one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .
zayan and Sam called Arthur and Hyena respectively and said there are nothing we can find that can actually fit George in the story they have written . Hyena looked at Arthur and asked what are we going to do now ?
Arthur said tomorrow is going to be a little hectic we can't do anything in overnight let's ask for little more time in the court tomorrow. Hyena nods her head . Arthur asks Hyena Why are you in a sad mood ?only the tomorrow's session can not decide what is going to happen so cheerup and come to have dinner with me to the restaurant. Hyena said yes and they both went to the restaurant to eat . At the hotel lobby they have seen Oliver speaking to George father . Arthur saw it and said to Hyena I think I have figured out a way for day after tomorrow's session. Hyena said what is that ? Arthur replied nothing much you will see it day after tomorrow's. After that they went to their table to have dinner they were sitting opposite to each other Hyena asked Arthur we still don't know how George is involved in this island issue . Arthur replied George is definitely involved in the island issue but we still don't know how much part he is involved if we know that once we can show to the public and court that they are using him as a scape goat . Arthur said that is fine then what about our future . Hyena replied our future what is there to talk about it ?Arthur replied I...mean about our company future why can't we start few branches in abroad ?. Hyena replied we may I will send the proposal to the board of directors first day in the morning . Arthur said need not to hurry up .
The next day in the flight Arthur said to Hyena that we are not going to be mute on today even though we don't know what kind of evidences they have and what story they are going to tell in the court but I can tell we will give good arguments to them winning the arguments is something I can't tell you till that much I can assure you . Hyena noded her hand . In front of the court Oliver and reporter's are waiting for Arthur to question him . Hyena didn't come with Arthur and Oliver noticed it . The reporters started questioning him like sir do you already know that George was involved in this ?Do you think all the news popped last week made you astronish just like us ?Do you think today's argument may open to a new story ?A reporter questioned why is Suzy not with you ?Arthur said who was the one asked that question the reporter raised his hand .Arthur took his mike and said that ummm well she is waiting for me inside so I have to go . And he went inside . Oliver to his assistant asked did you saw Suzy coming inside .The assistant replied may be she came in when they were waiting for Arthur but no one noticed her because everyone are interested in Arthur. Oliver said yes and told his employee let us go inside before those reporters get back to us .
In the court the judges came in and everyone stood .The Oliver's attorney stood and said your honour the zeal company has never done clinical trails on island people our partner company which is George father's. George took the drugs to island to sell them these are the evidences that says he use to visit island frequent times and also we employed the people in the island not use against human rights but to give employment to them and also we have a good relations with the government over there this is the evidence that says most of the ministers in the government are happy with our collaboration. The Arthur's attorney stood and said you said most of the mi inters are happy with your collaboration is it ?The opposite attorney said yes .Arthur's attorney questioned since when? The Oliver's attorney said what do you mean by that question? The Arthur's attorney said I asked this question vecause most of the ministers have not accepted with the zeal company collaboration this is the evidence to it . And also the next day those ministers came to our country to speak to zeal company but one minister was missing after that this is the hotel footage and their footages at the airport . The missing minister's body was found in the island hanging and head was found next to George's body . The Oliver's attorney said I object what do you want to tell that zeal company has killed that minister do you have any prof for that. The opposite attorney said do you have any prof that George use to do the drug business over there and also he might be a frequent visitor over there . And also he requested a two weeks time from the judges to collect the evidences . The Oliver's attorney said since they said the zeal company was not involved in the drug business. To let them do their business in the island . The judge gave two weeks time to Arthur's attorney and said zeal company cannot do business in the island since the root cause for many issued aren't closed yet.