
titanus: new world

onin_vandella · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

chapter: 2


I ran throughout the forest in a panic, I ended up running into a rather big spider and nearly had a heart attack as it chased me. I was pretty sure I already out ran the spider and was over exaggerating a bit.

However my currently unrational mine was screaming burn it with fire as I desperately looked for a source of water to hide myself.

Honestly I wish I just sat in the cave and waited for something else to happen, walking into a forest without any type of plan or any information was a bad idea.

Then again I couldn't possibly have any information and cannot learn any information assuming there are no other sapient creatures. From my appearance and the appearance of that horrifyingly huge spider, I knew there might be a low chance of finding anything I could communicate with.

Focusing back on the direction I was running, wincing at another branch hitting my face as I ran through another bush.

I was running into a open clearing with a stream going through it or was it a river.

Not contemplating on if it was a river or not, I quickly ran over and jumped inside of the water. With a Spanish of water my body it was quickly enveloped in the stream of water.

It was slightly cold, causing me to shiver a bit before coming down and allowed myself to sing below the surface. Opening my eyes under the water, I couldn't help but notice how easy it was to see things underwater.

The bottom of the current seemed come from the bottom of the stream and slightly talked at my tail in a specific direction.

The water seem to be flowing to the right of me and luckily didn't have that strong of an undercurrent.

Using my long tail the best I could, I quickly began swimming up to the surface and did so without much effort seemingly built for swimming. My eyes quickly darted over to the shore thankfully seeing no spider and allowing me to sign relief at not being followed.

Swimming to the side of the shower I noticed the river came to be going off into the distance. Seemingly in that direction from my point of view was a swamp and seem to have bigger trees.

Having nothing better to do I sink below the surface again, quickly swimming and getting used to my new form faster. there were some fish that I saw however none of them seemed big enough to satisfy my hunger.

Currently I didn't know what I ate but judging from my pointed beak, I assumed I was either carnivorous or I'll never us and hope the swamp had more bigger fish to catch.

Surprisingly enough even though I was swimming very fast, it seems to take a lot longer than I thought swim over to the swamp and I was currently getting a little exhausted at my constant movement.

After a few more moments me swimming up my top speed I eventually arrived at my destination and noticed how the bottom of the stream shrunk however besides expanded. The roots of trees acting like pillars in between with some linking with each other making me have to go around them and find a new path.

But thankfully, I was able to find a group of big fish with armored backs looking like sturgeons and some looking like huge catfish. Seeing some suitable size prey, I quit for them to action and swam in their direction.

My efforts seem to be fruitful, I almost lost him however I was able to use my beak to latch onto its tail and drag the poor cat fish over to me. It flail and thrash desperately trying to get out of my old, my cross quickly pierced into its signs drawing some blood.

Seeing that I didn't have any fire or any way to make a campfire I decided to eat it how an animal doesn't and took a bite out of it.

Surprisingly to my delight, the taste that hit my tongue wasn't that bad it just had a slight of her taste of blood that was slightly sweet.

Other than the taste the texture was a bit more wrong that I'm used to and took me a moment to adjust but other than that I was able to Chow down on the catfish. I consumed it's head, then slowly ate the rest of its body bones and all.

I decided to keep on hunting until my hunger was satisfied and moving deeper into the marsh of the swamp. Heading forward I caught one catfish and sturgeon at a time slowly making my way through the marsh.

. . .

I eventually made my way into a more muddy like swamp and decided to explore it to see what was in it. I knew I was getting confident due to my new form and knowing my new body's current abilities.

Sadly it was difficult for me swim underwater here due to how shallow lost areas were. Instead it was more muddy and only some frog like creatures and stuff like that seem to be around here.

Looking down for a second, I couldn't help but notice my current bodies facial features and how big my eyes were compared to normal animals. It was rather adorable but at the same time didn't seem overly proportioned and appeared anatomically correct.

What I found neat about my eyes were that they glowed in a purple hue and we're nice to look at from my reflection. Shaking my head slightly and centering my focus back on what I was doing, I began slowly trying through the muddy parts of the Marsh of the swamp.

Occasionally I believe a mark on the side of a tree so I wouldn't get lost on where I was going and could always head back the direction I came from. Taking another step forward, I felt something was off and something underneath my car quickly moved.

A leech like creature standing on two muscular and well proportioned hind legs stood up in front of me. It seemingly did not have any arms, however seemed rather flexible and quickly got into a defensive posture.