
Chapter 20 Bomberman_1

"I've already sent people to find Lisa; I believe news will come soon."

Qin Ming, now seated aside, had a layer of white crystals on his head—sodium chloride crystals left behind as his sweat evaporated.

He realized he had underestimated telekinesis; there was no need to use the Overclocking Potion at all. To kill a hundred ordinary people, normal telekinesis was already enough.

Upon hearing Qin Ming's words, Ross's heart eased slightly, and he walked toward Ralph, who was kneeling on the ground—he was out for revenge.

Footsteps sounded; Ralph, as if sensing impending disaster, could no longer see the outside world. The pitch blackness before his eyes filled him with deep terror.

The footsteps grew closer, and Ralph couldn't help but plead, "We can talk this out. I have a lot of money, all of which I can give you. Please, please spare me."

Ross seemed oblivious to Ralph's pleas for mercy. Raising his fist, he smashed it down ferociously, punch after punch, his knuckles mired with both his and Ralph's blood.

Ralph's screams became hysterical.

Teeth shattered one by one, his nose was smashed repeatedly, and his swollen face caved inward, spurting vivid blood, staining the ground red.

Punch after punch, his fists seemed tireless like a hammer.

The screams slowly diminished until they were barely audible,

Scalding blood drenched Ross.

Qin Ming and Ross walked out of the factory to find Jerry and Laru, who had been anxiously waiting, immediately crowding around them.

Their faces were full of questions, but Qin Ming didn't want to explain just yet, simply saying, "Burn this place down."

The two entered the factory carrying gasoline. Inside, over a hundred bodies lay, still warm without external injuries, appearing to have died not long ago. They knew that all of this could only have been done by Dr. Qin alone.

The two were immensely shocked and awed by Qin Ming and began to wonder if NZT could actually give people superpowers.

They doused every corner of the factory with gasoline, and as the flames ignited, the factory was engulfed in raging fire that not even the pouring rain could extinguish.


The people Qin Ming had sent out quickly found Lisa's whereabouts; she was in a hospital being urgently resuscitated by doctors.

But when Ross arrived, he was met only with dire news.

"I'm sorry, we did everything we could."

Lisa's body, covered with a white cloth, was wheeled out, and Ross began to choke up.

The rest of the team was there as well, but at that moment, they too didn't know how to comfort the man.

He clutched Lisa's pale hand tightly, murmuring her name over and over again.

In that moment, Ross seemed as vulnerable and helpless as a child.

"Doctor, save her, please save her," Ross pleaded, looking at Qin Ming with begging eyes as he had just arrived.

Qin Ming felt a pang of pity.

"I'm sorry, Ross, I can't save her."

Unspoken in his heart was another thought: If I can't even save my own life, how can I save someone else's?

He was human, not a god. Perhaps one day technology could bring the dead back to life, but for now, he was just an ordinary person struggling to survive.

Upon hearing Qin Ming's response, Ross lowered his head in despair.

After a while, the grieving man finally stood up, seeming to have gathered his strength.

"Doctor, where's my daughter?"

"She's too young, I didn't bring her over. Laru's taking care of her."

Ross arrived at the hotel where his daughter was staying, and it was Laru who opened the door, followed by a cute and delicate little girl.

"Is Mommy back?" The little girl peeked out the doorway, looking around. Seeing it wasn't her mother but a man she didn't recognize, her tender white face showed disappointment, "Where's Mommy?"

Liliya looked so much like her mother, equally adorable and beautiful, with the same golden hair.

Seeing his daughter, who was as cute and beautiful as a little angel, Ross felt a soft spot in his heart being touched, and he buried this small warmth deep within.

Laru's face was heavy with sorrow as he patted the man's shoulder in front of him, "Ross, I'll take good care of her."

Knowing his daughter was in Laru's hands, Ross let go of his worries, his face returning to its usual coldness, and he returned to the base.

He entered the base and saw that Qin Ming was already on the first floor, seemingly waiting for him.

"Go do what you want to do, you can take everyone with you."

"Doctor, then you'll be the only one left in the base."

"One person is enough for the base," Qin Ming indicated towards Erha in the distance, "Besides, isn't there Tom?"

Seeing Qin Ming looking at him, Erha showed a confused expression,

"By the way, can I get a few more of those grenades you gave me earlier?"

Qin Ming seemed to have expected the request. He had Jerry bring out several hefty boxes. The boxes were filled with modified grenades—enough in quantity and power to turn several streets into rubble.

He would water his hatred with blood, and offer his departed wife's spirit in sacrifice.

He was out for revenge, he was determined to make all those who had hurt her pay a thousandfold!

Ross left the base armed to the teeth with his team and the weapons made by Qin Ming, heading towards an unknown direction, then disappeared without a trace.

However, Qin Ming learned of Ross's whereabouts from the news on television.

The well-known philanthropic billionaire, Thomas, had been murdered today, suspected to have been killed out of vengeance.

An explosion occurred at a villa in the city district. By the time the police arrived, it had already been reduced to ruins.

That was the Godfather's villa. After killing Thomas, Ross didn't stop for a moment and proceeded to assault the Mafia's homeland.

He led a ferocious team on a bloodbath at their headquarters. Knowing that all was lost, the Godfather asked Ross why.

"You took away the most important people in my life."

"Young man, congratulations, you've succeeded in doing what I couldn't when I was your age."

In the end, the Godfather died with a look of relief on his face.

Following the villa explosion, criminal forces in various places were attacked, as if a superhero had appeared. Every site of evil was bombed into oblivion by powerful explosions. People reverently dubbed this superhero "Bomb Man."

Remarkably, a guy named Eddie wrote a novel based on Bomb Man that became incredibly popular.

The story was about a retired special forces soldier who, upon seeing his wife and kid sleeping in a dog kennel, transformed into an avenging God of War in a rage, throwing bombs everywhere to turn the evildoers who had humiliated his wife and daughter into dust.

When the book "Bomb Man" concluded, he didn't rest on his laurels and published several more, like "Crooked-Mouth Dragon King," "War God of the Nation," and "Learning God-Slaying in America." While they didn't achieve the domestic popularity of Bomb Man, they caught fire internationally, especially in the distant Eastern countries, with millions of likes and requests for more. He even received razor blades mailed to him from readers across the ocean.