
To Continue Living

I completed every task down to its smallest detail. Acted every scenario with no hesitation. Perfected every line and emotion that existed in this character. Yet, Why has the system abandoned me here? Where exactly had I gone wrong? Where is my promised reward?

_G_Sky_ · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Part 01: Journey to Tevalon

Like Aruvar, Terole was split up into many regions.

The only difference was that the Human Lands was a kingdom by itself, not split into four parts. This land was called Ura. In the past, the Human lands were made up of three kingdoms. But a hero came and merged the three kingdoms to fight off their enemies. Ever since then, there's been three rulers of Ura, each with their own designated power.

Tevalon is the capital city of Ura. It was named after the hero that brought the three kingdoms together and was located near the ocean, the farthest point from all other regions.

Traveling from the little village to Tevalon was a twenty-day journey by foot. They just have to keep heading east and towards the ocean and they'll see the large, shining city.

After Rey had gotten all the information he needed and a cloak to cover him up, he was going to set out right away. Unfortunately, he was stopped by an old man at the exit.

This old man was no other than the village head.

"I suggest you turn back,"

Rey ignored the old man and walked passed him with Leon in tow.

"You won't like what you find there,"

Rey stopped walking and turned around, eyeing the old man.

"The kingdom is doomed for, you can't stop it,"

"Who says I'm going there to save people,"

The old man sighed, "you'll try, I know you will. Just like you tried last night,"

Rey frowned.

"If you plan to go, you should leave your friend behind," the old man continued, "he'll only be your handicap,"

Rey tightened his hold around Leon's wrist, "Mind your own business old man,"

"When you do come back, know that this village will no longer exist. The other side of the forest is the only place for you,"

"Are you some kind of prophet or something?"

"No, but there was once a man who came to do the exact same thing as you. He came from the other side of the forest, he wanted to travel, he wanted to help people, but he died in the most horrific death. I just don't want you to see the same fate,"

Rey ignored the old man and went on his way.

"I promise you! You won't find anything there!"

Rey continued walking. Whether or not he finds anything is up to him. He will walk his own path, just as he has done before. And Leon will continue to be by his side, a little different, but nonetheless the same.

A little speech isn't gonna stop him.

Rey and Leon traveled for four days straight, passing by many small villages, fighting off monsters, and stopping to rest and eat every night. Eventually, when the moon was high in the sky, they finally made it to an actual city. A large one with tall gates and guards standing by.

To enter the city, they must show IDs. Unfortunately, Rey had lost his long ago and never went to get a new one. He had Leon's ID with him. In fact, he had all of Leon's belongings in his inventory when they were discarded at the cliff of The Lost. But, Rey doubted the guards would let them through anyway. Just as in the villages he's visited before, no one seemed to believe him when he said they were from Aruvar.

So, with Leon strapped against his back, Rey sneaked in through the sewers and into the city.

This wouldn't be the first time and it definitely won't be the last.

"Let's find an inn," Rey said as he walked confidently down the alley, "This time we can sleep in a comfortable bed,"

Rey put Leon down. He fixed his cloak and pulled his hood forward, shrouding his face in the darkness

They began walking around the city. The night seemed to be very busy compared to the smaller villages. The roads were lit up with lights and people were bustling around, shopping and eating. There was nothing out of ordinary. It reminded Rey of the cities in Aruvar.

Suddenly, Leon stopped walking. Rey immediately turned around to check.

"What's wrong?"

Every so often, Leon would have a meltdown. But that was normal now. Rey just had to comfort him a little and things would be back to normal. He knew the little comforts didn't help Leon at all, but at least it stopped him from crying and yelling.

The new thing was that Leon would sometimes stop 'working' altogether. His body would fall completely limp. He would no longer walk, eat, cry, or even sleep. He was already as lifeless as a doll, Rey didn't think things could get worse.

This only happened twice and it went on for at least a couple of hours. Rey knew it would start happening more frequently. It scared him and it will continue to scare him. Rey knew he was losing Leon, slowly but surely.

"Leon?" Rey lightly shook Leon's shoulder, "Leon,"

He saw that Leon's eyes were glazed over, not all there.

He grits his teeth, it was happening again.

It always started with his eyes. His eyes were far away, looking past everything. Then next were his legs. Rey knew that Leon would fall, that he would stop 'working.' So, he picked him up and ran off. He needed to find an inn and then some dinner. Maybe Leon would be okay afterward.

As they got further and further away, a small shop slowly disappeared in the distance. No longer could you see the many paintbrushes that lay neatly in a line. No longer could you see the stacks of blank paper needing to be used. No longer could you see the beautiful displays of art by the window.

If only Rey was a little bit more observant, he would have seen the shop that caught Leon's eyes. He would have known that Leon was not disappearing, but reminiscing. That memories were running through his mind. That when Leon stopped 'working,' it was him wanting to retrieve the small things that made up who he was. It was him wanting to take back the things that made him happy, but knowing that he won't ever get them.

It was unfortunate that Rey was a little blind.

That Rey was the one who trapped Leon.

That Rey's acts were the reason for Leon's downfall.

"You think this place will do?" Rey asked as he stood in front of a large inn, "It looks nice,"

Rey walked inside.

"Welcome!" the host greeted, "one room for 2 silv-"

"-One room, one bed," Rey interrupted and handed her the money.

". . . R-right," she quickly went to give him a key, "let me know if there's anything you need!"

Rey always got a room with one bed. This always led to many misunderstandings and assumptions, but Rey never bothered to correct anyone. He didn't care what anyone thought. This wasn't any of their business. Having a room with one bed was not only cheaper, but it was easier to take care of Leon this way. It also assured himself that Leon will still be there when he woke up.

"Please bring a bowl of porridge to the room," Rey stated and left.

Just as Rey arrive at his room, he knew that Leon was once again not working. So whenever this happened, Rey would just talk to him.

Rey would talk about many things. He would talk about his plans. He goes through every detail, trying to foresee his options. He ends up going back and forth with himself and it seems to help.

Kind of.

Sometimes, he would talk about the things he likes and the things he doesn't. This was just small talk for him though when he didn't know what else to talk about. Leon and him have been together for ten years, what wouldn't Leon know about him already?

He never talks about the past, always the present and the future. If Leon wasn't who he thought he was and if Leon was miserable for the last ten years, there was no point in talking about the past.

When Rey spoke, he knew Leon wouldn't reply, but he continued anyway. And it soon became a habit for him.

It was a one-sided conversation and he knew it wasn't helping Leon. But Rey did it not for Leon, but for himself. To comfort himself when Leon was going through this stage. He didn't know what else to do.

He said he wanted to help Leon, but he had absolutely no idea how to do it.

His comforts only got Leon to stop crying. Other than that, Leon wasn't getting any better. He was just getting worse.

"There's probably a guild here," Rey said as he sat Leon down on a chair, "We can register ourselves, and finding jobs will be easier. They'll probably give us IDs too, then we don't have to sneak into the city anymore,"

Leon made no movement.

"We have many more days before we reach Tevalon," Rey took a seat across from Leon, "People keep saying it's a beautiful city. We also haven't run into a single race other than humans yet, this truly is just a human land, huh?"

Rey took a look outside the window.

The city was full of life yet this room was quiet and still.

Rey leaned against his chair, solemn as he watched the life outside. They stayed like this for a couple of minutes, just sitting in silence, not really looking at anything.

Though Rey never talked about the past, he does think about it though.

He thinks about it very much.


The silence doesn't make it any better.

When he thinks about the happy times, it's always the same memory. A memory he carved into his mind, the exact moment when he thought he had everything he needed.

It was a memory that happened back at the academy. Back when Rey could still smile and laugh.


The day was incredibly hot. So hot that Rey and Evelyn even agreed to break the rules and sneak out of the academy to accompany Leon to the riverside. Leon would go on about with his crazy antics, Rey would humor him and sometimes even join him, and Evelyn would watch quietly on the side with a smile on her face.

It was a peaceful day. A day with no worries. a day full of laughter. A day that Rey wished he could go back to.

"Let's be together," Evelyn had said out of nowhere, "Forever,"

Rey blushed at her words and couldn't help but smile, "Forever?"

She nodded and gave him the brightest smile, "Forever,"

A soft wind blew, ruffling Evelyn's long hair in the brightness of the sun. Her eyes, so full of life and energy. Her smile, something that Rey burned in his mind.


The moment when Rey felt the first fuzzy feeling in his chest.

He was at a lost for words, unable to take his eyes off her.

"Aww~ So sweet~" Leon teased, ruining the moment.

Rey bonked his head.

"You too Leon," Evelyn said, "We'll all be together forever,"

Leon laughed and pointed at himself and Rey, "Y'know we're human, right?"


". . . So, we're definitely gonna die before you-"

Both Rey and Evelyn gave a bonk to Leon's head.

"I know that!" Evelyn huffed, "I meant like this, right now. Let's not change,"

Rey and Leon stared agape at Evelyn's words before breaking into a grin.

"Looks like I'm gonna be a third-wheeler forever!" Leon laughed.

Rey used to think that every day would be just like this, just like what Evelyn said. Laughing and enjoying life together.

A best friend by his side and a lover in his arms.

End of flashback.

Knock. Knock.

The noise distracted Rey from his thoughts and he went to open the door.

"Your order, sir!" It was the hostess from before.

He nodded in acknowledgment and took the porridge from her hands. He then handed her a few copper coins and closed the door.

Rey went back to sit at the seat across from Leon.

He took a bite of the porridge, tasting it. The porridge was warm and soft with a hint of salt. Rey took another spoonful, not for himself, but to feed Leon. Leon wasn't sick or anything, he just wasn't eating. Feeding him porridge made it easier for Leon to swallow. Specifically, to force him to swallow.

As long as Rey stuffed food towards the back of Leon's mouth, his body would involuntarily swallow. Leon may not be functioning, but his body was still alive. Still beating. And Rey will keep it that way.

As Rey fed Leon in silence, he continued looking back at his happy memories. Memories so far away, something he could never see again.

Little does he know, that happy memory that Rey oh so missed, was the same memory that Leon had locked away. Somewhere, deep down within his heart. A place he would never touch. Can't ever touch. Just one more thing he can't ever attain.