
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · แฟนตาซี
142 Chs


In the dimly lit corridor of the ship, Hobart's miserable curses echoed.

Grabbing Hobart's hair, Jeffery kept slamming him against the corridor wall, cursing and humiliating Hobart.

The huge noise from their magic eruption just now woke up the other teenagers living on both sides of the corridor. Some teenagers with sleepy eyes opened their doors and came out to see what was going on.

But Jeffery ignored all the inquiring eyes. He beat up the cursing Hobart violently, even stomping fiercely on his arm and trampling his head, cursing Hobart as an idiot, a moron, garbage and other insulting words.

Under Jeffery's attack, Hobart, who couldn't get up, hissed in anger at first, but as Jeffery continued his assault, his voice got weaker and weaker. Blood spurted from his head, splattering all over the ground. Finally, he collapsed motionless on the floor.

Still cursing, Jeffery continued to kick the motionless Hobart violently and shouted loudly at the teenagers who opened the doors, cursing all the teenagers who dared to open the doors.

Raymon's eyes squinted with anger, not yet fully in control of his body. Under the chip's continuous monitoring, Raymon's eyes were filled with little red dots. He knew that the energy force field protecting Jeffery had weakened a lot.

Frowning, Raymon took out his magic tool after seeing Jeffery pull a short sword out from under his long robe. His eyes became firm.

The sudden eruption of violent energy turbulence startled Jeffery, who was about to hack down. But when he turned his head, he saw the dazzling light flashing from Raymon's hand.

As thick as an arm and flashing with pale blue light, the thick electric arc instantly reached in front of Jeffery. The protective force field displayed on him was like paper and disappeared immediately.

Jeffery shrieked in horror, then was enveloped in the electric light. Under the dazzling blue light, Jeffery's long robe turned into flying ashes. His nearly naked body twitched, and he collapsed to the ground in a moment. Wisps of black smoke rose from his body, emitting a scorched smell.

Although Raymon had launched a magical attack with his magic tool, it exhausted his little remaining mana. His vision became blurred, but seeing Jeffery's scorched body collapsed on the ground, Raymon's anger in his chest also subsided slightly.

Before Raymon passed out, shadows surged in the corridor, and indistinguishable roars rang out. Raymon thought in astonishment, "Damn, the power of this magic tool is too great..."


Raymon didn't know how long it had been when he heard voices vaguely. He hesitated and didn't open his eyes but listened quietly.

The familiar voice of Mr. Haimens sounded a little angry. "Crock, as a wandering wizard, you even want to possess a student's magic tool. Don't work with me anymore in the future. I despise you!"

"Oh la la, oh la la! Old Mr. Haimens, you are wealthy and rich. How can a wandering wizard have your temperament? If I didn't kill him on the spot, is it wrong to let him pay a small price?" The hoarse voice sounded threatening. The person called Crock should be the speaker.

"You are so disappointing!" Haimens said angrily in a louder voice. "Ruth Marie, come and judge!"

"Evil people will only do evil things." The clear and elegant hoarse voice sounded cold. "Jeffery hasn't woken up yet. The old monster of this family lives in the Tower. Don't get involved in any of your decisions."

"Ms. Ruth Marie!" Haimens shouted angrily. "How can you be so indifferent to such behavior? It's no different from bandits. You..."

Before Haimens finished speaking, Ruth Marie interrupted him. "Don't say any more. We will dock in a month. I don't want to delay time because of these trivial matters. Carry on."

Then came the crisp footsteps, gradually fading away until disappearing.

The voices in the room disappeared. Only Haimens' panting and Crock's low chuckle remained in Raymon's ears.

After a while...

Elvis, Mr. Haimens' bodyguard's voice came from outside the door. Raymon listened to the footsteps of the three people going farther and farther away until disappearing.

Raymon slowly opened his eyes and immediately called up the chip's record.

"Raymon's body: Power 1.4, Agility 1.1, Stamina 1.4, Spirit 4.4, Mana 11.2. Gene: Improving. Physical condition: Healthy."

Raymon's basic values had increased slightly. All parts of his body were in their proper positions as he could feel.

Raymon lifted the white sheet covering his body and found that he was only wearing shorts. He hurriedly put on the clothes hanging at the head of the bed before checking the waist bag on the table.

The waist bag that originally held the magic tool and magic stones only had a dozen gold coins and the Level 3 Apprentice badge left. But the little remaining handmade cigars he had were all gone.

Anger flashed in Raymon's eyes. He put the waist bag back in place, resenting endlessly in his heart. "Even the magic stones were not left. How vicious!"

After the anger, Raymon fell into thought, sorting out the information he had just heard. It seemed that Jeffery did not die under the attack of his magic tool but was still in a coma, which was neither good nor bad news.

However, this arrogant and domineering boy had an uncle behind him who lived in the Tower, probably a powerful wizard, otherwise Ruth Marie would not be so wary.

As Raymon was thinking, Rebecca appeared at the door with a shy face and a bowl of steaming hot soup emitting an alluring aroma.

Seeing Raymon sitting there, Rebecca exclaimed in delight, "Finally awake! Great!"

Seeing the familiar Rebecca, Raymon, who was on high alert, relaxed. He drank the thick soup Rebecca brought first. Then he asked Rebecca to tell him what had happened.

Rebecca, who was about to bring Raymon more food, blushed. Under her account, Raymon learned that he had been in a coma for ten days. What happened that night was extremely dangerous.

The lightning magic erupted after Raymon used the magic tool almost turned Jeffery into charcoal on the spot.

Elvis, who rushed over quickly, pleaded with Mr. Haimens for Raymon's sake after understanding the whole process. Otherwise, the angry Crock Wizard would have executed Raymon.

However, when the voyage ended, Jeffery, who had suffered such a great loss, would certainly not give up.

Seeing Rebecca's worried face, an imperceptible playful look appeared on Raymon's face...