
Time Weaver: Time Crystal

A journey of young time agent named Kael's mission to collect time crystals throughout various eras of history and discovering the secrets of the time crystals through hardship with his companions

Sumi_Akio · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Reunion with a Friend

On the morning of a beautiful day, my peaceful sleep was interrupted by a loud scream from a girl

"AHHHH.., SLAP!" the girl screams. Before me was a gorgeous half-naked girl with crimson-red hair, burning-red eyes with a face bright red and embarrassingly holding the bed sheet to cover her big bouncy breasts.

Who is this mysterious girl and why is she half-naked right in front of me? It all started yesterday...

"Hey, Aria do you want to have a drink later? It is my treat of cause. To celebrate getting up two ranks at once" I said to Aria after coming out of the adventurer guild. Her face brightens up with sparkling eyes, but immediately hides it and said

"Ok since you offer so sincerely there is no helping it then I the great Aria will grant you my presence at dinner time."

"Ok see you at the restaurant in front of the guild later," I reply then we both parted ways. 'My whole body stinks after a long day I just want a bath I thought to myself. As I was heading to the bathhouse, I saw a group of suspicious people in an alley. I got curious and go see what was happening quietly. There were about 10 men and among those shady men, in the centre was non-other than my childhood friend Lyra. She was arguing with them.

"Hey, girly I heard that you did a number on some of my buddies," said someone who seems to be the leader of the group.

"Well it's your buddy's fault isn't it he try to rob me so I beat him up," Lyra replied.

"Shut up, I'll give you two options since you are kinda pretty the first one is you get beat up by my men, become their plaything or the second you can come with me and show me a good time," he said while undressing Lyra from the head-to-toe with a crude look in his eyes.

"GROSS, here I will give you a better option I beat up all of you and hand you over to the city guards or you turn yourself in and spear yourself the beating," then Lyra puts her hands on her sword getting ready to fight.

"GUYS GO TEACH HER A LESSON," with those words from the leader all 10 men charge and attack her.

Since this is a back ally only a group of 3 people are able to fight. The first 3 men come two-man attack horizontally and vertically from the front and another from behind. "Too slow," Lyra mutters and jumps up high in the sky like a butterfly and backflips.

"AHHHH!!" a scream comes from one of the men.

As she was in mid-air, she rotates her body slashing the man who attack from behind cutting off his hand. Then immediately after she lands, she dodges the horizontal attack and parries the vertical attack with her sword. While at that split second that they were out of balance she strike them both with the back of the sword making them faint.

After those guys, another bunch came, the first one came charging in with a spearhead Lyra easily doges and kicks him from behind,

"You guys are just armatures, come on Keep entertaining me or I will get bored," she exclaimed.

She was not kidding in truth if she wanted, she could just kill all of them in an instant.

The rest of them were frustrated by her remark and all charged head-on, with her elegant and swift sword dance she knock them all out one by one.

After knocking them all out

"You can come out now Kael, I know you are watching," she calls me out. It was no surprise after all she was the top student in the academy.

"He... he... there is no hiding from you is there, how've you been, Lyra?" I asked.

"Come on Kael, you find your cute childhood friend in trouble in a back ally with a bunch of shady men and instead of helping you just stood there and watch?" she replied.

"Of cause, I would have help if it were any ordinary person but I know that a beast like yourself can handle yourself well the ones that I'm worried about is those thugs that have the bad luck of meeting you," I said. "What are you doing here in this era anyway I thought you were going on a special mission," I continued.

"Well, let us talk about that later, for now, I just work up a sweat do you know any places that have baths?" she asks while checking herself if she smells or not.

"Perfect timing, I was going to a bathhouse any way let's go there together, but how about these guys aren't you going to hand them over to the guards?" I said pointing at the thugs.

"Don't worry about them the guards will be here soon for their patrol anyway so we can leave them here, let's go I can't wait to dip in the bath."

After we both take a bath at the bathhouse,

"Ahh, nothing like soaking in water after a workout. So what are you doing after this any plans?" she asks while drying her hair with a towel.

"I do have plans I was going to a restaurant, well more like a tavern, to have a drink and celebrate with a friend" I answered.

"Celebrate? Celebrate for what?"

"I just got up two ranks on my first day as an adventurer. So to celebrate I invited Aria to celebrate you are welcome to come if you want," I said.

"Wait the name Aria, is a girl's name right, you mean to say that the friend that you are going to have a drink with is a girl? I am definitely coming" she replied.

I guess she is excited to meet a girl that's our age to make friends with, there were only a few girls in the academy after all and since Lyra is always top of the class the girls and even we boys are intimidated by her. So she doesn't have many friends.

"Don't worry Lyra, I'm sure you two will become good friends," I said and then we both come to the restaurant where we meet Lyra.

When we meet at the doorstep of the restaurant, I introduce them to each other

"Lyra this is Aria my friend that I told you about and Aria this is Lyra, my childhood friend." Immediately after the introduction Lyra and Aria are looking at each other with death glares. Initially, I thought they would be good friends from the start but now what is happening?

"O-o-ok you two let's just not stand in front of the restaurant let's go inside," I said and then I came in first to give them space. After about 5 minutes they both come in like they were sisters from birth. No one would believe that they were previously giving each other death glares. Just a moment ago.

"So, you two became friends?" I asked curiously.

They both replied giggling, "Yap, we both come to an agreement".

"What kind of agreement," I asked

"It's a secret," they said.

At this day I note myself that I will never understand girls are thinking.

Then we all drink and eat together but while eating I just remember that when Lyra gets drunk, she tends to strip her clothes off. Fortunatly I remembered in time before she started striping. So I said to Aria that we should go back to our inn and we all come back to the inn. Aria goes to her own room and falls fast asleep immediately after hitting the pillow. I rented an extra room for Lyra who has started to strip her clothes one by one. I carried her to her room. When we reach her room I put her down on the bed but she wouldn't let go of me I tried to get out but with her grip, she pulls me into the bed and hugged me so tight that my face was buried in her big soft bare breast. Then I pass out from suffocation.

Now I got a red hand mark on my face because of that. After that, Lyra and I go get breakfast. Aria couldn't come because of a hangover. Turns out fairies don't have a high tolerance for alcohol. After eating breakfast

"Yesterday was fun and all. But now, let's talk seriously, the reason that I came here is to warn you about the coming threat."