

After the second session in the court . Arthur and Hyena decided to grab the evidence to prove that George is not alone involved in this case to prove that first they have to know how much George is involved with Eva and the company . Hyena said to Arthur this George is always a headache to us . Arthur said then what do you expect from a trouble maker ?Hyena said you are right so what are we going to do next ?Arthur replied first let us know how much George is involved in this and the other people involved in this so that they won't rise a new story next time . First we will look into the evidences they provided to the court so that we will know weather he visited the island frequently or not if yes then we should know why ?Arthur asked Hyena do you know what do George do after he was framed as Yoona's boyfriend's new boyfriend. Hyena replied no I don't know I only know that he resigned his job and went underground. After few days he contacted his father and his father told him to attack on us and that was the time we killed him . Arthur said then let us know weather he was in the island in those days or not and also I think more than George his father is involved in this more .Hyena asked are you telling that based on what you have seen in the hotel lobby that day ?Arthur said not only that since George was given blame his father company started receiving more and more funds to his forgein branches . Hyena asked when did you check on that .Arthur replied on the night we have seen in the hotel lobby . Hyena said then we will do one thing let us find why George use to go to the islands frequently or is that a lie .Next go to George's father and ask him the relation between them and Oliver. Arthur smirked and said do you think he is going to tell after just you asked .Hyena replied I am going to ask in my own way .

The evening on that day both Arthur and Hyena dressed well and attended a event held by the George's father company . The event was happening in a large hall George's father was sitting on the stage along with many other delegates. It was the time that Arthur and Hyena entered the hall and the entire media attention and also the people attention over there went on them . While they were entering everyone there turned their heads back in order to see them after that they turned their heads towards the stage and by that time George's father wasn't there on the stage . Arthur and Hyena and everyone over there were in the shock they couldn't think of what happened over there and that was the time Arthur looked at Hyena and Hyena looked at Arthur they both did a secret wink to each other . Actually what happened is that before the event started both Arthur and Hyena bribed the event hall staff they made George's father chair placed in such a place that the floor of it is linked to the ground by pulling a trigger ge can fall down and when the time they entered and grabbed the attention zayan from ground pulled the trigger and George's father fell along with chair and he was officially kidnapped .

In the meanwhile police arrives there they went to Arthur and Hyena and said we need to investigate you both people . Arthur asked may I know the reason why ? The police said George's father went missing the very moment you entered the hall so we suspect you . Hyena raised her hand and was about to exclaim but Arthur stopped her and said to the police that we are going to cooperate with you and also looked towards the media and said we come clean just for the sake of public . Hyena smiled and thought that was a nice move inorder to deviate public from suspecting us must appreciate . The police took Hyena and Arthur to the police station and were kept in the separate rooms and started the investigation .