
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

Robert_Peterson_1945 · คนดัง
41 Chs

Warrior Huang Zhong

The Left Army Camp of the Feathered Forest wasn't very far from Nangong. The three thousand iron riders arrived in the blink of an eye. The location of the camp was called Yudu Pavilion, which reminded Lu Bu of his historical title as the Marquis of Duting. He wondered if there was any connection between this Yudu Pavilion and his former title.

The three thousand cavalry surrounded the Left Army Camp of the Feathered Forest. Lu Bu, standing outside the camp gate with a raised spear, loudly declared, "By the decree of the Empress Dowager, we have come to take command of the Feathered Forest Army. Open the gates quickly!"

Lu Bu found it strange. The news of He Jin's execution should have reached the Left Army Camp of the Feathered Forest long ago. Usually, such news would cause chaos and confusion, but why was it so quiet and solemn inside?

With his years of combat intuition, Lu Bu sensed the presence of thousands of people inside. The overwhelming killing intent emanating from the blades and spears was undeniable.

Fearing that forces like Yuan Shao had already taken control of the Feathered Forest Army, Lu Bu hastily ordered the cavalry from Bingzhou to prepare for defense.

At that moment, a military officer appeared on the walls of the Left Army Camp. This man, nearing forty, was tall and robust, with a face like pale gold and eyes like lightning. He wielded a large knife and shouted at Lu Bu, "Who are you people surrounding the Left Army Camp? How dare you attack us!"

As he shouted, hundreds of archers suddenly emerged from the camp walls, bows drawn and arrows aimed at the Bingzhou cavalry.

Lu Bu quickly held his spear aloft on horseback and presented the decree from the Empress Dowager, saying, "I am Lu Bu, recently appointed as the Glorious Charioteer. By the order of the Empress Dowager, I have come to take command of the Feathered Forest Army."

After reading the imperial decree, Lu Bu sent Qin Yi to deliver it to the gate. The military officer, still suspicious, ordered a basket lowered by a rope. Qin Yi placed the decree inside the basket.

After verifying the imperial decree, the military officer shouted, "How can we be sure this isn't the manipulation of wicked courtiers forcing the Empress Dowager to issue a false decree?!"

Gao Shun raised the severed heads of Zhao Zhong and Guo Sheng, declaring, "The Ten Eunuchs have been completely eradicated by our General. Here are the heads of Zhao Zhong and Guo Sheng as evidence." To ensure the soldiers on the walls could see clearly, Gao Shun, fearless of the arrows, rode his horse to the front of the camp.

After examining the heads, the soldiers in the Feathered Forest Army cheered. Undeniably, although He Jin lacked political acumen, he was adept at military affairs, earning the loyalty of his soldiers.

The military officer then commanded the archers to lower their bows and arrows. The gate was opened, allowing the Bingzhou cavalry to enter the camp.

The military officer apologized with a cupped fist, saying, "Colonel Huang Zhong of the Feathered Forest Army expresses deep gratitude for the General's favor. Due to my responsibilities, I hope General Lu can forgive any misunderstandings."

Lu Bu was greatly surprised, glaring and stammering, "You, you, you are Huang Zhong, Han Sheng?!"

Huang Zhong smiled faintly, "I've only been in Luoyang for a month. General Lu already knows of me, Huang Hansheng? Your information is truly well-informed, General Lu. I admire your knowledge."

Lu Bu was puzzled, "Aren't you supposed to be in Liu Biao's territory? How did you end up under the command of the Grand General?"

Huang Zhong curiously replied, "I wonder where General Lu got such absurd information. Liu Biao, Liu Jingsheng, is currently the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Army, overseeing five battalions. How could he still be in Jingzhou? As for me and the Grand General, we are both natives of Nanyang, with old ties. When the Grand General was purging the corrupt officials, he summoned me from Nanyang to join him. He rewarded me with the position of Colonel of the Feathered Forest Army. What does this have to do with Liu Biao?"

Upon hearing Huang Zhong's words, Lu Bu suddenly remembered reading an article that mentioned historical records of He Jin instructing his subordinate Huang Zhong to write a letter to another subordinate, asking the latter to pledge allegiance to Lu Bu. The article had analyzed that this Huang Zhong was the same Huang Zhong who later became one of the Five Tiger Generals. Since He Jin's subordinate Huang Zhong, like He Jin, was from Nanyang, and Nanyang had only one Huang Zhong during the Three Kingdoms period, it was likely the same person. Liu Biao took office as Inspector of Jingzhou in the first year of the Chuping era (190 AD), replacing the previous Inspector Wang Rui, who had been killed by Sun Jian. Dong Zhuo recommended Liu Biao to the court for the position.

As for why Huang Zhong later served under Liu Biao, it's not hard to analyze. In historical records, after He Jin's death, Dong Zhuo absorbed He Jin's Feathered Forest Army. Huang Zhong, ashamed to serve under Dong Zhuo, resigned and returned to his hometown. As Nanyang was under the jurisdiction of Jingzhou, Liu Biao naturally recruited Huang Zhong as Colonel and stationed him in southern Jingzhou.

Even at the age of sixty, Huang Zhong could fight on par with the forty-something Guan Yu, nearly shooting him to death. In his seventies, he beheaded the fierce general Xiahou Yuan in battle. His commanding abilities were also excellent, showcased vividly in the Battle of Hanzhong. Unfortunately, that became his swan song, and compared to Lian Po, another veteran, he gained fame too late.

Many readers of the Three Kingdoms express regret for Huang Zhong. Some say that perhaps only the young Huang Zhong could stand up to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was overjoyed, realizing that he couldn't let Huang Zhong slip away. He must recruit him and have him willingly serve. With Huang Zhong around, Lu Bu wouldn't have to work so hard and personally face every formidable opponent.

Lu Bu apologized with a cupped fist, "Brother Hansheng, I believed in rumors. I deeply apologize."

Seeing Lu Bu's sincere attitude, Huang Zhong smiled and said, "General Lu, no need to be polite. How about we get started now?"

Under He Jin's command, the Feathered Forest Army was divided into the Left and Right Armies, each with two thousand soldiers. Huang Zhong served as the Colonel of the Left Army.

Lu Bu smoothly took over the command tokens and seal from Huang Zhong. Just as he was about to establish a connection with Huang Zhong, he saw Huang Zhong turning to pack his belongings. Lu Bu hurriedly grabbed Huang Zhong's arm and asked, "Brother Hansheng, where are you going?"

Huang Zhong smiled faintly, "I'm handing over the command of the Left Army to you, relieving myself of the position of Colonel. Since the Grand General has passed away, and I, as an ineffective loyalist, staying in Luoyang serves no purpose. Returning to my hometown in Nanyang is a better choice."

Lu Bu was very excited. A formidable general was about to slip away. How could he not be excited? He quickly grabbed Huang Zhong's arm, "Brother Hansheng, that's a big mistake! The Grand General bestowed great favor upon you. Brother Hansheng not only led troops to eliminate the corrupt officials and avenge the Grand General, but also protected Empress Dowager and took care of the young emperor and Prince Chenliu on behalf of the Grand General. How can Brother Hansheng repay the kindness of the Grand General?"

Huang Zhong stood there blankly, murmuring, "I, Huang Hansheng, have failed the Grand General. I have failed the Grand General."

After muttering a few words, he suddenly realized the mistake, "But, according to the reports from scouts, General Furen's younger brother, along with the Colonel of the Capital, Mr. Yuan, has already wiped out the corrupt officials. Now that General Lu has obtained the decree from the Empress Dowager, it shows that the Empress Dowager has been well protected by you. It's likely that the young emperor and Prince Chenliu are safe as well. In that case, even if I, Huang Hansheng, want to repay the Grand General's favor, what should I do?"