
To be a leader

We start with an everyday cosplaying otaku walking down the street and boom truck kun ! (No one expected that) and when he awakes he is given wishes now let's see if he can live up to her legend ?

Cyanta · อื่นๆ
17 Chs


A/n - I have something to run by you guys, should I use a level system for Artoria with class change let her become grand Saber? Or just have her permanent stats ?

"Welcome to the party Saber" (Naofumi)

"Yes thank you" I say as I walk slightly behind Master and Raphtalia

"If I may ask Master, where are we going ?"

"We're going to The city then to the church so we can go to this "dragons hourglass"" (Master) he looks over his shoulder at me then looks back straight ahead of him

Raphtalia the slows down a bit to match my speed so she can talk to me a bit

"Saber ?" (Raphtaila) she turns her head to me

"Yes ?" I say as I look back at her

"What did you mean by "just sleep and you'll know"?" (Raphtalia) this peaks Masters interest as he seems to perk up a bit

"Well to answer your question, when a master goes to sleep they have a sort of dream where they see key moments of their servants historical legend typically from the servants perspective, for example Master may end up seeing me talking to my Knights." I say as I turn my head back to the front

"Is it bad for Master Naofumi, wouldn't it be weird for him if he went to sleep and woke up as a woman ?" (Raphtalia)

'...what is she thinking it's not like he will actually be "me" '

"No it wouldn't be weird as Master won't actually be "me" it will he like he is a observer watching the Memories"

"*phew*" 'I was worried for a second' (Master) I hear Masters internal thoughts.

'I guess he was worried abou0t being female while he slept... at least he would know how feel deep down'

"Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself Raphtalia" I say with a slight smile

"Well I was born in..." (Raphtalia)


Time skip (City Gate)

We're currently just infront of the gate to go into the city.

'If I remeber correctly the "king" of this country doesn't even deserve to be called a "king" he is a puppet of the Pope I guess I'll run into him eventually, I may not be able to control my tongue' as I'm thinking this we pass by the guards who stare daggers at Master and Raphtaila while talking about me like I can't hear them

"Who's that girl, with the Shield Devil ?" (Guard 1)

"I have no clue, she might be one of his party members ?" (Guard 2)

"Na , there's no way some like the Shield Devil would be able to get a party member like that.." (Guard 1) he then starts to have a look of shock appear on his face "... I have an idea.."

"What do you have in mind ?" (Guard 2)

"Look closely at her, she has the air of a noble right ? What if the shield devil kidnapped her." (Guard 1)

The other Guard then starts to have the same look on his face "you... you might be right... we must tell the King immediately!" (Guard 2)

"Yes !" (Guard 1) they then start to go into their offices to find replacements

I overhead Raphtalia whisper to Master "*Whispers* Master Naofumi, this may be bad" (Raphtalia)

"*whispers* yes. I agree, but i dont care what this world thinks i have done." (Master)

'This could be an issue for Master'

"Master, should I spiritualize ? It could help conserv Mana and other won't be able to see me"

"Really ? Why didn't you say earlier ?" (Master)

"I apologise but I didn't know you had so much notoriety... I apologise" I say as I look him in the eye and smile my in an apologetic manner

"It's fine ... do it now as no one is around 'this will be funny those guards will seem crazy, but I guess that trashy king will use anything to go after me' " (Master)

I then disappear in a familiar blue particles

"Is she still here, Master Naofumi ?" (Raphtailia)

"*whisper*Yes, I'm still here"

We then walk torwards a church while Master and Raphtalia keep getting stared at by the adults while they cover their kids eyes. This seems to unfaze them

'I already knew they were hated but I never realised they would get so used to it so fast... I need to help fix this faster than the normal story' I make sure to stick close to them pretty much where I was walking before.

After walking for about 5 more minutes we make it to a huge church with pillars of a bow, spear and sword with a big one combining them all together. We then walk through the door and Master asks to be shown to the "Dragons hourglass" she seemed hesitant but showed us anyway.

They walk up to it while I stay near the nun still invisible to her. Once they make it there Master touches it and a timer appears in the corner of my vision


'Hmm I guess we only have 20 minutes... I feel like I'm forgetting something.. I can't put my finger on -'

"If it isn't the great criminal Shield hero,  himself !" (Annoyance)

I turn my head to be met with a sight which brings a light bulb above my head

'Dang I guess that's what I was forgetting .. the spear dude and his harem.. I need to be prepared incase he pulls something on Master'

"Naofumi, huh? Still wearing that get-up? .. oh yea, that's right... You can't fight !!" (Annoyance) Raphtalia turns around to face the Annoyance while Master is still facing the hourglass but with his face contorting

'If this escalates I'm stepping in immediately, I know he won't do anything to us here which is to bad' I then starts to tense and prepare the channel Prana to materialise my armour and get Excalibur coated in invisible air.

"... are they friends of yours ? Master Naofu-" (Raphtalia)

'Its quite obvious there not friends but I guess she's still only 10 no matter how old she looks.."

"You came to see the dragons hourglass as well, huh ?" (Annoyance)

"Come now, you ! Lord motoyasu is talking to you ! Answer him !" (Bitch)

As the bitch keeps screaming at Master, Raphtalia moves in between Master and the Spear "hero" and his Harem

'Very brave especially for a 10 year old'

At this time I'm still where I was before but it seems the nun has left

"Pardon me, but would you mind telling me who you all are ?" (Raphtalia) says still hold her stance bravely blocking the spear "hero" from moving torawrds Master.

"*murmur* who's this girl ? An Adventurer ?" (Harem 1)

"What a strange woman, to not know of Lard Motoyasu ..." (Bitch) she says "smiling" at Raphtalia

"*whispers* how cute..." (Annoyance)

"Pardon ..?" (Bitch)

'He's moving forwards.. gotta make my move' as I begin to appear and dash forward I'm currently without Excalibur because I have deemed it not necessary

Once I have fully materialised I have a hold of the spear "heros" arm

"Salutations beau- Huh !? Hey let go of me !" (Annoyance) he shouts this while trying to flayel his arm about to free himself from my grip.

I just glare at him with pure malice


At this point Master has turned around and is looking stunned for a second along with Raphtalia but they quickly compose themselves.

'I hate this Bitch of a "princess" she shouldn't even be a princess she isn't worthy'


'This is getting irritating.. fast' I let go of Motoyasu's arm then he stumbles back and falls on the ground, I slightly hear Master stifle a small snicker.

I turn my attention to the Bitch, and slowly begin to walk up to her

"You.. a princess ? You must be the one Master told me about. From what I have been told you aren't even worthy to be called a noble let alone a princess, your actions are unbecoming of one with your title, you should be ashamed" After I have said what is on my mind I'm face to face with the Bitch, she looks like she is about to pop a blood vessel in her head

'I wonder ... did I go to far ?'

Everyone has a look of shock on their face well except motoyasu who seems to have forgotten about 3 seconds earlier and Is just staring at me and Raphtalia

"Who knew Naofumi, could get party members. Have you two heard the rumours ?" (Annoyance)

At this Master looks pissed

"We're leaving, Raphtaila ! Saber !" (Master) he then storms past the group

"Y-yes sir !" (Raphtalia) she says following along behind Master

"Yes, Master" I then go into Spirit form, the best thing about this is I can see the shocked faces on the spear "hero" and his Harem. It doesn't disappoint

"Let them go, lord motoyasu. They won't be able to do anything anyway. *whispers* But next I see that blonde she's dead" (Bitch)

"That's true I guess. They'll give up on him eventually" (Annoyance)

Once out the church we head straight to the gate

'I guess Master needs to release some anger, good thing the wave is soon'


P.s this is I think my longest chapter yet, I hope u guys enjoy it. I've started using the manga as a reference as its 100x easier to use than the anime. ❤❤