
Through the ages: Visitor of the apocalypse

In a world of death and life. where humanity hangs on a thread. a visitor came, would he save the remnants of humanity? and lead them back into a new peak? or, would he guide the new dominant race of this new order. who knows, but I know its a story worth writing. Arc 1 Not the worst apocalypse. Follow as Daniel Explores this new apocalyptic world. limiting himself to that of a 1st tier Astral psion. with a body strong enough to decimate 21 century armies barehanded.

MA_Writecrft · ไซไฟ
11 Chs

Chapter 2 Death city: Necropolis. Act 5 of 5.

Act 5 First meeting with survivors.

Pov Daniel Cetus

Huh. . . even in the apocalypse, this city looks beautiful. A giant of a young man and a cute girl. Was walking, on a white stone, muraled sidewalk. It was cut in a way, to make it look like it was small bricks forming colored patterns, depicting stories in mural form.

This sidewalk, was shaded by bonsaied oak like trees, sculpted to shade, both sidewalk and white peppered asphalted road. While unhindering the buildings at the side of the wide sidewalk. The young man Daniel looked at the trees. I guess they routinely trim them.

Some of the branches of the trees had become longer or sticked out from the rest of the thick canopy; Huh? I looked over to Sam and felt her head steer, thoughts flowing quickly. quick enough, for me to be unable to read them, without being forceful.

Are you okay Sam? The young man spoke to the girl, her mostly vacant eyes, turned focus, with a bright youthful spark to them. Her once animated movements, roughly copying the disciplined yet relaxed stride of the young man. Turned smooth, energized, filled with the feeling of curiosity, and intent of exploration. yet with reserved, formal steps akin to those of the noble ladies of the past.

Sam? Big. . . Big. . Big. Big brother! Agh! I groaned as Sam tackled, hugged me on my stomach, I felt my bone plates shake, organs tremble and hearts skipped. Hey now, easy there Sam, that hurt.

I didn't stumble or fell on my ass, like one of those boys in anime when they get hugged by a smaller girl. I was patting Sam's head as I looked through her thoughts. . . Fuck. . . she's copying little sisters, from the media entertainment, stored in my mindscape Archive. Majority of it was a century worth of anime.

Sorry! But it's been so long since you hugged me Oppa! Oh hell, she's going through the Korean portion! Should I. . . No, her brain's going through major natural restructuring, she might develop really bad habits if I send any psionic energy to unconscious her.

I'll bear with it for now, I might enjoy this, and if not it's good data atleast. Up, Up! Up!! Sam started lightly jumping up, her head and hands raised high. Huh? Want a piggyback ride Little Sammy? I said in a little both loving yet patronizing voice.

Yes! I laughed as I picked her up. Well she was lighter than I remembered, I've been carrying her with my psionics all this time. So I haven't physically held her ever since her apotheosis. I was now giving a piggyback ride to a girl in her middle teenage years, well according to this world.

Then I walked, as she happily hummed a song I recognized, as an anime opening. With a story about monsters living in human society, feasting on human flesh, and of a boy who had lived, in both the life of a monster and a human.

How can I determine her age? I used Calfied dating on her bones, but that kept averaging at 32 solar cycles. Of this planet. which might have been her age before her zombification. I need data, and I think I see them.

A kilometer away from the young man, with an older girl on his shoulder riding him. Was a horde of 23, they were the shambling sort, and they're attention was on the giant. it could have been size, and how unconcealed his stroll to the city was or the sounds the singing girl was making, but all of that didn't matter, as they charged forward.

Hmm. . . most of their bodies are. . . unsalvageable, even if I flesh sculpt them, the success of making another Sam, would be low. . . and those with pretty okay bodies, well, there men. I can do a sexchange, and they'll become subjects fitting my taste. but their remnant psionic essence might reject the drastic change. And take a while to become useful.

As I was thinking, they were already halfway to me. I looked around and saw a pretty large car, as it reached my shoulders. I unclasped our duffle bags, and placed it on the roof of the car, and then placed down Sam on top of the car. 

Alright be a good girl and stay alright? I'll give you a gift if you do. I said as I was ruffling her braided hair, as I asked her to stay, her mind was still reorganizing so I can't just hypnotize her in place. Hope this works. I prayed as she spoke. Alright Oniisan! She was nodding with a smile and bright eyes.

Hmm. . . her mimicry is still off her, voice, and facial, control has gotten better, but her heart and body language still feels stiff, hopefully by the time her brain organization is done. I can pass her up as just a bipolar kid while being savant in language.

I then moved to a car on the other side of the road and climbed up. I observed the undead, and sure enough, they were charging at me, completely ignoring Sam. Should I engage? Or do I try collecting samples? I already have a handful back in the office building, quartered them in a sleeping area. 

But I can collect more. . . No, I left the building because I want to explore, the city. If I collect some now, and come back early, I'll be back to experimenting on them. . . and it'll take days again before I leave.

Sigh. . . Atleast there's some immature bodied undead; The young man stood from the car, a heavy looking scrap forged 2 meter fire ax held in one of his hands. He leapt towards the closest undead. She was young, maybe in primary school, she was missing an arm and half of her left cheek. . . She was wearing a cute little uniform, and a red little sling bag, both tainted with blood.

Only one swing was needed, to give her corpse, and the lingering parts of her soul, free, from this mortal realm. The next was an older man, maybe in his 40s, dressed in a suit, with a cracked open briefcase, probably used it to fight back. his stomach was spilling out and the majority of it was just gone, bite and chew marks.

One backswing and the middle aged man flew. Crrkk! Head bashed, on the hard wall of a building. The next was a girl, she might have been in her late teens, before she turned. Dressed in that cute maid cafe uniform, with a fluffy dog ears headband, on her messy brown hair.

She was different from the rest. I don't see any grievous wounds on her, except maybe that chunk of missing thigh meat. but it's closed up, not slowly leaking blood like the rest of the wounds of the zombies behind her. And of course her hands tapered into bony pointed claws, and her jaw and teeth turned carnivorous and fanged.

So is this natural evolution? Or just a branch of it? My questions were turned mute as she charged me, clawing at my lower stomach. I swatted her claws away as I observed her. She was stronger than an average male soldier, as I felt her arms pushed back against my ax.

Her reaction time was faster than a race car driver. Her speed, was like that of a martial artist. but her movements were all instinctual, and predictable, I can see her telegraph her intent, as she rushes for where my liver should be, my joints, my heart and my neck.

With a simple forward kick she goes down, twitching on the ground trying to get up with a broken body. I looked at the rest of the undead rushing to me and I felt that's enough testing their combat levels. "Rest" with a simple word all the undead rushing to me fell over, and stopped moving. And started to burn with blue flames and turn into ash.

I took a knee, in front of the ash piles and prayed. May your soul join, and rest, among the stars, and after a great slumber come back to enjoy a new life. I felt Sam kneeling next to me, I looked down at her and saw she brought our bag and that she was mimicking my actions.

I finished my prayer and stood up. Walking towards the still twitching undead. I looked into her mind; Threat! Threat! Eliminate! Threat!. . . Huh? That's different, but closer to what a bioweapon should be thinking about. I made a choice at that revelation.

I placed a hand on her forehead, and another at her heart. Breaking into her shards of a mind and rotting flesh. Taking in data as I scanned and recorded everything. Then started shaping her, repairing her body into what it was, before her death, but I didn't take away her mutations. 

With a simple hypnotic command I made her non-lethal when defending herself, and seeing me as her superior and then I fed her memories of the building I started in, and the place I stored my other materials.

"Go, and stay" With words of command, she didn't do or say anything, just rushed towards the direction of the office building I stayed in. Let's get going Sam, I'll get you something good. Yes!

0 0 0 0 0

Tump, tump, tump. . . I was speed walking as I carried Sam eating a popsicle, she looked like she was enjoying it fully mimicking a girl, eating ice cream. But I'm sure she doesn't have taste buds. . . oh and we were being chased by a horde of 60+ undead. I was testing their endurance and speed. By barely being faster than them. But it's already been 3 hours since this test started. So I was planning to stop. And I saw an excuse.

Here! Come on! I saw an older lady, no, a survivor. She was in a small opening of a metal graffitied shop shutters. Yelling at us in that opening. I rushed towards it, I think the Older lady was surprised by my speed as she immediately went inside.

I tossed in Sam, and then my bag, and then slid in myself, but before that, I looked back and saw the horde was still a few steps away. Huh they really are slow, and those a few steps away were the faster ones.

I went in and immediately pulled down the shutters closing it, saw it's locking sloth, without thinking about it, jammed in a steel rebar I found.

I turned around. Thank you for the save?. . . I saw an older guy, maybe in his late 30s, he was dressed in an office worker's outfit. He was trembling in the back, I smelled infection on him. The others were a group of adult women, one was holding Sam, she looked to be in her 20s, I'm not sure she has a light layer of make up making her look older than she is all of the girls were wearing that kind of makeup.

She was a brunette, Her outfit was clean, black thick heeled sandals, a pink puffy sleeved shirt under a white frilled sundress. She was holding a claw hammer in one hand and hugging Sam in the other. The one on her side looked like she was close of age to the one holding Sam.

She was wearing a yellow sleeveless turtleneck blouse, short pants with a big buckled belt and golden earrings. And brown sandals similar to the first girl, and her hair was raven black. In her hands was a long handled frying pan. The last girl was noticeably older than the first two, but still very attractive.

The first thing I actually noticed as I entered, was the flashlight she was flashing on my eyes, and the barrel of a peashooter aimed at my chest, she was similarly dressed to the first two. She was wearing a frilly purple blouse that showed her shoulders, a gold necklace, black skirt reaching below her knees and white sandals.

Are you infected! She said trying to sound, commanding and intimidating as she waved the gun. But I can see it in her eyes she's as scared as the two behind her. . . Sigh. . . Sam isn't looking scared or confused, at all. she's still copying that happy go lucky girl routine, while she finishes her ice cream. 

I unclasped my weapon belt. Thunk!! The sound of a heavy metal object hitting the floor echoed. And then I raised my arm. Relax ladies, I'm not infected.

The girl with the gun started trembling, as she heard the sound. But calmed, at my voice. Prove it! Girl 2 yelled. I smiled at her and then started stripping. I was doing it slowly. As I trace myself as I did it, I can feel the eyes of the girls become more focused, even the man at the back started to pay attention as I fully pulled my shirt off. See? No bites.

I said as I turned around. Yes. yes. . . Sorry about. . . The doors started to thump with the sound of flesh meeting iron. The older girl was stopped by the sound. I quickly dressed myself as I turned around and saw the gate was holding, so I joined the group as I saw them sit around an electric lamp.

I'm really sorry about the gun. I saw the older girl give me a bow as she apologized. It's fine, it was a good Idea, not letting in strangers so freely and besides you saved our lives. I said as I patted Sam as she used my lap to pretend to nap on.

Hahaha. I laughed as I felt the vibe in the room become sullen. I saw confusion on the girls faces and a bit of fear on the man. Sorry, I just thought it was funny, how you made me strip while there was a horde behind me.

The second girl covered her face and rolled into a ball, as the first girl sympathetically rubbed her shoulder. Yeah about that. . . She looked at the embarrassed nugget. Sigh. . . let's start over. I'm Reyka, The girl on the ground is Makki and. And I'm Yukari. Nice to meet you, beauties. I'm Daniel, and this cute little bundle, is . . . my sister, Samantha or Sam.

And you sir? I place attention to the sweating guy to my left. He was mumbling we're gonna die. . . especially when we heard thumping again, the girls were scared too. Well if we're gonna be stuck here for a while longer, I'm getting drunk again. Want a drink big boy? A light beer ma'am!

She smiled at my response. So how long have you guys been here? I asked Yukari, Makki left with Reyka. A week and a day, Mister Fred, there beside you came in here 2 days ago. . . we were part of the last evacuation flight at north New Tokyo airport but. . . Yukari stopped. Our convoy was attacked by dumb ass maniacs! Gulp!

Reyka spoke as she downed hard liquor. A type of scotch, I think, the bottle was brown, and curvy in form. Maniacs? You mean raiders? I acted both surprised and agitated. Did any of you see a bearded man, wearing a countryside police uniform? With a red bandana? I was acting like I had a score to settle with this man, I don't. He was killed by Anderson even before I arrived here.

They all looked contemplative, but none of the girls spoke, but Mr. Fred did. I. . I. I saw him, he was part of the one that attacked the convoy we were in. . . Ha ha ha That's good. Huh!? How is that good the bastards kill. . . No! It is good! Because my friend killed that man's group! Huh? All the girls gasped in shock and the man smiled at my revelation.

Sigh. . . Gulp. Thanks for this. I thank Reyka for the flavored beer. I was really worried, when you mentioned raiders attacked you folk, it's good, that it wasn't another group, if it were I would have needed to use a gun again. I said making myself look and feel sullen and regretful.

Reyka, there's a story in that kid, but let's get drunker first. she said as she poured some of her hard stuff in my beer. I shrugged and drank it, and it tasted good. Then I looked down and saw Sam actually fell asleep.

Fuck those bastards. We all cheered even Mr.Fred as he raised his bottle of Sojo. Then we grew quiet again. It was a comforting quiet. So what's her story? I don't think you're her brother. It was Makki who spoke, I saw she was becoming a bit tipsy.

You're right, I'm not her brother. . . I let that sink in to the girls and to Mr.Fred then before any spoke I continued. Her family and mine were close. We were neighbors, She was born when I was In middle school. . . I was an only child, so my parents wanted me to treat her like a little sister and I did. . . It's been years since I saw her.

I came home because of the outbreak, I only planned to take some sentimental stuff, but. . . I used my psionics and yeah my story is very much believable to them. I heard crying so I ran into my neighbor's house, and I got a reunion I won't forget. 

Stop. . just stop. Sorry I, I think I know how this story continues. Reyka was annoyed at the surface But I can tell she's angry not towards me but towards the apocalypse the two girls were starting to tear up. . . Yeah, yeah, the next parts are not good. Ha ha ha. Well atleast I was able to save her.

I said smiling genuinely. This I feel lifted up the girls and even Mr.Fred lost some of his nihilism. So, what did you guys do for work? Accountancy. I Heard Mr.Fred, but he didnt continue after that. 

Well we three worked as stewardesses. Makki said as she played with her drink. Oh! Your coworkers? Yes, we were assigned to assist for the last flight but you know what happend. Yukari said as she motioned for me to give Sam over and I did.

She was now sleeping at Yukari's side. She was settling her on top of a sleeping bag. Now how about you boy? What did you do before everything went to hell! Reyka said as she came closer, enough for me to smell her breath and feel her heat. She was pushing on my chest.

Well I was an army officer. . . This sobered up everyone a little and even made Mr.Fred stop Shaking. As he stood up and went towards the bathroom. Oh? That explains all of this. . . She said with intent, as she slid her finger on my abs towards my chest.

In the science division, I served in the mechanized division before that. I Kept talking but I felt Reyka wasn't listening as she leaned in for a deep kiss, I gave in a little as I pinched her on the side of her neck. Making her faint.

Then I looked around, I saw the two other girls walking quickly towards the bathroom. Crap! Mr.Fred went there earlier. I quickly settled down Reyka as I ran after the girls. Eikk! No Mister Fred! This made me run faster. In ten seconds I was there. A fully zombified Mr.Fred on top of crying and screaming Yukari with a still wasted Makki trying to push the zombie. 

I kicked the zombie of the girls. It hit the wall hard, leaving it twitching on the floor. I heard Makki puke, again as Yukari supported her. I didn't look at them as I pulled some duct tape out of my pockets and started tying up the undead Mr. Fred.

Are you girls alright? I headed here as fast as I could. . . Who?! A very sober Reyka bursted in with a gun. You! She looked at me, oh I'm blocking her view from mister Fred. Rey! It's fine I was sick, And Yuki came with me. But mister fred attacked us! Daniel Helped! She lowered her gun as I leaned to the side and she mister Fred.

He was infected. . . probably for a few days now. I told them as I showed a small bite mark on his forearm. He was still twitching. At this point Reyka shot him. This surprised me, I felt Mister Fred drop into my arm.

Sorry. . . But I can't risk the girls, I know you understand. Yeah. . . I said as I stood up. I looked over the two and they were both frazzled but they looked fine. . . I saw a bite mark on Yukari's collar bone.

The other girls noticed too. Sorry. . .sorry. . Sorry. Shit! Makki collapsed as Reyka stomped her fit in frustration and sadness. . . I inspected it looking serious and then I smiled towards Yukari, this seems to have lifted her spirits, and affection? Really? She's this easy? Well I'm a literal Telepathic, empath. So I think most men wouldn't notice.

Girls. I spoke with conviction and sincerity. I can save Yukari, but please, keep what you'll learn about me a secret. I said towards the dumbfounded girls. As I bridal carried, Yukari towards our camp.

0 0 0 0 0 

We changed camp, and we went to the ground floor of the market mall; In a large open area in the furniture area of a market mall, stayed a party of 3 human females, 1 highly bio-engineered Human male and an evolved, sapient bio-weapon female.

Two of the girls were laying down as the B.E male worked with a flask and syringe. One of the girls, Reyka, was sitting by them slowly drinking a brown label bottle. The Bio-weapon was sleeping farther from the group of four.

Alright, this is called BB-rot-V1. What does it do? It's like an antibiotic, but mainly targets the first phase of the Zombie virus, but I need to administer it now! Reyka didn't stop me again and nodded.

I looked towards the bite and scratches Yukari received and then sprayed the medicine on the open wounds. After that I immediately went towards Makki and sprayed the liquid over her smaller scratches. And after that I banged them up with gauzes not bandages.

And then I sat down, accepting another beer from Reyka. As the two girls sat up. Huh!? What? Relax you two, the medicine is supposed to do that. And after your wounds will become itchy but don't scratch them or you'll get an infection. . . the normal kind.

Both girls nodded ignoring their lightly steaming wounds, and the smell of strong sulfur. I gave them masks to wear. So? You said you work for the army. Yeah I do. . . something about the science division before I black out, and those two left.

Wow, Reyka's good at this. Hmm. . . maybe with a lot of training I can make her into a starcluster class interrogator. I work on very cutting edge biotech. The lab I was stationed in, was researching for a cure, for the first strand of this virus, but, when command fell, most of the scientists left. I was one of them. I have a copy of the data and a supply of one of the successful prototypes.

The girls looked very shocked. Does it really work? Makki looked doubtful as she looked like she's resisting scratching her bandages. Yeah it does, I've seen the trials and it worked for her. I looked happily at Sam. I did a pulse, yeah they were skeptical of the cure part but as they saw me smiling they're heart softened to the idea.

Also, while we're being honest, I'm a modified human. Now that's not something I expected, they fully believed it immediately. Huh? I thought. . . The girls laughed as they saw my disbelieving face. Ha ha ha Boy! There's a reason why we were assisting with the North New tokyo evact. Do you think regular stewardesses would work during a pandemic like this? Well yeah I thought good people would. . . 

Yukari shook her head. Listen Daniel, yes there were some brave stewardesses, who helped during the first and second flights but the later flights needed to be assisted by agents. . . they let their words sinked in so there intelligence agents? And I just lied to them. . . Fuck! Alright I need a memory wipe, fucking hell! Why didn't I notice!

Yukari poured her hard liquor and it looked like very light brown water. . . she's not even drunk! I think my surprise showed as this made the girls smile. And laugh again. Yes I wasn't drunk and I don't know what you did to me but please don't do it again it still hurts. Crkked she popped her neck. Alright my hypnotic weave is ready, just need an opening. Or else I might fry their brains.

 Sigh. . . Sorry Sweetie but you just looked so cute, yes we believe you. Yukari said, as she stopped her giggles. Huh? On everything. Makki continued as she smiled, relieved, laying down on her bed. I relaxed, after, feeling they were sincere. 

Reyka was hovering around me as she looked over my body. We figured you were modified, and probably part of a super soldier program. Just based on your "attributes" and it was telling you where routinely examined by how, without hesitation, you would undress in front of strangers. . . either that or you're some kind of pervert. 

Ahem. . . Sorry. And from how relaxed you were, and practiced in your first aid, and administration of that cure, we would know you're really some kind of scientist with medicine training which means med-tech or. . . Bio-tech. 

Huh. . . so do you guys want more detail or is above your pay grade? Like I'm military, but I'm not sure how rank works in the Intelligence agency. The girls looked at each other sheepishly. . . oh that's not good. Well, were all being honest right? Yeah? What's your rank? Officially Chief warrant officer 3 in the science division and Major in the field. I may look young but I'm actually older. The supersoldier treatment deaged me for a couple of years.

The girls now looked pale. Hello girls? Sir! They bowed. your . . . your. . your. Are, are handler no! boss! can't even be able to talk to you! I'm a senior evaluator, and they are both evaluators. Where the ones at the desk looking through data or gathering info to help field agents with their missions.

So like lieutenants? Yes. . . Well that's fine, you're not in the army and I'm basically a deserter who left his post. I don't deserve your respect. Please, be at ease. I said with a little command in my voice. Just to sell this lie further.

Can we know about the virus and this cure? It's not itching anymore. Makki said as she drank milk. Alright we do have a long night ahead of us. So it only helps against the BB-rot strain. . .

Hello there! done with chapter 2 and my school starts in 2 days. I regret not starting earlier, but I promised myself one arc which is basically a season so I'll keep working on that. after that tho I might haitus this and go back to working on my main story. So if you want more give support.

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