
Part 02: Journey to Tevalon

A winter breeze shook the glass of the window, making snow fall from the roof to below.

The giggling sounds of children can be heard through the walls of the inn.

And sun ray's blinded the curtains and shined on the wooden floor, glowing a soft gold.

In the small room, Rey lay on a bed, eyes closed and breathing steady. He slept on his back with one arm wrapped around Leon's shoulders and his hand resting on the head of blonde hair.

Rey slowly opened his eyes. He's grown used to sleeping like this, but the numbness in his arm was still uncomfortable. He sat up and stretched his arm, letting the blood flow through once more.

He then eyed the sleeping Leon. Dried tears could still be seen on the cheeks of Leon's face. It was another sleepless night. Rey sighed and ruffled the locks of blond hair before standing up and getting ready for the day.

Once he got himself washed and dressed up, he went to wake Leon up. He's been trying to wake him up naturally rather than forcing him awake with magic.

"Wake up," Rey said as he shook his shoulders.

. . . .

"Leon," Rey shook harder.


Sometimes it works, other times, it doesn't. So, when it doesn't work, Rey will try other ways to wake him up.

Like pulling Leon to a sitting position and wiping his face with a wet towel. He gently wipes around the eyes, hoping Leon will open them. And when that doesn't work, he'll dunk Leon in cold water, and usually, that wakes him up.

Luckily, Leon woke up with just a wipe of his face.

"Get up,"

Rey pulled Leon to a standing position and began dressing him for the day.

If anyone were to see the scene, they would think that Rey was some sort of servant helping his master. Rey was sure he looked like one, but he definitely didn't feel like one. He just didn't want to be hanging around with a dirty person every moment of the day. So, if Leon wasn't going to wash or dress himself, Rey will do it for him. Also, keeping up with Leon's hygiene made sure that Leon wouldn't die.

Rey nodded, feeling happy with his work. He went to cover himself up with his cloak and left the room with Leon in tow.

They walked down to the main floor and met with the host. Rey needed to inquire about the guild's whereabouts to sign up. The good part was that the guild wasn't that far away, the bad part was that you couldn't just sign up and obtain an Adventurer's Pass.

In Aruvar, one could just sign up and immediately get started. However, in Terole, you needed to show that you were capable enough to earn one. In other words, you had to fight a one-on-one match.

Rey was puzzled.

He was a mage and his abilities mostly revolved around dark magic. If he were to reveal his powers, people would immediately go after him. He wasn't really fond of that idea. Especially since the people here seem to know their information about other races pretty well. They would definitely know he's not fully human. Then again, there are dark mages out there too. But, they were really rare, Rey didn't want to be in the spotlight.

Rey glanced at Leon.

Leon would need a pass as well. Not only to enter not quests, but also cities. There was no way the present Leon could fight. How was he going to get a pass?

"There is a merchant's guild too!" the host informed, "It doesn't look like your friend is much of a fighter, but I'm sure he can sell stuff!"

Rey raised his eyebrows, 'Perfect!'

"Thank you," Rey said.

"It's across the Adventurer's Guild! I must warn you-"

Rey nodded and went on his way, leaving the host in the dust.

As they walked to the guild, Rey continued to think.

He couldn't reveal himself as a half-demon, so there was no way to apply as a mage. However, he could apply as a swordsman, but how would he explain Everlasting Light? That would be too much of a hassle. He could apply as a martial artist, but then again, he didn't know too much about that class other than throwing a punch.

"What should I do?" Rey wondered, "I don't want to keep sneaking around, and making money is easier this way,"

Rey stopped walking and turned around to look at Leon. Leon was nonchalant as always, eyes downcast.

He ruffled the blond hair, "Let's get your merchant's pass first,"

Across from the Adventurer's Guild was the Merchant's Guild. It was just as big and ten times more extravagant than the Adventurer's Guild. It was filled with almost everything, from meats and bones to weapons and artifacts.

'Oh,' Rey realized, 'I could just buy a new sword,'

"Welcome!" A young voice greeted from behind the counter, "Anything you like?"

From just a glance, Rey could tell the swords in this building were of high value. Everything was shining 'Pick Me!' and there wasn't one that was bad. However, it didn't meet Rey's expectations. He wanted something better.

"No," Rey replied, "my friend needs a Merchant's Pass, he's here to apply,"

"Ooh," the young boy looked at Leon, observing him from head to toe, "Hmm . . . I don't think your friend looks like someone who wants to sell things,"

"He does," Rey replied, "Will you give him a pass or no?"

". . . Mmm, depends on what he's exchanging,"


The young boy nodded and motioned his hand around the objects in the room, "Adventurers fight to earn their pass, merchants exchange to get theirs," the young boy crossed his fingers and smiled, "So, what does he have to offer?"

Rey turned and stared at Leon for a second. There was nothing on him that was of value. Which, this made Rey realize he should buy some things to keep Leon safe. Maybe a defensive artifact or something.

Rey sighed and took off his gloves, "Here,"

The young boy raised his brow in confusion.

"It's resistant to fire-"

"-I thought this pass was for your friend, not you?"

Rey twitched his eye, "It belongs to him, I'm just using it,"

"Hmm~" The boy looked back and forth between Rey and Leon with a skeptical look. He was silent for a moment before he broke into a grin, "Well, I guess so. These gloves are pretty nice after all,"

He took the gloves and put them away before handing them a card and a needle, "Please stamp your fingerprint here,"

Rey took Leon's hand and pricked his finger before stamping it onto the card. A light shined from the card, signaling that it's been done and confirmed.

"Well, here's your pass!" the boy smiled, "As long as you pay the Merchant Guild 100 copper coins per month, your pass will not expire!"

'. . . That's pretty cheap,' Rey thought.

To Rey, that was pretty cheap, but to many others, that was actually on the higher end. Even the inn that Rey got for 20 silver coins a night was a luxury that only the rich can afford. Rey would never know because he always finished the toughest jobs and sold the highest quality. So, he always earned the best rewards.

Money was no longer a problem in his eyes, but he knew it was something he needed. He never wants to go through the suffering of having no money ever again.

"Let's go, Leon," Rey said as he pulled Leon out of the Merchant's Guild.

"Come back soon!" the young boy waved goodbye.

Rey walked across the street to the Adventurer's Guild.

Once he entered, the air completely changed. The room was filled with a cold and menacing aura. There were many different parties, each with their intimidating looks. They stared at Rey with smirks and glares, whispering many things to each other.

Rey walked in, unimpressed. He was used to this anyway.

"I would like to apply for a pass,"

While the host for the Merchant's Guild was a young boy, the host for the Adventurer's Guild was a buffed-up lady.

"A pass?" the lady said, "sign up over there,"

The buff lady pointed at a board.

There were many names written down, each in its different categories. To apply, he needed to sign-up for a specific class. Then to obtain his pass, he would have to win his one-on-one match. It looks like the board gives him the time and person he's going to be fighting.

As much as Rey preferred to fight as a mage, he still wrote his name under the swordsman category. It was too risky for him to use magic.

"A swordsman, huh?" a voice said from behind.

Then a ridiculing laugh followed after, "Would've taken him for a mage or priest, just look at that getup,"

"He doesn't even have a sword!"

Rey ignored them, 'How annoying,'

Rey could have easily ended their life right then and there but chose not to. They should be grateful.

He never really liked swordsmen, warriors, martial artists, or anyone really. Especially those in the close combat range. They were usually loud and cocky, just like Leon. Leon was the exception though. There was only a very small handful of people that he actually liked.

In the past, Leon would have yelled back and challenged them to a duel. He then would end up winning and that would be the end of that drama. Rey used to be like that too, except his opponent never really leave with their life intact. Then again, that was usually because he was always in a kill-or-be-killed situation.

The only way to survive was to make sure the other was dead.

Remember, he did stab Fey immediately upon meeting. He wouldn't think twice about it.

Rey has always lived like this ever since he escaped life as a slave. He learned that it was always better to kill those right then and there than to keep them alive just to kill them later.

Leon was the one constantly trying to stop him from killing others. It never really worked, but now, presently, Rey's been holding himself back. He had someone to protect now. He couldn't go around killing everyone he didn't like, especially in this land he barely knew anything of. And actually, doing this seems to help him. Help Rey in a way that made him not care about anyone else. Kind of.

So, these people should be grateful. They should be grateful that Rey was willing to let them breathe the same air that he was breathing.

"Ignoring us, little man?"

Rey sighed, still waiting for the board to show him the time for his match.

The parties behind him laughed.

"He's trying to be cool!"

"Nah, he's just too scared to speak!"

Everyone continue to laugh and ridicule him, trying to get a rise out of him. So, while Rey was already unimpressed, he was even more so now. He continued to wait for the board to show the time for his match. It seemed to be an incredibly long wait.

"Hey!" a loud voice called, "the board doesn't work!"

Rey turned around.

"Hahahaha, you should've just let him stand there like an idiot!"

"That wouldn't be any fun now!"

"Oh, come on-"

"-I need a pass," Rey stated, loudly, over the crowd.

Everyone grew quiet and stared at Rey. Then, they began laughing once more, even crying tears at how hard they laughed.

"You're an idiot, huh?" one pointed.

"Didn't you see when you came in?!" another yelled.

"Look buddy, you should go home," another teased.

Rey examined the people in the room, looking from right to left. He could see that they all held an Adventurer's Pass somewhere on their body. He turned to look at the host, she too, was holding a pass. A different one.

The host smirked at him and nodded her head at the other end of the building.

There was a hill of unconscious people laying in a corner.


"You're a swordsman, huh?" a large man with a broadsword stood up from the crowd, "pick your fight,"

Then, one by one, other swordsmen began standing up, each with their own taunting words and wild expressions.

The crowd howled in excitement, cheering and yelling for a fight.

Rey smirked.

The match was here.

Next chapter