
Time Stops When I'm with Her. (MHA)

A peculiar teen dies after being hit by Truck-kun. As the beaming lights flash into her eyes and the immense force tore apart her body, she finds herself motionless drifting off in a seemingly endless void until one day a light shone down upon her and she woke up in the body of a child. ( I do not own My Hero Academia/MHA, or the cover photo used for the novel.)

Hyberions · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Chapter 18:

I was currently in the car with Momo and Eri, who were presently asleep on my lap. We were three hours in of the five-hour journey from Toyohashi to Kusatsu.

The bright summer sun was blazing through the windows. Thankfully, the windows were tinted, so it wasn't as obnoxious as the light would have been. The dimmed light was a significant factor that let Eri enter her slumber unperturbed. The silent and smooth ride was a huge factor too. I envy Eri's ability to sleep during the day. My body literally can't; I have to wait until it's dark out before my body even thinks about sleeping.

I was stroking the sleeping unicorn's hair. She curled up even more into me from the sensation. It was a peaceful atmosphere. The countryside landscapes that passed by the window were a movie I couldn't get bored of. There was audio in my earphones as I made my peace listening to some medical lectures.

Momo was currently making notes for classes. Then, I remembered that I could send my clone and have it livestream the lesson to Momo's phone, so Itsuka's notes weren't needed. So, I followed suit and made notes of the lecture with a free hand on my phone. Sure, I don't ever really need to make notes due to my ability to use psychometry and utilize thought acceleration. But, there's nothing else to do when stuck in a car for hours on end.

Midway through a four-hour lecture on biosciences, I got a text from my clone about the Gigantomachia situation. It read,

"Mission passed! Respect +"

Yep, that didn't tell me anything apart from my love for the grand theft auto series. After a lot of me texting myself, oh god, that sounds so sad and lonely, I finally got the entire picture. I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding when I heard there were no complications. I doubt there could ever be any with my quirk, but I could never be too sure. I leaned my head on Momo's shoulder. Hearing my sigh, she turned to me,

"Hm? What's wrong, dear?"

"I was just informed that there was a villain sighting near the school. An S-rank one too-"

"Oh no! Is everyone safe and okay?"

"Of course, babe. Thankfully, I made it in time to detain them before it could hurt anyone. Apparently, Mina ran right to the scene and saved two of our classmates by stalling for time and diverting the villain's attention."

She visibly relaxed when I mentioned I was there on time before tensing up immediately when Mina's name was mentioned.

"Is Mina oka-"

"She's a bit shaken up but completely fine physically."

Momo let out a long sigh before recollecting herself,

"That makes sense. I would probably be a bit shaken up confronting an S-rank villain too. She also doesn't have the luxury of experience fighting villains or hero training like you, me, or Toga do. In fact, I don't think she has actually confronted anyone before. Let alone a villain."

"Mhm, if you want, babe. I can tell my clone to give the phone to Mina so you can talk to her during their break."

"I would like that, dear."

I kissed her on the cheek before wrapping my left arm around her waist, cuddling her closer to myself. Turning her head, Momo kissed me on the lips before I decided to deepen in. She more than happily accepted my tongue into her mouth and used her own tongue to dance with mine. Pulling back, I was met with the sight of an atomic cherry red Momo, steam was coming out of her ears, and she was shutting down. I decided to push her a bit further. I gave her ass a light squeeze before saying,

"Tasty as always, babe~."

Yep, she shut down for a few seconds before turning to face away from me. Focusing on the math lesson Komoe-sensei was teaching through the livestream my clone was sending to her phone. Chuckling to myself, I went back to listening to the bioscience lecture.

Ten minutes later, I was getting a bit peckish, so I reached over and grabbed a bag of Maltesers out of my bag. Popping one into my mouth before focusing on my lecture once again. After the lecture finished, I noticed that we were stopping at a gas station.

I began running my hands through Eri's hair in hopes of waking her up. It was in vain. All it did was get the unicorn even more comfortable. Momo was stifling her chuckles at my situation. I would have been all the happier to let Eri sleep, but I needed her to at least answer a question for me. Leaning down, I blew into her ear,


She jumped up, almost headbutting my nose in the process, and released a startled squeak in the process. Seeing that I got her attention, I asked,

"Sorry about that, sweetie. I just needed to make sure that you didn't need to go to the toilet before we set off again. This may be the last stop before we make for the next two hours."

She was pouting at me due to me waking her up. She did a system check before replying to me with a shake of her head,


I decided to use my level 100 doting skill to its fullest potential to help her fall asleep. I kissed her on her horn, which was a ticklish spot for Eri, and began rubbing her back in circles before moving it up to her head and started patting it. She soon fell to my sweet embrace and curled up into an adorable ball once more.

I shook the bag of Maltesers. The sound made Eri crack an eye open and open her mouth. Taking a chocolate from the bag before I popped it into her mouth. As she was chewing on the Malteser, Momo left to go and buy something from the gas station. I was hoping that she would pick up some mochi. It would probably be of a higher quality because we are right next to rice fields, and rice is one of the main ingredients for making mochi.

Resuming my stroking of Eri's snow-white hair, I began writing down the notes for Momo for her while she was in the shop. Then, rolling the window down, I began breathing in the mountain air. It was a nice breath of fresh air, literally, because even though the car has air conditioning, it just didn't feel the same.

I took a few pictures of the sleeping Eri and me and posted them in the group chat. Why? It was to give Mina and Kirishima some fluffy images to help with their stressful day. Was it also to make the clones of me jealous while they were stuck with exams, school, and patients? 100% I didn't forget to send one to my mother or the in-laws either, if my mother found out there was a picture of her cute granddaughter, and she didn't have it, she would sulk for the next week.

Eventually, Momo returned with a bag in hand. When she opened the bag, I saw some small snacks like roasted nuts. However, what really caught my eye was the box of mochi. Inside were three different color mochis, green, white, and yellow.

The green mochi was a green tea flavored one, the white was a standard mochi with red bean paste filling, and the yellow mochi was mango flavored. We decided to leave the mango mochi for Eri as we weren't sure if she would like red bean paste or the flavor of green tea in her sweets.

Momo happily chewed away at the green tea mochi, sighing happily now and then. At the same time, I tried my best to eat the mochi without getting the floury coating on the hibernating unicorn below. I succeeded in the improbable endeavor flawlessly; the unicorn is gluten-free. I put on some R&B songs on my phone and rested my head against the window, peering at the moving landscape as time went by.

Soon enough, it was time for a break at Mustafa private school. Momo went full doting mother mode when my clone gave the phone to Mina. She fussed over Mina and kept asking if she was alright throughout the entire conversation.

She passed the phone over to me. Mina and I had a small heart-to-heart moment about her entire day and how she would move forward past this. Apparently, my clone had a similar conversation with her earlier that day.

The call ended sooner than we wanted because Komoe-sensei returned to the classroom ready to teach. When she questioned who Mina was talking to over the phone, Mina naturally replied with me. Komoe-sensei could only offer a confused face in response because Sakuya (clone) was just three seats away from her. She asked why Mina was calling someone who was in the room when she could go over and talk to them.

Then Mina let it slip that I was actually on a holiday to a spa/hot spring resort for three days. The entire class went wild in envy, sensei included. A few were confused about who was in my seat if I wasn't there, then the clone-making process was explained as best as Mina could manage.

One classmate, in particular, Ren Yamai, would have typically gone crazy at this point and threatened whoever "dared to sit where the goddess sat" before even hearing the explanation about the clones. Thankfully, or unfortunately, she was too busy imagining me in a hot spring. The sight of her drooling onto her desk in a daze sent shudders down both my and my clone's spines.

Eri finally stirred awake once the chauffeur announced that we were ten minutes from our destination. She rubbed her eyes and could smell the fruity aroma coming from the bag next to Momo. Then, reaching into the bag, she pulled out her mango mochi ball, and she slowly began nibbling away at it until she realized it wasn't making headway and started making bigger bites.

The coating got all over her face. She looked like she just did a bunch of lines of cocaine. Taking a wet wipe from the compartment behind the seats, I cleaned her face, so she wouldn't look like a coke fiend the second we stepped out of the car.

The town we were in was beautiful. Large lush mountains and forests surrounded the small village. The distinct smell of sulfur in the air from the abundance of hot springs in the area. There was even a dormant volcano called Mount Tengu, barely visible in the distance to the west of Kusatsu.

The architecture was a lot more traditional than I was used to seeing back in Toyohashi, mixed in with some modern apartment complexes. The newer buildings seemed to be designed only to do one thing, house tourists, which is this town's biggest income source.

It was one of the more peaceful places in the quirked world of MHA I have been to. The crime rate was pretty much non-existent because it's the countryside, and truthfully, there's not much worth stealing. That's unless you have a way to steal an entire hotspring. The town is so small, and the crime rate is so low that there is only 1 communal hero agency as that's all that's needed to maintain the peace.

Stepping out of the car, I left Eri in Momo's care as I went around the back of the car to retrieve our luggage from the boot. Collecting the two bags, as Eri's stuff was packed in with mine, I walked around the front to be greeted with my family waiting there for me.

No, literally.

My mother and grandmother were there too, who the hell invited them?! And how the hell did they get here before us?! I saw them in the grand hall lounging about when we left this morning!

They noticed me, and my mother proceeded to greet me in the only way she knew how.

She smothered me in her breasts with a hug.

"Oh, baby! How was the trip? You didn't get bored, did you? Why did you take so long? You left before us."


"Grayfia, stop smothering the brat in your boobs. She's going to die."

"Oh, forgive me, baby, I was just so worried when I arrived, and the hotel staff said you weren't here."

She pulled away from me. I was finally free from the soft pillowy prison I was locked in. I began to suck in deep breaths in hopes of staving off me potentially passing out due to lack of oxygen. After a few deep breaths, I managed to work out an answer,

"It's fine, mom. I was about to ask you the same thing. We must have stayed at the gas station longer than I thought. Why are you both here, though?"

"Hm? I was given some tickets to the resort by a business associate over in China. What better excuse could I give to the board of directors for my absence in a boring meeting than me personally checking one of our newer facilities to make sure it's up to standard."

It would have been a noble and great enough reason to skip a meeting. Yet your true motives are clear as day, mom. You just wanted to laze around. So how did you even get that stingy granny to agree? Oh wait, I see a ticket in her hand too.

"How noble of you, mother..."

She realized that I saw through her charade of inspector already and could only cough awkwardly in response to being caught out.

Ignoring the situation of my mother skipping work and stingy granny being open to accepting bribes now, I started making my way to the inn we would be staying in for the following days. The inn in question was a rather small cozy traditional-style building.

After we unpacked and set up our rooms, Momo excitedly suggested that we go sightseeing. I couldn't say no to that expectant face ever. Oh god, I'm growing weaker to her influence day by day. So, sitting Eri on my shoulders, I gave Momo a peck on the lips, and we set off sightseeing.

We spent the entire day roaming around the city hand in hand, picking up a few non-perishable souvenirs along the way for our friends. We managed to find a tour guide with little to no effort, and we were informed of the town's history, the massive amount of geothermal activity, and the two dormant volcanoes nearby. It was a peaceful day.

We found it was already dark outside at the end of the tour, and Eri was nodding off. We made our way through the lantern-lit streets and returned to our rooms just in time for Eri to fully be asleep. We all laid down on the futons provided, all sharing a singular one, in each other's arms, drifting off into rem sleep soon after.

The following day I was abruptly woken up by an overexcitable unicorn. Looking around the room, I was met with the sight of a sheepish Momo and a bunch of sweet wrappers. The unicorn was experiencing a sugar-high and was bouncing all around the room on the balls of her feet. It turns out that Momo forgot to hide the sweets she purchased at the gas station, and Eri managed to find them when she awoke. But, unfortunately, we could only wait this out and wait for the sugar crash to come

While waiting for the crash, my mother and grandmother came in with some of the inn's breakfast for us. We all sat and ate a meal as a family while Eri was rapidly bouncing up and down on my mother's lap while she was trying to feed her. It would have been funny, but a huge mess was made. Not being a complete scumbag, I like leaving hotel rooms and the like in the same condition I found them in. It was going to be a pain in the ass getting the egg out of the tatami later.

Thankfully, my mother took Eri along with her for the day so me and Momo could have a romantic spa day to ourselves. The first item on the agenda was massages. They were heavenly, all the stress was fading out of my body, and my muscles were relaxing from the deep tissue massage and the hot stone massage that followed it up. I did look like a spotted leopard after the hot stone massage, but it was totally worth it.

After the massages were some facials that left my skin glistening even more than it already was, the girls were always jealous of my skin for how smooth and soft it looked despite them packing enough muscle to crush their heads like grapes. So when I sent a pic of my new and improved skin to the group chat, the responses were predictable. There was a lot of emojis and gifs accurately describing their jealousy in detail.

While we made our way to the private hot spring we were given during our stay, I decided to check in with my clones. I passed my exam, so I was happy about that, even if that was the obvious outcome. Unfortunately, the heroes that my clone was sent to heal were nobodies that even my clone forgot the names of. I doubt they could be of help to me in the future.

Apparently, my clone finished healing all the people scheduled for that day, only to be thrown into even more work. There was a disastrous villain attack in Hosu city. A villain went on a rampage, only to be brought down by crust later, but the civilian casualties were numerous.

The villain in question had a quirk called Frag Body. It allowed him to create and expel shrapnel. Unfortunately, a few people died on the scene, and many others were injured. The worst of which was a fourteen-year-old girl that lost both her legs and an arm. The only reason she lived was because of her quirk that allowed her to clot her own blood.

She made a full recovery due to my quirk and had her limbs back. Receiving those memories from my clone later is going to be depressing. At least I know it has a happy ending.

Momo and I got undressed and made our way to the hot spring, sitting down and soaking in its comforting warmth together. Momo made her way over to me after a few seconds of soaking and sat between my legs. I was a bit shocked at how bold she was. I questioned what she was doing. Her response?

"You ruined bathing for me. I can't take a bath while not being in your arms anymore."

Those words scored a critical hit on my heart. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she leaned back into me. We soaked comfortably for an hour or two, making small talk about the future and what each of our quirks could do. The only limit for both Momo and me regarding our quirks is our imagination (and lipids for Momo). I control a concept, and Momo can make literally anything out of her lipids.

After our talks, we made our way to our room, where I ordered some food for dinner. Eri soon joyfully ran into our room, diving right into my arms. After an entire day of being separated from me, I guess she didn't want to let go ever again. So we both decided to dote over her while the pizza was on its way. Eventually, the pizza arrived at the Inn, and we dug in.

(A/N: What's your favorite pizza toppings? Also, what's your view on pineapple on Pizza? I need to know.)

The next and final day was basically the same as the day before. The only difference is that the massages were replaced with mani-pedis, and Eri was with us. We all got our nails painted. Eri had a rainbow, Momo had red with glitter stars, and I had blue with glitter stars. All of our designs were picked out by the professional artist Eri herself. Momo picked up some food souvenirs for our friends and family, and we left for home later that night.

Both Momo and Eri succumbed to sleep in the car journey home and were both resting on me. It was a nice little holiday. Taking a picture of us all to commemorate it, I looked out the window at the night sky. A shooting star flew by. I quickly made a wish and resumed watching the sky.

After reaching my house after a long drive, I carried Momo to my room while Foire carried Eri. Then, after silently packing all the luggage away neatly, I joined both Eri and Momo in the bed and finally succumbed to sleep myself.

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Hope you enjoy this little vacation chapter. I might not post for the next few days as I have a bunch of things to do, so if there's no updates. Don't worry, I am not dropping it.

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As always, thanks for reading my book. Love ya'll <3

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