
Chapter 19 God of Death Descends_1

Women, money, power, everything seemed to be within easy reach.

At this moment, the tattooed man walked with a swagger and suddenly felt as if his body had lightened, as if he were ascending to heaven.

The next second, his vision darkened, and he abruptly collapsed at the corner.

A tiny needle was stuck in the carotid artery of the man's neck.

It was a specially made steel needle, small, sharp, and very light.

Of course, it wasn't the needle that killed him but the VX-GB nerve agent on it, an organophosphate compound. Its lethal effect was to inhibit the activity of acetylcholinesterase, preventing it from breaking down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and thus paralyzing the nervous system, leading to cardiac arrest and respiratory failure.

Qin Ming had spent an entire hour that morning, based on his knowledge of chemical biology, developing a nerve agent that was more potent and faster-acting than the original VX, which he named VX-GB.

The man who had led Qin Ming into the factory had no idea that what followed him was not a person, but the God of Death.

Qin Ming strolled with his hands in his pockets, following behind the man, slightly nodding his head with a constrained manner, looking like nothing more than an ordinary youth.

The gang members only gave him a glance before turning their eyes away, engrossed in their own conversations, boasting, and card playing.

Within the spacious premises that had been partitioned off, in one compartment filled with smoke, several thugs were playing poker, discussing the Lisa who had run away earlier.

"I liked that woman, pity she ran away," lamented one man.

"Haha, what's the use of you liking her? You only last three seconds," came the mocking reply.

One of them, with sharp eyes, noticed something reflecting on Three-Seconds Man's neck while preparing to continue teasing him.

"There seems to be something on your neck."

Three-Seconds Man took a deep drag of his cigarette: "What could there be, you must've seen it wrong."

Before he could finish his sentence, his head dropped onto the card table as if it had lost the support of its spine, looking as if he had fallen asleep.

Then, like falling dominoes, the other two men also collapsed in succession.

Faced with such a bizarre scene, the only man left alive jumped up like he was facing a formidable enemy, only to collapse unconsciously to the ground himself.

They didn't even feel the slightest prick because Qin Ming had also added an anesthetic agent similar to the numbing effect of a mosquito bite to the needles.

At this moment, the youth appeared like a ruthless and indifferent God of Death. Numerous custom-made thin needles flew from his pockets, moving as if alive, and precisely struck the enemies' carotid arteries in their necks.

His brain engaged in complex calculations, summoning billions of nervous cells, breaking down large amounts of glycogen for energy.

At the same time, wisps of steam rose from his head — that was water vapor, released by the scalp to dissipate heat, quickly evaporating and forming steam.

The man in front continued walking, oblivious, while the youth following him was leisurely, his head steaming as if he were just out for a stroll.

With each step the youth took, gang members who had committed numerous crimes fell one after another, quickly and silently; all was quiet, soundless.

The scene at that moment was eerily harmonious, carrying a kind of unique aesthetic.

Gradually, the factory became quiet, but the man in front was still completely unaware, continuing to walk with his head down.

Finally, the man led Qin Ming to the room where Ralph was.

By the time they reached the corridor outside the room, two minutes had passed, and, apart from those in this room, there was no one else alive in the entire factory.

Qin Ming glanced at his guide, smiling, "Thank you."

As the man, about to pat Qin Ming on the shoulder in praise upon hearing the youth's words, felt like his bones had been sapped, and he slumped to the ground, a trace of a smile still on his face.

In the room, after the tattooed man had left, Ralph saw no reaction from Ross and frowned, wearing a bored expression: "Boring, very boring, I still prefer the way you were so angry and yet unable to do anything about me."

At that moment, Qin Ming arrived at the door and pushed it open.

He saw the mess on the ground, the appalling sight of Ross.

It wasn't hard for Qin Ming to imagine what had happened before.

A surge of anger suddenly rose in his heart, faint, as if due to the Overclocking Potion, much of his emotions had become very subdued.

Qin Ming's expression became impassive, and he looked toward Ralph and the others, his gaze as icy as if falling into a cold cellar.

"Have you decided how you want to die?" he asked.

The eyes of everyone present turned to this uninvited guest, with Ross showing a look of surprise and concern.

Ralph and his companions then revealed a gleeful smile.

A mere child, and he had the audacity to tell them to die?

The skinny man pulled out a handgun and aimed it at the youth, grinning broadly.

"Do you know what this is, kid?"

"You can try shooting."

"You think you're a superhero or something?"

The skinny man was provoked, wanting to teach the boy a lesson.

The next second, he brutally pulled the trigger, but the bullet didn't hit Qin Ming; instead, it struck the groin of a thug standing very close to Qin Ming.

Just as the thug couldn't help but burst into laughter, he was now in agony, clutching his groin,

Ralph and the others were at first stunned, then they looked toward the skinny man in shock, exclaiming, "Oh shit, what are you doing?!!"

The skinny man had an expression as if he had seen a ghost,

He had been aiming at the kid's leg, so how come the bullet hit Old Three's Jaguar?

The skinny man refused to believe it and pulled the trigger again, as if an invisible force in the air was interfering with his aim.

The gun barrel swerved, and the 9mm bullet sparked against the smooth metal plate before ricocheting right into Old Five's groin.

The hollow-point effect of a ricocheted bullet was far greater than that of a standard bullet, akin to Dum-Dum bullets.

Old Five's groin burst open on the spot, with blood and flesh blurred together, urine and blood mixed and sprayed out, the severe pain making him faint immediately.

At this point, the skinny man's eyes were bulging out, completely baffled by the situation,

Weird, really weird!

The skinny man and finally noticed something eerie, they quickly pulled out their handguns and aimed at Qin Ming, but before they could fire, hundreds of fine needles turned into silver flashes, lightning-fast and precisely stabbing into the most sensitive pain receptors in their skin.

In an instant, the three men felt a sharp pain as if myriads of ants were chewing at their hearts, suffering extreme agony as if being dismembered, each needle like a splinter thrusting into the flesh under their nails,

They lay on the ground, writhing in agony, which drove the needles even deeper, screaming in gut-wrenching pain, already having lost the strength to resist.

The room was filled with their shrill screams.

The events unfolded rapidly, within almost half a minute, Ralph was the only one still standing.

At that moment, the fat man's face was drenched with sweat, his legs trembling involuntarily, very much distressed, not just because of how his trusted subordinates were reduced to living hell.

But also because, with such commotion, his men had yet to burst in, leading him to realize a brutal and incredible truth.

That was, they were all already dead!

Ralph seemed to have lost the courage to resist; his face showed fear of the unknown, and with a trembling voice he said, "I've never seen you before, why do you want to kill us?"

Qin Ming raised his hand and pointed at Ross.

"He's one of mine."

This statement was enough, amid the shrill screams, Qin Ming heard the sound of a drop, glancing sideways slightly, it was Ross's tears of gratitude.

Ralph understood, his face ashen, he edged closer to Qin Ming and slowly knelt down, seemingly begging for mercy, but at the moment of approach, he viciously pulled out a dagger.


He had just taken a step when two fine needles cruelly pierced his eyes, taking root upon his eyeballs!

Ralph knelt on the ground covering his eyes, blood seeping out from his palms.

He let out a piercing, miserable wail. Qin Ming did not look at him again, speeding past him to Ross's side.

He controlled telekinesis to enter the keyhole and unlocked the lock on the chain.

As the chains came off, the weakened Ross trembled, managing to stand up while half-kneeling on the ground.

"Lisa, the doctor, go find Lisa!"