
Through the ages: Visitor of the apocalypse

In a world of death and life. where humanity hangs on a thread. a visitor came, would he save the remnants of humanity? and lead them back into a new peak? or, would he guide the new dominant race of this new order. who knows, but I know its a story worth writing. Arc 1 Not the worst apocalypse. Follow as Daniel Explores this new apocalyptic world. limiting himself to that of a 1st tier Astral psion. with a body strong enough to decimate 21 century armies barehanded.

MA_Writecrft · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 From cities to the sticks. Act 1 to 3

Act 1 Life at camp.

Day 60 of the apocalypse. 3 days after leaving South New tokyo.

Pov: Sandra Mori.

Tick! tick! tick. . . In a dimly lit room, a young lady slept. her dark brown hair, in a messy bundle. She was covered in a sheet of soft cotton, her cloth pile moved, as she awakened and opened the blinders of her ceiling.

Eikk! She let out a soft yelp, as she fell back down on her clothes stricken mess of a bed. Sigh. . . Can't believe I woke up so early. She looked over her night stand seeing an almost empty wine bottle, it was a large but less than a liter. Its glass was green, capped with golden leaf and Italian symbols and words scribbled with English words on its label. 

Damn. She slowly rubbed her head. What are you doing Sandra? What if that bastard sees you like this? Huh? What then? Fuck you Stark! Why did you go and leav. . . she started to cry, her already stained pillow becoming even more stained.

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Before the fall, 2 weeks before the apocalypse.

Pov Sandra Mori.

Shruup! Shrup! Pop! The sound of sucking echoed. Sandra? You know you don't. . .Arg! Vvvvvpop! Glup. . glup. glup! A dark haired lady, had her mouth around the dick of an older man. Swallowing hard, as his essence, flowed down her throat.

You should really stop asking me to "relax" here at work, the others already know we see each other off work, and you know how rumors go, yeah I like the sex but. . . The man said as he helped the lady up and sat her at his desk.

But, I'm where I am, because, I'm one of the engineers here, who knows how to use the protocols you've set up. I know Andy, I know, please. . . just let me have my fun?

The man sighed, as he pinned the lady on his desk. Her surprise was muffled, as her mouth was filled by a finger and the other mouth occupied. Do you enjoy this, you little boss fucking whore?

She was bent backwards on the man's desk, her cries gargled as she was starting to lose control of her legs, collapsing on the man's thighs. please. . . put . . it . in~ She panted as she soaked the man's hardened poll. Good girl~ he whispered into her ear, turning them redder.

0 0 0 0 0

Pov Marco Diaz

She's crying again. A latino boy at the start of his youth, walked towards a shipping crate, turned, cabin home. The noise of low cries was heard inside this little cabin. The boy was holding a plastic tray, a bowl of broth and bread was on the trey, both still steamed.

The boy took a deep breath. Morning Sis Sana! I have breakfast! Leaving it by the window. And SO Martin wants you to join a meeting later in the afternoon, after lunch. . . I heard nothing inside, but I know she's crying again, it's either that or. . . Yeah I'll be there! Thanks for the breakfast kid.

I Heard her voice from behind the door. And she sounded better than last time. Kay! I'm going now! And I left and went back to the center of the camp. 

The "Camp" was bigger than it sounds like, as from what SO learned over the broadcasts, our camp can be considered a small sanctuary, we just weren't actively looking for survivors or responding to any emergency calls. . . Sis told me that they tried at first, but something really bad happened after their 3rd attempt, and that they lost a lot, because of it.

But I think that'll change soon, based on what big sis kept complaining to me about. I'm really happy, she was really here. When mister Stark and the others found me I thought I was gonna get taken in as an errand boy, like those that happens to kids in the movies. 

But no, he told me about my sister and why they came, why they tried looking for me. . . at first I didn't believe him, he looked too much like those very mean, old bastards my sister told me to avoid. but no, after just a day with him I saw how kind he was, not just to the guys he came with but towards those that joined the group he was leading.

Everything felt right at first, Mike navigated the city while we told him things we knew about certain parts of the city as we scavenged for meds and necessities.

We either fight or avoid the Zombies, we didn't go anywhere that looks too dangerous. . . But no, other humans were the real danger, if I didn't trust that girl if I didn't tell her where we were. . The old man might have.

Thump. Agh! What are you thinking pablo? The latino young youth was stunned as an older brown honey skinned youth came and gave him a head chop.

The younger youth slapped the hand away as a red faced latino boy retorted. It's Marco! After the outburst the boy calmed and continued. What do you even want, Jemel?

The smiling dark skinned, older youth turned serious as he spoke. Oh seniors looking for you. . So, how's she doing? The young youth shook his head. That, bad huh? In silence they started walking, away from the crate cabin.

You know It's good that she's grieving. Jemel was solemn now, his voice and eyes spoke of his own grief. Atleast now she can get over it one day. . . some of the others seems be ignoring it. . some even broke, talking to there dead friends, or family. Sigh. . . hopefully will get a psychologist one of these days.

That won't help. Marco spoke back, as they stopped and looked at a group who's cooking for everyone's breakfast. Jackson was with them. We only need time and. . . I've had a psychologist before, she helped. but, the medicine helped more, and I don't think her therapy would be useful without the meds.

Jemel nodded. I never had medical mental therapy before, only guidance work. . . but you're right we might need those kinds of meds, but without a doctor or atleast a pharmacist we might kill ourselves, if we use any of the specialized meds we have now. Jemel looked thoughtful as they continued forward.

Well we have Nana Ifiok. Marco said as they saw her tending a small garden patch. She was old, white long hair and with wrinkled light brown hands. which turned soil with a garden trowel.

Well Lola, knows alot about plants, and herbs. but she's forestry, that's what she studied in her youth, she was never trained as a pharmacist. Even though she's wise, we can't rely on her knowing modern meds. 

Marco nodded. Alright, we're here, you go ahead. I. . I'm gonna get some breakfast. He said, as he walked not in the direction of the canteen but towards the community cemetery, a small hill with a tree at the center, surrounded with tombs made out of wooden planks.

Alright have a good breakfast brother. . . yeah I will. Then there he goes, I think, I wouldn't be any better if I ever lost my own sister. Marco took a last look at the strong but slumped back of Jemel as he left. And then entered the noisy garage.

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Pov Mike Yun.

Sigh. . . Now, this is the life. So do you guys want to join me? An asian young man with average physic held a bow, and arrow, with the arrow piercing a wiggling carp.

Grra! Two walking corpses stumbled towards Mike, struggling to walk on the soft lake floor. I knew it! we should make moats around the settlements if it can make the Zs this useless.

Mike let go of his prey, tossing it to the shoreline as he strapped his bow, and pulled out a wooden spear. Thuk! One of the walking corpses fell with a splash on the water. 

Shit. . . The spear was stuck in the skull of the first one. I didn't force it and let go of the wooden spear. And then pulled out my machete. I wasn't that good with close combat, in these Zs are terrifyingly unpredictable, but I know they always jump when they're close enough. I just need to wait for it.

The dark haired young asian man, stood still and went into an awkward martial stance, he seemed to be copying something he had seen, but never practiced and then he waited. Shuk! A crossbow bolt pierced the Z at the side of its head.

Hey! Mike! You okay man? A group of three led by a black young man ran towards Mike, the lead was wearing a police vest. Jackson! The hell man! I got it where I wanted it. Yeah of course you did but we didn't want to lose are best fisherman! Ha ha ha ha! Jackson laughed and as he did they all followed.

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A few hours after the fishing event. So as we thought, the Zs are spreading out from the city. An older white man wearing an officer NTCPD dark blue jacket, his beard and mustache was immaculately trimmed. even in the apocalypse he had style.

Well we knew that they'll follow their food eventually. . . so either they've eaten everyone in the city or a lot more survivors left. A group spoke around the campfire, they were 20 in total not counting the 5 children, sleeping in their parents arms.

Isn't this good? I said as I stood up. And drew a square on the ground with my wooden spear. See, if they all leave, wouldn't the city be less dangerous? Yes but. The SO stood and drew a circle outside my square. Right here where exposed, this is one of the junctions leading out of the city; it's not a main one because it's mainly used for train logistics, but it's an exit.

He let his words sunk in. We already felt the first wave this evening, we were lucky It was only a couple. but if it's that many of them way up here, the other exits would be swarming with them. And if that's the case, they'll try to leave at all the exits in swarms, maybe not in the next few days or this week but they'll eventually come.

So either we abandon our camp or reinforce it and move back into the city once the swarm passes. . . Sandra said as she looked into the fire without looking at the two standing men.

We're not moving, most of the cars won't be able to go far and I don't want my Little one, taking the chance of me dying out there taking care of her, until we reach the next sanctuary. It's more than 50 kilometers right? The SO Nodded. The one who spoke was one of the parents that had a sleeping child on their side.

The SO looked contemplative. And then spoke. Let's vote, either we focus on working on the cars, so we can leave to somewhere safer, or we hold up here and hope the horde coming this way won't be too big or ignore us.

The vote was decided, most wanted to stay, some wanted to leave but they were easily convinced to stay, but they wanted help looking for their loved ones after the horde passed. Which was understandable. We all wanted to look for our loved ones.

Slap! Hey man you okay? Jackson sat next to me, as he placed a hand on my shoulder. Yeah I am. I said smiling. I get a chance to help Sandra get closure, and I can get my uncle's shop in order. If I know my parents and uncles, they're old, but they'll be fine. . . I already called them at the start of all this so hopefully they're not worrying about me.

How about you Jack? Well My folks are old, I'm their youngest. Moms with dad and his at the hexagon safest place you can be in a time like this. So I'm not that worried. . . But yeah, I'll help too. If Mister Stark is dead, or worse, we need to atleast give him a better send off than letting him rot away on top of an office building. Thanks Jack. No need, let's go help Marco with dinner Mike. I nodded and we left the camp center.

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Day 61 of the apocalypse.

Pov Jackson Luckas

So, we need groups to take care of the roads leading here. I'm taking one, Richer's taking the other. And I want you to take the last one. Who's Richer SO? Hey now, easy with the SO stuff. . . were still acting like cops, but order is gone, and we might get targeted if we keep acting like cops, especially with new people.

So call me Martin Kid, you deserve that much. alright, and Richer's a vet, marines, just discharged from a tour. came here with his partner to leave town. When you and the others left for the city.

Okay. . . Is he? Yeah he's telling the truth. Alright Sir Martin I'll take. Take 2 or 3 with you, just scout the roads for now and look for things we can use to barricade them. I nodded. And then left. Hopefully he'll do well, it's good for him to learn how to lead people early on. I didn't hear the last thing SO said.

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So your Jackson? Yes, and your sir Richer? Yeah that's me. Do you need anything heavy? Richer asked as he spread open his gun bag, it was all shotguns, sniper rifles and assault rifles. This baby is my favorite. She's old reliable. Shuk, shuk. He was holding an old model sniper rifle, an M40 bolt action.

No. . . wait do you have silencers? Silencers? Yeah I don't know if you know, but this Zs, they are attracted to smell, and sounds. When we were in the city, we would get swarmed in minutes when we used guns. Is that so? Well I only have one for one of the remingtons. And 3 that can be used for the rifles, and 2 for pistols made by Lockheed.

Hmm. . . alright give them to your group then. You sure? I can spare the remington and the pistols if you want. Yeah my team and I got old school weapons from a pawnshop so we're fine. Huh. I did wonder where that martial arts kid got that cool sword, and all the other old guns. well, still take these. He gave me the 3 pistols and their silencers. With a magazine belt.

No I. . . Hey now kid, don't be stubborn, take those and keep your band safe, and if you ever find any more cold era weapons, get me a long sword or claymore. And rapier for me please! His partner yelled inside the workshop. I don't know what she was doing inside or how she heard us, but it sounds like she was working with metal pieces. 

Alight thank you, and will do, there was a ton in the pawnshop we scavenge from. We'll get what you asked, next time we scavenge for supplies. The marine nodded. Alright be safe kid! try not to die ha ha ha! He shoved me forward as he waved me away.

He was the second special-soldier I met, he was kinder than the first. Less serious and actually talking. But it's odd to find one here, they're usually kept hidden, played off to the public as normal tall civilians or regular soldiers.

But if one is active here, even before the apocalypse. high command might have known about this, even before the first confirmed case in New texas. That would explain why dad asked me to visit a month ago.