
Throne of Lies, Bloodlines of Truth

"Thrones of Lies, Bloodlines of Truth" Welcome to the regal tapestry of Aetheria, where the grandeur of the royal court conceals a labyrinth of secrets and hidden identities. A story unfolds, weaving together the lives of Alistair and Bennett, heirs to a throne shadowed by uncertainties and overlooked truths. Alistair, poised to ascend the throne, grapples with doubts about his lineage, while Bennett, his overlooked brother, navigates the complexities of his heritage amid the opulence of the court.Intrigue abounds within the court's corridors, where the enigmatic advisor, Seraphina, maneuvers through a landscape riddled with ancient mysteries and hidden prophecies. Amidst this tapestry, Princess Chanelle, veiled in courtly norms, forges unexpected connections. Her bond with Luca, a royal guard, blossoms against the backdrop of looming expectations and an impending arranged marriage to Lewis, the royal court's designated suitor. As the court dances with secrets and loyalties hang in the balance, "Thrones of Lies, Bloodlines of Truth" unfurls a narrative woven with hidden identities, complex relationships, and the quest for truth within the confines of a kingdom poised on the brink of revelation.

lovelyredpanda · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

tangled echoes

*After their duelling classes, Bennett sought out Oscar, the son of their duelling teacher, Mr. Henry. Oscar, known for his exceptional intellect and his occasional participation in their duelling sessions, glanced up as Bennett approached with a look of urgency.*

Bennett: "Oscar, I need your help with something crucial. It's about Chanelle."

*Oscar's inquisitive gaze met Bennett's, sensing the gravity of the situation.*

Oscar: "Sure, Bennett. What's going on?"

*Bennett handed Oscar the half-burnt letter, his expression tense with worry.*

Bennett: "Chanelle found this. We need to know what it says. It might prove her innocence."

*Oscar carefully examined the damaged parchment, nodding thoughtfully.*

Oscar: "I'll give it a shot. But deciphering this will take time. Meet me in my father's study tonight, after everyone's turned in for the evening."

*As the night descended, Bennett and Oscar gathered in Mr. Henry's study, lit by the soft glow of candlelight. Oscar spread out the letter on the table, scrutinizing its charred edges.*

Oscar: "This might take a while, Bennett. The damage is quite extensive."

*Bennett nodded, a knot of anxiety tightening in his chest. They observed closely as Oscar meticulously examined the text, analyzing the fragments and the partially readable sections.*

Oscar: "Ah... I think I'm getting somewhere."

*With unwavering focus, Oscar pieced together the fragmented sentences, decoding the hidden message.*

Oscar: "I've deciphered it!"

*Bennett leaned in eagerly, anticipation etched across his face.*

Oscar: "It's a letter from Mr. Jasper to someone unknown.

"Please Oscar try your best to understand what's written in the letter, this letter my help Chanelle and prove her innocence" Bennett said hoping that Oscar might understand even on sentence

Soon after minutes as Oscar was trying to read the letter, his eyes widened with shock hitting him like an electricity, having his body shivering

[ Context of the letter ]

"Dearest Chanelle,

I write this with a heavy heart, burdened by the knowledge I've uncovered. The Queen and Prime Minister are not to be trusted. I have stumbled upon their clandestine dealings, secrets that could shatter the kingdom.

Beware, my pupil, for danger lurks in the shadows. They orchestrate schemes that endanger not only the throne but your safety as well. I fear they've cast me as their scapegoat to hide their treachery.

The truth lies hidden within the palace walls. Seek the truth, my dear, and do not trust appearances. Your innocence hangs in the balance.

Ever devoted to your protection,

Mr. Jasper

[ end of the letter ]

"Oh Bennett I can't understand anything, it's not as understandable as I thought" Oscar said trying his best to hide the fact that he's lying — "are you sure, you were reading it just fine few minutes ago" Bennett said not believing what Oscar is saying.

Oscar handed the letter to Bennett asking him to seek help from someone else as he insisted that he's not able to read anything written in the letter, "Bennett we should leave my father's office, anyone could come at any minute" Said Oscar trying to drag Bennett out of the office

Bennett without saying anything just left the office feeling as disappointed as ever in his best Friend that he was ready to trust everything with.

The second Bennett left Oscar let out a deep sigh of relief, "What was that" he said to himself in disbelief, "was he trying to get me executed?" Oscar said letting out a chuckle.

Soon after the office door suddenly opened revealing none other than Mr. Henry( Oscar's father)

"What brings you here son?" Mr. Henry asked with a low tone

"No, nothing father" he said and without further inquiry from his father he departed from the room as soon as he could.

[Evelyn's Point of view]

"As I strolled towards the garden, carrying the watering can, my eyes caught sight of him. Prince Alistair, seated under the canopy of a sprawling oak tree, engrossed in a book. The afternoon sun filtered through the leaves, casting a warm glow around him.

His dark black hair, ruffled by the gentle breeze, framed his striking features. His eyes, as black as the night sky, held a certain charm that seemed to captivate everyone in his presence. Even in the simplicity of the garden, he exuded an aura of regal grace.

As I approached, a flutter stirred within me. I couldn't help but steal a glance in his direction, feeling my heart skip a beat when our eyes briefly met. In that fleeting moment, a rush of emotions swept through me—an inexplicable mix of admiration and nervousness. His mere presence seemed to command the air around us."

[End of Evelyn's Point of view]

The garden's tranquility enveloped Evelyn as she approached, the silver watering can in her grasp, its weight feeling strangely lighter in the presence of Prince Alistair. Seated amidst the lush foliage, he exuded an aura of undeniable allure. His raven-black locks cascaded effortlessly, framing a countenance highlighted by piercing black eyes that seemed to hold untold depths. Her heart skipped a beat as she drew nearer, her admiration for the Prince swelling with each step.

Summoning all her courage, she offered a soft and respectful greeting, "Good evening, Your Highness."

Alistair remained engrossed in the book clasped within his hands, his attention stubbornly fixed on its pages. She attempted a second greeting, raising her voice slightly, hoping to capture his attention. "Good evening, Your Highness."

"I heard you the first time, no need to repeat or shout," came Alistair's distant response, his gaze still anchored to the book, offering nothing in acknowledgment of her presence.

Confusion and disappointment intermingled on Evelyn's countenance. "Then why didn't you reply?" Her voice bore a tinge of hurt, a mix of curiosity and longing for a connection.

"Why would I?" His response was sharp, dismissing her inquiry with the indifference of a noble detached from the world below.

Evelyn bit her lip, a subtle sign of her frustration, before redirecting her attention to the plants, seeking solace in her routine tasks. As she carefully tended to the greenery, her heart harbored the sting of the Prince's coldness, leaving her unsettled and pondering the enigma that was Prince Alistair.

Evelyn blinked, taken aback by his blunt response. Her cheeks flushed slightly, a mix of embarrassment and disappointment washing over her. "I...I just wanted to greet you, Your Highness. It's my duty to show respect," she murmured, her voice a tad shaky.

Alistair raised an eyebrow, his gaze unwavering. "Your duty, you say?" His tone was detached, almost disdainful.

She nodded, her fingers fidgeting nervously. "Yes, Your Highness. It's important to show proper manners..."

He cut her off, his voice cool and indifferent. "Manners, indeed. You may resume your duties. There's no need for further conversation." With that, he returned his attention to the book in his hand, dismissing her presence entirely.

Evelyn hesitated, feeling the weight of his dismissal. Swallowing her disappointment, she resumed watering the plants, her mind swirling with a mix of frustration and hurt at the Prince's cold demeanor. She finished her task in silence, stealing a few furtive glances at Alistair, who remained immersed in his reading, seemingly oblivious to her discomfort.

As she walked away from the garden, Evelyn couldn't shake off the sting of his indifference. She couldn't understand why Alistair behaved so coldly, leaving her with a sense of disappointment that lingered long after she left his presence.