
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

Robert_Peterson_1945 · Celebrities
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Heirloom Seal of the Realm Obtained

Lu Bu couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Brother, I'm twenty-eight years old this year (Note 1), eleven years older than you. I think Diao Chan is a beautiful name. I will propose to the Empress Dowager to change the official title of the Diao Chan position to 'Guan Ying Officer.' From now on, under the heavens, only you will be called Diao Chan. How does that sound?"

Diao Chan was stunned by Lu Bu's boldness. She never expected that as a humble palace maid, she could have the court change her official title for her. Perhaps, after hearing about Lu Bu's heroic deeds for a long time, she unconsciously developed a mysterious admiration for him.

This hero was not someone distant or unattainable; he stood right in front of her, amiable, adorable, and with a charming smile.

Diao Chan lived in the palace, controlled by Empress Dowager He, where "three hundred and sixty days, the wind and frost are severe." She knew that many palace maids, favored by Emperor Ling, were poisoned to death by Empress Dowager He after becoming pregnant. At a young age, she quickly learned to hide her brilliance, dressing herself plainly and avoiding Emperor Ling until his demise. Diao Chan thought she had secured her safety, but unexpectedly, the chaos caused by Yuan Shao and others in Luoyang Palace disrupted everything. Spending over a year in Luoyang, she had rarely smiled until now, feeling warmth and joy in Lu Bu's presence.

Hearing Lu Bu say he was twenty-eight, considering himself young, Diao Chan boldly lifted her head to scrutinize him.

Lu Bu was exceptionally tall, over nine feet in height, with strong arms, a slender waist, and a well-proportioned physique. He wore a golden crown on his head, a hundred-flower battle robe draped over his body, a Tang Ni armor, a lion-mane treasure belt around his waist, and carried a two-yard-long painted halberd in his hand, exuding an imposing aura. Looking at Lu Bu's face, his skin had a somewhat bronzed tone from his time on the grasslands, yet it was smooth and delicate, not like a battle-hardened general. His facial features were sharp and defined, with a straight and high nose, slightly proud thin lips, and bright, shining eyes, as if electric sparks were flickering within.

Diao Chan met Lu Bu's gaze, and unable to resist, Lu Bu's eyes conveyed a deep sentiment, releasing a spark of electricity. Diao Chan blushed, lowered her head shyly, and coquettishly said, "You're teasing me. I think you're just in your early twenties."

In Lu Bu's mind, he pondered. Indeed, when he crossed over from the 21st century, he had just graduated from university at the age of 21. Could it be that a young soul made the appearance younger as well?

Realizing he had a lot to do on this day and no time to build a relationship with Diao Chan, without asking for her opinion, Lu Bu decided to let her stay in his house.

Remembering that his father-in-law, Yan Mu, was a prominent merchant in Bingzhou with a house in Luoyang, Lu Bu called his personal guard Li Hei forward, "Tai Bai, lead ten brothers to escort this young lady to my father-in-law's house. If there are any unruly scoundrels on the way, make sure to eliminate them without mercy."

Li Hei, born into a humble background, originally did not have an honorary title. Lu Bu found his personality amusing and gave him a playful title, Tai Bai. Every time Lu Bu called Li Hei, he felt a sense of mischievous joy.

Li Hei was indeed very dark-skinned, the result of being sunburned while herding sheep and horses on the grasslands. He had a chubby appearance, giving him a lovable and naive look, but in reality, he was astute and capable in handling matters.

Li Hei frowned and walked forward, "Reporting to the General, Madam is currently waiting at that residence to meet the General. Is it appropriate for me to escort this young lady there?"

Lu Bu furrowed his brows and questioned, "Didn't Wei Xu inform his cousin? Who blabbered about it and let it reach Bingzhou? Don't they know my wife's health is not good?"

Li Hei hesitated for a moment and gathered his courage to say, "I heard it was Han Meng who sent word back."

Lu Bu remembered that when he followed his father to seek refuge with Ding Yuan, he was below Hao Meng in rank. Lu Bu had once repelled a Xianbei invasion and saved the family of Yan Mu. Impressed by Lu Bu's talent and martial prowess, Yan Mu decided to marry his daughter to Lu Bu. At that time, Hao Meng also sent someone to propose marriage, but Yan Mu rejected it. Since then, Lu Bu and Hao Meng had a strained relationship. However, Hao Meng, recognizing Lu Bu's extraordinary martial skills, dared not offend him and chose to flatter him. Fortunately, Lu Bu unintentionally saw through his true intentions.

After a brief contemplation, Lu Bu told Li Hei, "Just tell Madam the truth. She will know how to arrange things for this young lady. Also, inform Madam that everything is well with me. Ask her not to worry. Once the situation in Luoyang stabilizes, I will naturally come to see her."

Li Hei nodded in agreement and prepared to carry out the orders.

Seeing Lu Bu about to leave, Diao Chan quickly raised the Seven-Star Precious Blade and handed it to Lu Bu, saying, "General, Diao Chan sees that you only have a long weapon and lack a suitable short weapon. This Seven-Star Precious Blade is a treasure from the palace. I used to carry it for self-defense, but now, with General's elite guards protecting me, I no longer need it. Please accept it, and use it to kill more of those Xiongnu bandits in the future."

Lu Bu, seeing Diao Chan's sincerity, no longer refused politely. He took the Seven-Star Precious Blade, hung it at his waist, and said to Diao Chan, "A hero receives a precious sword, and a beauty receives a precious gift. You stay obediently at home, and I'll bring back some rouge for you in the future."

Watching Diao Chan and the others walk away, Lu Bu ordered Gao Shun to lead soldiers to clear out all irrelevant people from the palace. Several guards of Wang Yun, intending to resist, were executed on the spot.

With Gao Shun, Qin Yi, and a few completely trustworthy individuals, Lu Bu thoroughly inspected all the wells in the palace. Finally, in one well, he saw a faint radiance. Peering down, he discovered the body of a palace maid floating in the water.

Lu Bu hastily ordered the retrieval of the maid's corpse. Around her neck, a sachet was hanging, and inside it was a small red box.

Lu Bu wasn't entirely certain yet. He instructed Gao Shun to find a small palace, stationed him at the entrance, and entered alone. Lu Bu found a corner and opened the box. Inside was indeed the Imperial Seal, four inches in diameter, engraved with five dragons intertwined. One corner was missing, adorned with gold. Above it were eight seal characters: "Endowed by the heavens, longevity and prosperity."

Lu Bu breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he held the thing that could change the history of the Three Kingdoms (Note 2) in his hands. He caressed the Imperial Seal several times before gently placing it back into the box. He locked the box securely and then placed it into the cleaned sachet.

Lu Bu carefully tucked the sachet into his armor and secured it. Only then did he feel at ease, walking out of the main hall. He called Gao Shun to gather the troops and head to the camp formerly commanded by He Jin.

Note 1: Lu Bu once referred to Liu Bei as a younger brother, but regardless of official history or fictional accounts, various details indicate that Lu Bu was older than Liu Bei and younger than Cao Cao. During the twelfth month of the third year of Jian'an (198 AD), when Lu Bu suffered defeat, he should have been between 37 and 41 years old, taking the minimum age of 37. Thus, he should have been born in the year 161 AD. When he first appeared in the sixth year of Zhongping (189 AD), his age was approximately 28.

Note 2: The historical events related to the Imperial Seal during the late Eastern Han Dynasty are as follows: In the sixth year of Xianning (AD 192), Yuan Shao entered the palace and executed the eunuchs. Duan Gui fled with the emperor, and the Imperial Seal went missing. During the time of Emperor Xian, Dong Zhuo rebelled. Sun Jian led his troops into Luoyang and, on a certain day and time, soldiers saw colorful clouds in a well at the southern part of the Zhen palace. They sent someone down the well and found a small box tied around the neck of a palace maid who had thrown herself into the well. Inside the box was the Imperial Seal. Sun Jian considered it a treasure and secretly kept it with his wife Lady Wu. Later, Yuan Shu captured Lady Wu and seized the seal (possibly not as portrayed in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, where Sun Ce took the seal to borrow troops). After Yuan Shu's death, the Inspector of Jingzhou, Xu Qiu, brought the seal to Xuchang and presented it to Cao Cao.

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