
Chapter 97: Wallbreaker_1

Secretary-General Sayi began to announce the Wallfacer selections. Frederick Tyler, Manuel Rey Diaz, and Bill Heinz went on stage in succession.

Sanin solemnly said, "The fourth Wallfacer: Jiang Yu."

Under the scrutiny of representatives from various countries, Jiang Yu slowly walked up to the podium.

In the eyes of people like Logic, Jiang Yu was the most suitable candidate for implementing this plan.

He had already deceived the Trisolarans once, so deceiving them again shouldn't be too difficult.

Furthermore, his understanding of Trisolarans and of the ETO all added to his credentials as a Wallfacer!

The fifth Wallfacer was, without a doubt, Logic himself.

Jiang Yu glanced at Logic, who looked utterly perplexed, then at the three Wallfacers on stage who appeared full of pride. He sighed, "The Wallfacer Project was already half doomed from the moment it was announced."

It was like a third-rate swordsman shouting a warning to a sword saint before a duel, "I have hidden weapons, be careful!" instead of concealing his tricks.

The best approach was indeed to confer such a mission in secret, like Chief Ji had done.

But current international public opinion wouldn't allow the project to proceed in secret. The world's mood was very low, and we needed something to revive everyone's spirits.

So, the Wallfacer Project had to be made public—to show that humanity wasn't at the end of its rope yet.

Additionally, many people opposed the Wallfacer Project, considering it the greatest enemy of all democracy.

If the plan were carried out covertly, it would give critics more to attack, and its implementation would face even greater resistance!

Jiang Yu said to Logic, who had just come up on stage, "Teacher Logic, it might be a long time before we see each other again, take care of yourself!"

Logic was heedless of Jiang Yu's words. Of the five Wallfacers, he was the most unexpected selection, probably still questioning himself at the moment.

Jiang Yu cracked a small smile, stepped down from the podium, and was immediately met by his security detail.

His protection now included not just the armed police but also PDC personnel.

Jiang Yu's contact person was Colin Edmund, in his thirties, with a high nose bridge and light yellow hair.

Speaking in somewhat awkward Mandarin, he said, "Mr. Jiang, do you have any orders?"

Jiang Yu stretched lazily, "Find a place to rest. I've been on a plane all day and I'm sore all over.

"Oh, and please contact the three Wallfacers, excluding Teacher Logic. I've brought them a gift."


Three days later, Jiang Yu met with Tyler, Rediaz, and Heinz in a small conference room in the United Nations Building.

Once everyone had arrived, Jiang Yu smiled and said, "I know everyone's time is precious, so I won't beat around the bush.

"Feng Yi, give the prepared documents to the Wallfacers."

As Di Fengyi distributed the files, Jiang Yu explained, "You all know I've been an undercover agent within the ETO, and my understanding of it is deeper than you may realize.

"Even the ETO doesn't know how well I understand them, such as being able to guess the adversaries of Mr. Tyler and Mr. Rediaz."

After glancing at the documents, Tyler asked, "What do you mean by that?"

This was indeed the tricky part to explain because there was no information about Wallbreakers coming from the ETO yet.

Jiang Yu replied, "I suspect that the ETO will definitely have countermeasures against the Wallfacer Project, such as assigning someone to unravel your plans."

Tyler, placing the documents on the table, said with a smile, "I appreciate your concern, but we are not Trisolarans, and no one can breach our brains."

Brother, don't be so absolute! You're the first one to be breached!

Jiang Yu said, "Regardless, understanding your enemy is never a bad thing. Of course, the information I have is not comprehensive. You can investigate the individuals in the documents further yourself."

Heinz asked, "Mr. Jiang, I'm quite curious to know who is going up against your townsman."

"It's hard to imagine that you were actually willing to publish all of the proof and results you have achieved in the past year, in exchange for everyone's recognition of Logic as a Wallfacer."

"Just because he is a target for elimination by the Trisolarans?"

Chief Ji didn't agree with paying such a high price to gain a castrated Wallfacer position.

Jiang Yu had no choice but to play the "Wallfacer big stick": it was part of the plan.

It was only after China made huge concessions, and through the relentless efforts of diplomats, that they secured this position.

Even today, although the West has benefited from it, Western media still continues to criticize China's approach.

Having no choice, Jiang Yu had even planned to compete for the United Nations position himself, ready to relinquish his own slot to Luo Ji.

Otherwise, if Luo Ji failed to become a Wallfacer, Jiang Yu would have to bear the burden of both the main and supporting roles by himself, a daunting thought.

"Teacher Luo Ji's opponent is himself, Mr. Heinz. I believe you will witness the miracles created by Luo Ji," Jiang Yu said with a smile:

"In addition, my gift to Mr. Heinz is access to information on Brain Implant Technology within the 'Poison Apple Project'.

"After all, you are a neuroscientist. Even if it's not helpful, it can at least serve as a reference. But before you review the documents, please make a trip to Shanghai and have a chat with Sixteen.

"He has records of the side effects of brain implants, which may be of help to you."

Heinz was startled, originally not planning to open the folder, but upon Jiang Yu's suggestion, he did and found it was indeed an application form with Jiang Yu's signature already on it.

Heinz said nothing further and put the document away.

He didn't inquire who his own opponent might be, clearly not taking Jiang Yu's warnings seriously.

Of course, even if he had asked, Jiang Yu wouldn't have intended to tell him, as that would seriously jeopardize the direction of Heinz's entire plan.

After all, his wife, who was also his Wallbreaker, played a significant role in his plans.

Jiang Yu continued, "After your opponents emerge, whether they are successful or not, I hope to have a private conversation with you."

Tyler and Rediaz didn't take it too seriously, casually agreeing before politely saying goodbye to Jiang Yu and leaving with his gifts.

Jiang Yu watched their retreating figures: "Farewell, heroes!"

In his heart, he added, "But I'm sorry, you're destined to be just assistants.

"The moment you treat the Wallfacer Project as a battle, ready to confront the enemy head-on or to fight in a traditional manner, you've already lost."

After a moment of reflection, Jiang Yu said to Di Fengyi, "Let's return home. I have two plans to announce."


In the "Three-Body" Game, all players had the sun above their heads, neither too large nor too small, showering the earth with suitable warmth, marking a rare Stable Era.

At the foot of a mountain, several game characters were sitting together in a meeting.

Mozi shouted, "There must be a mole for Jiang Yu among our upper ranks. How else could he have known our Wallbreaker candidates right after we had decided on them in our meeting?"

Several people looked towards Confucius.

Confucius sneered, "I've been constantly watched all along, do you really think I had a chance to spread the message?"

"Enough!" The First Emperor of Qin said: "We trust Confucius, and so should you."

Einstein said, "You're also a suspect! Jiang Yu once said, 'Luo Ji's opponent is himself,' which is something you've said yourself!"

The First Emperor of Qin drew his sword, "I've already mentioned that this conclusion is the Lord's decision! Moreover, we haven't had the time to pass any information to Luo Ji, the Lord can testify to that."

Mozi pounded his head, "But how did he know about our Wallbreaker plan? And also the identities of the two Wallbreakers!"

Von Neumann also asked, "Should we continue with our Wallbreaking operation?"