
Chapter 98: Two _1

Translator: 549690339


"Of course we must continue!" the First Emperor of Qin said, "The main purpose of breaking the wall is to strike at the last bit of self-confidence that humanity has rallied!

"To break through humanity's last bit of reliance! To destroy the only part that can pose a threat to the principal.

"We must not lose confidence over this setback!"

The First Emperor of Qin changed his tone when addressing Mozi and John von Neumann, "However, you have been exposed. Going forward, wall-breaking operations need to be carried out in the shadows, and the organization will provide you with adequate protection."

Einstein asked, "How do we investigate internal moles in the organization? Their ranks must be very high, and it's very possible that it's one or some of us sitting here."

The First Emperor of Qin said, "Don't be paranoid. Everyone here has been the backbone of ETO for several years before Jiang Yu joined! It's impossible for them to be traitors!

"And Jiang Yu only knew of two wallbreakers! It's possible that he really deduced it himself!"

As he spoke, the First Emperor of Qin glanced at Aristotle.

Mozi waved his hand to make the strangely shaped little flying bugs in front of him fly away. "Jiang Yu is the shame of our entire organization, not only betraying us but also betraying the principal.

"Now he also poses such a great threat to us, we should execute him at all costs!"

"The principal has not issued such an order!" The First Emperor of Qin sheathed his long sword, "However, the organization's assassination operation against him is going to commence in a few days."

Confucius said, "We must not let our previous hatred cloud our judgment! This assassination operation must be carried out with caution!"

"I suddenly don't have much hope for this operation," Newton said with a "heh heh" laugh, "Someone still did not believe he betrayed the organization after Jiang Yu was exposed! Who knows what their stance is now?"

Confucius, who had not said much, was clearly angered, "How dare you say that about me? Weren't you also the one who took Jiang Yu for a tour in the organization's secret base? You are responsible for this matter!"

"Enough!" the First Emperor of Qin frowned deeply, "Instead of exposing each other's scars, you better think about how to break Jiang Yu's wall!"

"No one understands Jiang Yu better than I do! I will definitely accomplish his wall-breaking!" Confucius declared.

"Very good!" The First Emperor of Qin said, "I was right to arrange for you to be Jiang Yu's wallbreaker."

Suddenly, Newton said, "I apply to be Jiang Yu's second wallbreaker."

"How preposterous!" Confucius burst out, "You still don't trust me!"

"This has nothing to do with trust," said Newton, "There are some grudges I would very much like to avenge myself!"

"That's also good!" The First Emperor of Qin drew his sword again, "Newton will be the second wallbreaker for Jiang Yu!

"It would be best if you could be the first to complete Jiang Yu's wall-breaking, as this is an opportunity for our organization to regain its dignity!

"At the same time, if this can completely crush Jiang Yu's self-confidence, making his life a misery, then all the better."


Upon returning to his country, Jiang Yu's first action was to announce his two plans.

When the Wallfacer Project was just starting, everyone revered the Wallfacers as if they were gods. There was no need to go through PDC for approval; they could be directly announced, and it didn't matter even if they were not published.

Jiang Yu's first plan was called the "Green Vine Project," and the second was the "Moon City Project."

Using media live streams, Jiang Yu described these two plans. The "Green Vine Project" aimed to plant crops over a large area in the desert.

The technology for growing crops in the desert had long existed, but the costs were too high and the yields too low.

Jiang Yu specifically mentioned that he intended to find a method with low costs and high yields.

As for what he aimed to achieve, Jiang Yu did not say.

The "Moon City Project," as the name suggests, was to establish the first colonial city on the Moon.

The city was also intended to serve as a forward base to better prepare for colonizing the Solar System.


Jiang Yu, in his live broadcast, extended an invitation to botanists, geneticists, and aerospace experts from around the world to join his two teams.

Over an hour after Jiang Yu's broadcast had been aired, PDC's rotating chairman Garanin called Jiang Yu, "Mr. Jiang, isn't your 'Moon City Plan' a bit too simplistic?"

Jiang Yu sat in his chair with one leg crossed over the other, "That's part of the plan."

At that time, this line still worked wonders, as Garanin immediately changed the subject, "Establishing a colonial city on the Moon will also be a part of the future mainstream defense plan, but we have placed it in the second phase."

"Could your plan possibly work in deeper collaboration with the PDC? That way, I could secure much more support for Mr. Jiang."

"Of course," Jiang Yu said with a smile, "This plan was originally meant to inspire new hope for humanity!"

One of the goals of his plan was to accelerate humanity's pace into space, to stop always huddling in low Earth orbit without advancing.

Then Jiang Yu received a call from Sixteen, "I hope to participate in your 'Moon City Plan.' The future of artificial intelligence lies in space."

Naturally, this was exactly what Jiang Yu hoped for, and he readily agreed.

Next, Jiang Yu approached Chief Ji, "Chief, my 'Moon City Plan' highly overlaps with several projects of the 'Star Warrior Plan.' I hope to establish a joint research group."

He didn't necessarily have to ask Chief Ji for permission anymore, but giving a heads-up would facilitate achieving his goals more easily.

Chief Ji took off his glasses and closed the file in front of him, "You are the person in charge of the 'Star Warrior Plan.' Just handle it as you see fit."

Jiang Yu was taken aback, "Aren't Wallfacers not allowed to hold any official post?"

Chief Ji took a sip of tea and said leisurely, "Has the Star Defense Department ever issued a document exempting you from public office?"

Jiang Yu suddenly caught on, "Understood!"

So far, everything about Jiang Yu's plan had gone smoothly, and he was in high spirits. It was only during his free time that he suddenly remembered many friends and relatives had congratulated him for becoming a Wallfacer, but Yang Dong hadn't contacted him at all.

Jiang Yu didn't hold it against her because this was very much like Yang Dong.

Considering that they hadn't met for two or three months, Jiang Yu called her. As usual, it took two calls for Yang Dong to answer, "Hello."

Jiang Yu laughed, "Aren't you going to congratulate me for becoming a Wallfacer?"

Yang Dong, "Congratulations."

Jiang Yu slapped his forehead, "I should have known."

Yang Dong, "What?"

"Nothing," Jiang Yu changed the subject, "How's work been recently?"

"It's been going smoothly. The trial run for Venus Number Three is scheduled for next month."

"Wait," Jiang Yu suddenly realized something was amiss, "Haven't you always been working on theoretical research?"

"Since last year, I've been designing a new generation of nuclear power generation devices! I have to thank you for this. I was inspired by one of Sixteen's ideas during the new year of the Crisis Era..."

Jiang Yu smiled wryly, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Yang Dong, "Why should I tell you? You wouldn't understand."

Jiang Yu then remembered something very important, "The controlled nuclear fusion project is supervised by Professor Ding Yi, right?"

"See, I told you wouldn't understand!" Yang Dong replied, "I'm responsible for upgrading the current mainstream nuclear fission power stations, while Ding Yi is in charge of controlled nuclear fusion reactions."

Jiang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "I see, they're not part of the same group."

Yang Dong, "Right, not the same group, his team is just next door to us!"

Jiang Yu immediately felt his good mood evaporate, "Does it make any difference whether they're part of the same group or not?"