
Thrown Out Hero

Yu is from another world. As he is summoned by elders in the kingdom Arisfald, he is bloody and ragged. Taken to a house nearby he doesn’t awake for another 3 days. What will they learn about Yu and his heroic abilities?

JotLee · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 006 - Senon

The sun arose and shined in at Yu in the alleyway. Business was busy for the merchants in the city as always. Yet again Yu is starving for food even after being somewhat "revived", is what Yu called it. Even though as hungry as he is, he had to get to the bottom of the mysterious letter and find out what this Dragon King path is since he has no money for food.

Yu got up and with letter in hand headed outside of the city once again. Leaving the city always felt relieving to Yu since he no longer had to deal with the looks people gave him.

It had not been long until Yu made the small trip out and around the outer walls of the castle to find an Inn near a small lake with a bridge leading across and over to the Inn. There was a hug sign on the front of the building that said Funstand's Inn.

Yu walked over the bridge and to the front door allowing himself into the Inn.

As he opened the door there was a bar with a woman behind it and some other people scattered in the Inn.

Yu went to the bar and asked the woman, "Excuse me, could I rent room #7 please."

Yu handed her the gold he got from inside the letter. The woman then gave him a key to the room he wished to rent. She said nothing but went back to minding her own business. Yu then headed to the room which said #7 above it. He opened the doors and there stood a man in the center of the room. He was the one who wore the black robes from the beginning. He was the one who took him to see the king in the castle.

The man turned and looked at Yu.

"Welcome Yu! I was starting to think you would not show. My name is Senon, I am at your service Dragon King."

He immediately got on one knee and bowed his head in respect for Yu. Yu was quite flattered but honestly stunned by what he was doing.

"Y-you don't have to do that sir. I'm not of any royalty or anything." Yu said.

Senon replies saying, "Sir, the dragon crest placed upon your hand is the oldest but most respected marks. This means you are the Dragon King, you will take reign over all dragons and do as you please. I am here to show you the path of what you must take in order to gain that power sir."

Senon got up. Yu was confused but will soon realize that he could muster enough power to destroy the entire kingdom if he wanted to.

Yu says, "So how do I get this power then, Senon?"

Senon replies, "You must first go to ancient catacombs of the previous dragon Kings. I have left a map on the dresser for you. There you will find the armor and the weapons used by them. You will be able to take those and use them as your own. After that, you can ask me where to go next. I will be in the castle somewhere, if I haven't reached you then, you will have to find me."

Senon bows again and heads out of the room, but before he leaves he says, "Also, there is a bag of gold under the bed for any of your needs sir." He then leaves.

Yu was realizing part of his potential if this story turned out to be true. Yu also realizes that he has a place to stay tonight and is the happiest he could ever be. His mind was all jumbled together, but he was smiling in awe of his newfound way of living. He now had someone who is under is order at any given time and is helping him to become the true Dragon King. Yu was excited, but he wanted to sleep in an actual bed for once, so he decided to take a nap before looking for the catacombs.