
Togabito’s Second Chance

After death a man finds himself, in a place he would have never thought. When a god doesn’t allow him to pick certain wishes and with holds more pressing information. Watch as he moves into a world from his past life, one he thought to be fantasy. Finding his way and where he fits in to all of this. A man who never knew anything but violence, love was never kind but that never stopped him. In this world even in this situation watch as he tries to change his life, find love, and fight to enjoy this new life. The Mc is strong as hell, doesn’t mean he will one shot everyone. This has drama in it, love and fighting. In the beginning there will be a lot of slice of life. You know world building if you want all cannon this is not for you. The Mc will have 2 girls but I’ll try and handle it as best I can, so if you have ideas for girls lmk. Tags: romance, action, sliceoflife, action, drama, tragedy, 2girlsmax Please enjoy, I own nothing everything belong to bleach and there respective creatures.

Sinner1 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 2

(Mc pov)

Sitting on top of a mountain of bone, I looked out at the world of fire and silence. Seeing nothing, no souls, no hollows and for the first time In the 400 years I've been locked in this place, I felt alone.

"This hell, Is a lot different then I remember. Where are the sinners. For as long as I've been here I've seen nothing, no one but me, well and you." Speaking to myself as I tapped my foot lightly on the ground. Out of the large skull in front of me, a purplish light shined, it started as only a circle on the ground and grew in size. While a sword manifested out of it.

"My ever silent partner, I didn't think it would be easy but even after this long. You still refuse to say anything to me." Grabbing the sword, I swung my arm to the side of me as the massive pillar next to me was cut in half. It slid and fell to the ground, while the sound was not heard the black dust from the rotten black sand kicked up, blowing past my face.

"I just wish to hear something.. other then this, I want to hear your voice. Yet I know in, My heart. You are not a true Zanpakutō, are you." Looking at the black blade, it was a cursed sword, that had a zigzag design at the center of the blade close to the hilt.

"Along with this body, but still I'm confused. If I'm him why are there no other souls in this realm. Besides the ones that are twisted and with out form that, umm for some reason you ate." I put my hand to my face, looking at my reflection in the blade.

I was a tall and lean-built man with pale-skin and shoulder-length white hair. I was wearing a white robe, with one of its sleeves missing and looking torn. Stripes that ran down the full length of the robe that covered my legs. The bottom of the robe was in tatters as it looked to be clean yet worn. A Black skin tight glove, that went up the arm that was free. It reached up till half my forearm, then to the other black glove that went all the way up my arm covered by the sleeve. The upper half of my head was swathed in black bandages, and an accompanying black sash strapped to my waist, in stead of boots I had black tabi and the sandals used by shinigami. My rusted chains were located on my wrists and hung around my neck. Tufts of white hair could be seen protruding from a fold in my bandages.

(Image of mc and sword)

"Is it starting again? The only time I'm not alone, is when these endless amounts of twisted souls come, or it seems endless at some points." Looking out to the rotten lands, seeing twisted spirals of black smoke come to life. While hands reached out of them, pulling out all manor of grotesque looking souls, neither human, shinigami or hallows.

"I guess I should keep fighting, it helps control my spiritual pressure from running wild. Working on my Reiryoku is a must for if I ever need to fight, that is if I leave this place.." speaking I stood, only to fall back again. Falling to one knee as I held my head, clutching at it as a loud ringing was heard.

'Not again, ahhh!' Thinking as images of a little girl forced there way in to my mind. Then images of all the past people in my other life, showing there faces of pain and unjust feeling of being killed by me.

'I'm sorry, truly. I will live with it. As long as I do you all, will not be forgotten. That is my sin to carry. Please forgive me.' Thinking as my breathing went wild, saliva dripping from my mouth as I tried to calm myself, letting the images and souls yell at me in anger until I spoke. I would not run from them, or say there feelings where not warranted. It was me who cut them down, so I would take their collective grief and pain.

Looking out to the world around me, it started to glitch. Freezing and then cracking as a place in the sky opened. Seeing hands reach in and a face pull itself through.

"It seems you are doing well for yourself, do you like the gift I made for you?" The echoing sound of that beings voice was heard, seeing the creatures face morph into that being.

"A gift? You mean this hell of nothing?" I didn't speak with anger, only standing and leaning back on the skulls again.

"I'm hurt, I made tweaks to this world. Just, for, you. How does it feel to be the first resident of this world, committed to hell. I'd say it's quite fitting." The being said, laughing as he floated down to me.

"I see, so that's the lack of presents here. What a great gift, here alone and with out understanding of when more will come." I spoke, putting the pieces together. I was the first and some how this being had made it so.

"Oh you are mistaken, It is only a world placed on top of the actual one. You were a sinner so what better place, I call it a gift because. If you serve your sentence of a thousand years in this place. I will not only free you to try and change your fate. You will also be given a reward. Doesn't that sound nice, I will no longer interfere with your life." The being said, grabbing my chin to look up at it. Rubbing it with care for some reason.

"Just a thousand? Your words make it sound so easy, in this place of nothing. Yet what else can I do, so be it.." pulling my chin away I looked up at the being with my purple eye.

"So do we have a deal?" The being said reaching out its hand to me.

"First, if it's for me alone? What are these creatures?" I said, looking at the frozen in time souls far below.

"Oh right, there darklings. Beings who found themselves unable to complete a deal. Why not send them here, it could help in your growth." The being smiled looking at my eyes who opened a little.

"That means.." I wanted to get out but was stopped by the being.

"Yes, that is your fate if you fail. So tell me, kokuto. Do we have a deal?" The being laughed lightly, holding its long hand out again. While I thought, shaking my head as I grabbed it.

"A deal is made, I should warn you. Some of these beings are, quite powerful. Remember, the longer you stay here, the longer and louder those voices will become. Good luck." The being said, it's grin becoming wide as it disappeared and time moved again.

'None of that matters, I will make it out of here. And I'm taking all of this with me.' Thinking as I flash stepped away, seeing the spot I was just at had a few of the beings smash there hands down on it. Making the skulls crack and fly into the air.

'I am sorry.' Is all I thought as I held my sword out and with a neutral face rushed in.