
To Keep Your Memory

For nearly a whole school year, Bay was seatmates with someone. But doubt ensures when he suddenly disappears. In a heartbeat, she tries to look for him, finding clues and small traces he left through the people he once knew; that she might keep his memory alive, and maybe even find him.

aynirter · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs


The young woman's name was Bay.

This story is about her and the someone that caught her eye.

Today, at seven-thirty in the morning, an unfamiliar man opened the classroom door and sat next to her.

This boy, or man, or whatever you want to call him, just sat there for an hour, not making eye contact. Maybe he was a new student, but it wasn't any of her business. She couldn't care less. So Bay did what she kept doing. But Bay kept an eye on him, watching his every move.

And for the past few months, he had his routine settled.

Everyday, at seven-thirty, he would enter the classroom and sit down next to her. Then at lunch, he would walk downstairs and get an apple with grape juice. After eating, he would visit the library and read a book. But what was unusual was that he would only read one book every time.

There were times she would catch him writing something in that book. Was he vandalizing it? But Bay didn't tell anyone about it. She could not comprehend either how he would read that book every day. It was even weirder that he would sit on the floor instead of using a table like a normal human being.

When class was over, he would go home and she would stalk him. I mean, follow him. Or not actually follow him. They just happen to live near each other. That's when Bay found out that he was a cat person. Why? He would go to the convenience store to get some cat food. Then, he'd feed the stray cats he would find on the streets. More so, she would watch him get in a small and cramped apartment. Did he live alone? Bay wanted to ask him, but she didn't.

That man always seemed weird to Bay. Mostly because he'd do all these things on schedule in a heartbeat. Yet, she had so many questions for him. 'Don't you feel bored sometimes? How do you manage to live alone? Do you have any friends? Can I recommend a better lunch option?' But she didn't do or say anything. All she did was sit and watch. The only conversations they had were when Bay would ask him what the teacher was talking about in math. Or it was when he would ask her if she had an eraser or a pen. No one took the initiative to get to know the other by conversation. And thus, they have led different lives, but Bay would still observe him from a distance.

Then, once Bay started to pay close attention, she learned more about him.

Bay found out that he only had one pair of shoes. How? Even in P.E class, he would still wear the same pair of shoes that he uses for school. She found out that he was a B blood type. She looked at his school form once. But every time she'd try to talk and have a conversation with him, it would end in stuttering, nibbling of hands, sweating, and awkwardness. That's when she found out that maybe it was better to never try to talk than to try to. Possibly because they were different people with unlike interests and goals. Never mind, Bay doesn't have any.

So both of them continue their lives while sitting next to each other, but Bay would still observe him from a distance.

But miraculously, he broke the silence.

"I might not be your seatmate soon."

Bay was taken aback.

"What do you mean?"

"We might change seating arrangements."

She didn't understand. "Oh yeah, maybe. Since it's a new semester."

But Bay silently wished she wouldn't change seats. Why? She doesn't know either.

So the next day, Bay waited for him again.

But on that day, he didn't appear.

So now, we can start the story.