months ago, entered Wizard Academy nine months ago." Feeling the imposing manner of the old man behind the table, Raymond answered honestly.

Lifting his head, the old man looked carefully at Raymond. He took out a brand new book from under the table and flipped through it quickly.

"Wood affinity, second-level apprentice at admission, Edgar's personal disciple." The old man, muttering to himself, quickly took out a parchment from the table drawer and put it on the table. "All the benefits for this promotion are in it. Come back when you reach the peak of third-level apprentice."

500 blocks of magic stones.

More than ten kinds of wood-attribute spells, you can choose one, but you need to find the instructor to learn.

A small bottle of potion that can slightly increase spiritual power.

A spell robe with a constant cleaning spell, one piece.

Knowledge of spells that third-level apprentices can access and a summary of wood-attribute spell research, one each.

Simple and clear benefits. After Raymond read the contents of the list, the old man sitting behind the long table had put a box on the table.

Without grabbing the box directly, Raymond stated his purpose. "Respectable sir, I came this time to see the benefits the academy provides when we are promoted to official wizards."

"Oh?" Raymond's words finally made the old man behind the table put down his goose feather pen. His face became strange.

Looking carefully at Raymond, the "Wizard's Eye" spell that Raymond had been maintaining immediately collapsed and dispersed as soon as the old man looked at him. The chip's alarm also sounded in Raymond's ears. "Alert! Alert! Unknown force field detected, evacuate immediately..."

Ignoring the chip's alarm, as the old man's gaze moved over Raymond's body like a substantial thing, a smile soon appeared on the old man's face. "Interesting!"

Until the old man spoke, the prying feeling that shrouded Raymond disappeared.

Secretly annoyed, Raymond took a deep breath and hurriedly lowered his head, coughing to cover up his anger.

Even between wizards, such unscrupulous probing was an absolute taboo. But the strength of the old man behind the long table was simply beyond Raymond's estimation.

"This is the list of supplies the academy provides you when you challenge first-level wizards. According to the agreement, the academy bears half of the expenses. So if you want to pick up these supplies, you need to prepare a lot of magic stones." After speaking, the old man who placed the list directly on the table picked up his goose feather pen again and ignored Raymond.

Putting the box on the table and the list of supplies provided by the academy for promotion away, Raymond quickly left the room.

Secretly annoyed, Raymond felt despised and thus depressed by the pleasure he had just felt in Louise's agreement.

After returning to the room with the box in his hands half an hour later, Raymond carefully reviewed the list of supplies.

Promotion potion, one standard portion, worth 4,000 medium-level magic stones.

Mind-calming potion, one standard portion, worth 800 intermediate magic stones.

Intermediate recovery potions, five standard portions, worth 400 intermediate magic stones.

There were many kinds of supplies provided by the academy for promotion, including more than a dozen kinds, but the quantity of each was limited, and the price list stated that the price was not the true value of the potions and could not be purchased at the listed prices.

But the total price of all these potions added up to 100,000 low-level magic stones.

"Even if the disciples only bear half, it is not affordable for ordinary disciples!" Raymond frowned and smiled bitterly. "So many magic stones are needed for one challenge. No wonder official wizards are so rare!"