
Thrown Out Hero

Yu is from another world. As he is summoned by elders in the kingdom Arisfald, he is bloody and ragged. Taken to a house nearby he doesn’t awake for another 3 days. What will they learn about Yu and his heroic abilities?

JotLee · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 005 - Mysterious Letter

Yu gained the power and knowledge from the book which made Yu feel amazing. Soon after though, the statues and the roof started to crumble inside of the cave. One of the bookcases turned sideways and opened up with stairs that looked to lead up. Yu rushed into it climbing the stairs before he was crushed inside with everything else.

Yu had gotten out of the cave safely and landed on the ground, trying to catch his breath. He could not believe he absorbed power from a book that he had never read before. He began to think that it was fate.

Before Yu could barely catch his breath, the howling of the wolves from the house, that he could see was not far, could be heard from where he was. It caught him off guard and he realized he had to hurry up and head out of the forest and back into the city walls.

With his body feeling great he headed towards the front gate, trying to pass by the house without being noticed. He eventually got to the gate but as he walked towards it, the front guards spoke.

The guard said, "Yu, you have a letter from someone inside, they asked me to hand it to you."

Yu said, "T-thank you", then went inside the gate whilst opening the letter.

The letter went as said:


You do not know me, but I know you. You, nor the king have realized your potential. I can show you the path of the Dragon King. If you wish to see me, I am located East at Funstand's Inn on the outside of Arisfalds' border. Ask for room #7.


The letter also came with gold pieces to buy the room with.

Yu was surprised by the fact that someone out of the entire kingdom had not thought of him as a bad guy. He was also suspicious of the path that the person had mentioned, the path of the Dragon King, but it also excited Yu and realized he might have a chance for revenge.

The sun was slowly falling and Yu knew he would have to head there the next day, and he would have to stay on the street to sleep for another night. He was yet again disappointed so quickly after hearing good news. He quickly found a place to rest and headed to sleep, ready for the next adventure waiting for him.