

A/n I'll refer to the MC as artoria, and for the first while the MC will act almost exactly like Artoria due to the Memories

Artoria POV

"I have come in accordance to thou summons. I ask of thou, art thou thy master ?"

'Don't smirk. Don't smirk. If I do that'll ruin my cool entrance !'

As the smoke died down I saw who was infront of me, it was the distrustful hero of the shield, Naofumi and his racoon friend Raphtalia. There both in fighting positions ready to fight the unknown threat... me

As to not seem like a threat i dematerialised my sword and armour, and what I'm left wearing is the same clothes Artoria was given by Shirou in Fate Stay Night along with a shinai.

I then begin to walk forward but abruptly stop when I hear Naofumi scream out in pain

"Ahhhhh ! Ahhhh !" (Naofumi)

"Master Naofumi, what's wrong ?!" (Raphtalia)

Then on his right hand a familiar command seal starts to appear

Just as fast as he started screaming in pain he stopped and started panting

"*hmph* what did you *hmph* do" (Naofumi) He says while looking at me

'He is very distrustful he suspected me instantly'

"It seems that you're my master, I do apologise that you had to go through that pain I heard receiving the Command seals is similar to being branded by a branding iron" I give a slight look of apology which doesn't go unnoticed by Naofumi

His gaze turns harsh and asks"Who... who are you ?" (Naofumi)

"I do apologise, my name is Saber. I'm what you call a heroic Spirit.. just standing here may be tiring on you after performing such a taxing ritual" as I say this I begin to kneel on the ground and place my shinai in front of me as a sign of peace

"..... if I sit down you better tell me everything, come on Raphtalia sit down." (Naofumi)

Raphtalia is still looking at me a little untrustworthy as well as Naofumi I'm lucky she didn't out right take a swing at me.

"As I said I'am what you would call a heroic Spirit, before you ask what a heroic Spirit is. were heros who left behind great feats in legends after death and became subjects of belief"

".... so you're saying you're a hero of the past ?" (Naofumi)

'I don't know any legends in this world except from the cardinal heros. She might be one of the previous sword heros , I hope she isn't like those other 3' (Naofumi)

"Yes, i'am a hero of the past, but not a hero from this world. Normally when a heroic Spirit is summoned 6 others are summoned at different places by different Masters, After all 7 are summoned they compete in a battle royal style battle to the death where the last master and servant duo left get a wish from the Holy Grail but as this isn't a world where the Holy Grail appears I would guess iam a one time summon" as I say this I seem to have peaked Naofumis interest

"Wait you aren't a hero from this world ? What world where you a hero in ?" (Naofumi)

"Earth." This peaked his interest even more

"Master Naofumi, isn't that the world your from ?" (Raphtalia)

"Yes, yes it is the world I'm from. Tell me your real name because I'm 100% sure it isn't Saber and I'll see if I know your legend" (Naofumi)

"I'm terribly sorry, I should of said earlier. But my true name is King Arthur Pendragon." At this Naofumi looked at me wide eyed and started to stutter

"Y-you a..are king arth-ur..... there's n-no way, he was well a he" (Naofumi)

"During my rein I made everyone think I was male, with the aid of Merlin. If u wish proof just wait to go to sleep and then you will know."

"Master Naofumi who is this king arthur?" (Raphtilia)

"I don't know much but from what I do know is that there was an old King in a country called England, who drew a sword stuck in a stone which the person whoever drew it became king. The future king drew the sword and was corwned king of England who later obtained one of the world most famous swords, Excalibur. Am I correct ?" (Naofumi)

"Yes you would be correct, Master"

'Jeez not another person calling me Master this is gonna get irritating eventually' (Naofumi)

"Now moving onto the more important matters, that pattern on your hand is a command seal, it symbolises you being a master to a servant, they also serve as 3 absolute orders I have to follow from teleporting to you if your in danger to killing myself, they also anchor me to this world which stops me from killing you."

"Does that mean you won't betray me ?" (Naofumi)

"I wouldn't even think of such on my honor as a knight." I slightly bow my head

"Hmm now that I think about it your wearing something you shouldn't have where your from not just country but era as well ?" (Naofumi)

"I was previously summoned in modern era Japan, 2004 in Fuyuki"

"I have never heard of Fuyuki ? You must of been from a different Earth than mine, just like the other heros." (Naofumi)

"It seems I'am"

"I guess I should tell you about this world and our job here" (Naofumi)

"I would appreciate that, Master" Naofumi rolls his eyes at this

"Well in this world...." (Naofumi)


Once we finish Raphtalia turns her head to Master Naofumi

"Master Naofumi from what I understand she is going to join our party ?" (Raphtaila)

"I guess she should" (Naofumi) he then does something which makes a screen appear infront of me

[The shield hero is inviting you to a part would you like to join ?


"press yes" (Naofumi) I lift up my hand and press the button saying yes. Once I do that we stand up, I make sure to pick up me Shinai

"Welcome to the party Saber" (Naofumi)

P.s sorry this chapter is shorter I'm deeply sorry for that. I would very much like feedback from this chapter and I'm sorry this was a more info type chapter