
Togabito’s Second Chance

After death a man finds himself, in a place he would have never thought. When a god doesn’t allow him to pick certain wishes and with holds more pressing information. Watch as he moves into a world from his past life, one he thought to be fantasy. Finding his way and where he fits in to all of this. A man who never knew anything but violence, love was never kind but that never stopped him. In this world even in this situation watch as he tries to change his life, find love, and fight to enjoy this new life. The Mc is strong as hell, doesn’t mean he will one shot everyone. This has drama in it, love and fighting. In the beginning there will be a lot of slice of life. You know world building if you want all cannon this is not for you. The Mc will have 2 girls but I’ll try and handle it as best I can, so if you have ideas for girls lmk. Tags: romance, action, sliceoflife, action, drama, tragedy, 2girlsmax Please enjoy, I own nothing everything belong to bleach and there respective creatures.

Sinner1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 3

(Mc Pov)

Clashes of weapons and strange screams echoed across the vast fields of nothing. Sparks flew as each Exchange of weapons rang out clearly, the ground cracking and deforming as souls smashed their hands into the ground.

'These are always more troublesome, is it up to ten now?' Thinking as I slowly walked passed a twisted creature. Flinging blood to the side as I walked forward. It's head fell with a thump as it's body soon followed.

Flash stepping away as a large red bolt of energy flew by, hitting a square like structure in the distance. A massive amount of spiritual pressure exploded, seeing the red pillar like swirling fire shoot high into the sky.

'That is becoming annoying, these ones far out class me in manifesting their Reiryoku in physical energy attacks. But I have the upper hand in strength, well with at least two of them. If they swarm me I'll be in a tough spot.' Thinking as I reached my hand out, catching a black energy rod. Looking at a black robed creature, it's face covered by a hood. It's pale white arm and tall humanoid body stood out to me. It clinched it's hand as another black spear like rod appeared.

Turning my body fast I threw the one I held, it flew out as the wind rippled out around it. The creature smacked it away with some effort as I appeared in front of it.

'That's one..' I thought, bringing my sword down. Looking at it hit another energy like rod, another creatures black arm came out from behind this creature. It's face coming up as it turned to me. Feeling them grab onto my body as I turned my head with out care.

'Seems Their getting smarter again, working together to use sneaky tactics. This is more interesting..' thinking as I saw the red hooded creature had shot a arrow, it flew as it raced towards me. Reaching my hands out. I grabbed the ones holding me by their necks.

'You should have brought more..' turning them both as the arrow pierced both of them, jumping in the air I threw them down to the ground. Standing in the air I watched as the spiritual pressure exploded in a ball of red, being only a few meters away from me it blew against my robe and hair.

'That's two, I need to get this over with.' I thought looking at the other 5 or so left. Then to the south as the hell guards rushed feeling the spiritual pressure released.

Holding my hand out as two orbs floated to my sword. While it tried to devour both, snatching them while I looked at the milky bright blue in each of the small orbs. Placing one in my sword, while watching it melt into it and then bringing the other to my face. Cracking it as blue like wisps of smoke floated up into my nose. My body stiffening as my body allocated the new spiritual pressure. Feeling it grow as I calmed myself again.

'Alright, let's Finish this.' Disappearing as I couldn't help but smirk a little.

(Some time later)

Sitting on top of a high bluish black, twisted pillar, laying back on the ground. My eyes shut as the images and screams in my mind were be on my control. It felt like hours passed while I fell asleep to the noises, shooting up when the image of the girl flashed in my mind.

'That girl again, what is it. Hmm?' Holding my face as I looked at the sweat run down my arm, looking at my sword I didn't call out was in my hand. I was gripping it tightly as I tried to get myself up and ready.

"How long has it been? Seven hundred? No maybe eight? I lost track of the years. But the time has almost come." Looking up to the sky, I breathed in even if the air was stale being this close to the cloudy ceiling that was the roof of this ring of hell. I thought on the time that had passed.

'Times like this, really remind me. Of how alone I truly am. What do you think?' I thought, looking at my only partner and the ever silence that came from it. Holding the sword up as I rubbed it, showing actual care. It had saved my life many times, and even if it did not speak I held great love for this weapon.

(Time skip year 999)

"Ahh! Fuck that hurt." Holding my sword, I held it with one arm while I blocked a blade above. Flash stepping away as the sword came down, hitting the stone below, it split the earth as the ground blew apart sending stone all over.

"These things, they don't stop coming now." Turning to the creature that walked out of the cloud of smoke. Seeing his long black hair, a crown of horns around its head. It's body was tall but it was muscular and pale white. It's form had shape and it even moved like that of a human. Lifting its sword to look at it and then to me as four more appeared on the pillars above, all with various skin and hair colors.

'Of course that being wouldn't let it end so easily. Not like I can run forever.' Disappearing as I swung my blade, the swords moved fast as I blocked. Sliding my blade a long the first ones as I looked at the others appeared. Dropping as their blade swung but some how missed each other.

Spinning as I put my sword at my back, blocking a black ones blade, letting the force drive me forward while I dodged two more. Pulling my sword back to deflect a sword coming down to my face. Stepping back as while I deflected my sword swept low. Driving it into ones leg and pulling it out as I drove it into another's neck. Ripping it out and locked blades with two, only to have my free arm grabbed, swung and thrown back. Smashing into a pillar, embedded in it as a foot hit my stomach sending me through it.

'Uh, stronger then all the other souls. They also work well together, better then the rest. A long with there different sword styles, if I was going to fight strong beings. I think these would qualify.' Coughing blood as I flew in the air, flipping as I drove my sword into the ground. A scar was made while I squatted, sliding back for a while.

Looking up at the pale one from before opened its mouth, a green light shined deep within, only a few meters away as it shot a massive beam at me.

'That's new, well I've been working to. If it's this body I should have his skills.' Pulling my sword as a flash of bright bluish purple, flickered on my sword and a slash of energy shot out. They collided in the middle as the massive white stone platform that was elevated off the ground cracked. The place we had been fighting blew, the energy mixing together as it sent out shock waves, collapsing in on itself as it exploded and huge stones shot out. The large pillars around us had high wind pressure shoot passed them while the flames scorched there sides.

Trying to step back as I let my guard down for a second, I looked up seeing these things could flash step as well. Trying to pull my sword to block as two blades came down. I managed to bring it up but with out strength, a noise echoed out. Ringing in my ears as I watched my blade break. Seeing the pieces fall to the ground as my chest was cut. Sending me flying back and rolling on the ground.

'Hell.' Coughing up blood as i stopped rolling, hitting my back on a pillar that remind. In a sitting position as i leaned against it. My grip never left my sword.

'I'm sorry, old friend.' Looking at my broken blade, I don't know what came over me. Without hesitation I pulled it into my chest, actually feeling Sorrow that it was hurt this much.

'I won't make you fight again, but it looks like this is the end.' Looking down at the Corrosion from where I was cut at. Seeing cracks in my skin as some of the skin broke off. Starting to float into the air.

'Looks like we're both a mess, to think it's been so long, yet ending like this is not so bad. You were always here with me, no matter the battle. Now it's time, for you to rest. Thank you, truly. My silent friend.' Hugging the blade a little as I thought to myself, trying to send it away but it didn't listen.

'So you want to stay with me, fine. For all I have ever done. It is probably right it ends like this, in my past life I did not stop. I killed many and I was rewarded, while living alone was hard, i was still aloud to live. What better way then to pay back what I took from others, with my own life. But I, I can't lie.' Coughing more blood as I took my eyes from the creatures who walked and to the cloud roof above. I let out a smile.

'Fighting to protect these memories, living for something more then myself, and dying. knowing I let them live on for so long. Truly is, a wonderful feeling. I never fought for myself, so the feeling of fighting never happened for me. Fighting like this, trying to protect what is dear to me, is a feeling I never wish to forget. My only regret, is I never, got, to hear, your voice, old friend.' My vision started to fade as I closed my eyes, the smile never leaving my face.

The creatures rushed forward, disappearing and appearing in front of Kokuto's body. There swords pointing down, driving them down as the world froze. No sound permeated the whole world, while a small chime rang out.

Not far away a being could be seen, her face covered in a vail. Her long black hair, that had two buns at the back and long hair that ran down in front on to her chest. Contrasted with her red and white kimono style dress. Her pale skin and arms put together as her elongated sleeves at the wrist met. Each step she took made no noise, not even sounds of her clothe shifting could be heard.

Walking up to the man's body, pulling her sleeves apart as she held A small knife. She lifted the vail slightly, putting it to her lips as she cut small stitches that closed her mouth. She leaned down, putting the knife away as she rubbed the man's face.

"That is my purpose, that which you love but don't acknowledge, that is how I was created. I was so angry at you, you who have hurt for so long." The woman's quiet sweet echoing voice was the only thing heard.

"Angry because you did not allow me to help, Thinking those voices that plague your mind are precious and even worth dying for." She turned her head, not wanting to see the man like this.

"When they only ever hurt you, that is why I didn't show myself, because, because." Turning back the woman's eyes had tears in them, rubbing the blood from the man's lip.

"Because, because that which you love and want to protect. Are different from, what I, love and what I wish to protect." Rubbing the mans face gently she leaned forward, kissing his forehead as she whispered something into the man's ear, before standing and turning away.

"I will do anything, to protect that which I love. Until that which you crave for so much, returns again." Looking back one more time, at a tear in the man's eye. Seeing him hold the broken blade with care, she spoke before disappearing.