
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

Chapter 12 – Grey Wolf.

(You got to be fuking shitting me?!)

(Why the fuck wolf appeared now?!)

(No, wait! Why the heck this thing here?! I never encounter a single wolf while hunting!)

(If there were wolfs present here, I would already know about this!)

(Anyway, how it did sneaked up to me?!)

(No wait. It didn't seem to have sneaked up on me.)


(Shit! Blood! It must have smelled it and came over.)

(And the reason why it didn't noticed it approaching was because I let my guard down the moment I killed the human. I stopped using the detection for just a moment and that gave him an opening!)

(Fuck me. This time it wasn't me being unlucky, but me being an idiot!)

(Anyway, can I beat it?)

(Before I had no choice but to run away.)

(It was stronger and faster than me.)

(But now that I evolved, I became much stronger.)

(My current state isn't perfect. I didn't sustained any heavy injuries, but my left eye is completely destroyed.)

(But! My leaves attack is stronger and I can now make enough leaves to cover its view!)

(All I need is an opening. An opening where I can sink my teethes into that fucker and rip his fuking throat out.)

(But the problem stand with its speed.)

(It's a fuking wolf.)

(Its 100% faster than me.)

(On top of that, its strength shouldn't be a thing that can be looked down upon.)

(If it bites me, there is a good chance that I will end up dead.)

(What do I do? Fight or run?)

(This thing goal maybe the human corpse, so there is a chance it won't attack me if I run away.)

(However if I were to fight, I should expect getting injured, if not losing a limb or two.)


(Too risky. Losing a limb now is out of the question when the humans are now wondering in the forest.)

(It's better if I just let it take the human corpse.)


The plant beast began slowly moving away from the human corpse in the way not to provoke the wolf.

However, the grey wolf continues observing the plant beast and began running towards her.


(What the fuck?! You can have that corpse! Why are you coming after me?! Does it still thinks I won't hand over the corpse.)

(Shit! I guess I have to fight now!)

(It's just charging straight at me.)

(In that case!)

The plant beast unleashed a leaves attack at the wolf monster, covering the monster view completely.

The wolf monster stopped for the moment after getting hit with the leaves attack, but as soon as it stopped, the plant beast made its move and quickly got into the blind spot it created, before then slashing the monster with its claws in an instance.


(Fuck! This thing is tough like that rooster! No! He is way tougher than that rooster!)

(Not good! Not good at all!)

After landing an attack on the wolf monster, the wolf instantly turned its head around and tried biting in the direction where the attack came from, however just in time the plant beast managed to avoid the attack.

(Fuck! Fuking bastard reaction! He almost hit me!)

(Damn. I did manage to wound him, but the injury isn't big or critical. It probably won't bother him too much.)

(By the look of things the bite will be the thing that will somehow land a powerfully enough blow.)

(But that guy has a good reaction time. On top of that, I need to watch out not to get bitten myself. I maybe stronger than before, but getting bitten by him would be still way too dangerous.)

(However this is not all! This guy is way stronger than I expected!)

Suddenly, the wolf began running to the side, quickly entering the plant beast blind spot.

(Fucker! He noticed my eye being damaged!)

(But I can still sense your mana!)

The plant beast quickly dodged the leap attack made by the wolf that came from behind by stepping to the side.

After dodging the attack, the plant beast quickly launched its own attack that ended up landing.



(I may not do a lot of damage to it, but I'm at least doing some!)

(But this is not good enough.)

(This guy is set on killing me.)

(However this isn't the problem. What if the human come walking by? I can't stay in this for too long, but this guy won't let me escape.)

(I have to kill him and quick before I get spotted by humans!)

This time the first one to made the move was the plant beast.

The plant beast began running towards the wolf while unleashing the leaves attack at the wolf.

But, the wolf unlike before did not stopped and instead charged straight towards the plant beast while being hit by the leaves attack.


The plant beast quickly dodged to the side, right before the wolf monster was about to bite it.

(Shit! He realized it doesn't do any damage!)

(Is it just me, or is that wolf much smarter compare to the wolf I encounter before?!)

(Fuck me! Can't you just let me bite you and rip your throat out?! I'm not asking for much!)

The wolf didn't wanted to give a plant beast moment and once again leaped at it, however this time the plant beast waited until the wolf got close enough, before then jumping up, dodging the wolf attack at the last moment.


The wolf quickly looked up, but as soon as it did, a massive barrage of leaves came pouring down on it.


(This is my strongest leaves attack I can make that literally does zero damage but will definitely block your view!)

The wolf monster tried quickly getting away from the leaves, but as soon as it did that, the plant beast was near it with its mouth wide open.


(Got you!)

The plant beast bit the wolf monster.


(Fuck me! It's tough!)


The plant beast sinked it teethes deep into the monster neck while the grey wolf tried getting rid of the plant beast by shaking around and slamming the monster against the trees and ground.

In the end the plant beast had no choice but to let go, but not before biting off some of the grey wolf flesh.


(Good! I manage to leave a deep wound!)

(At this rate it will bleed out to death. So all-)

The grey wolf suddenly pounced towards the plant beast.


The plant beast didn't had time to dodge and instead was forced to use both of its arms as a shield right as the wolf monster.

The grey wolf finally managed to land an attack on the plant beast and pinned it on the ground while holding both of the beast arms with its mouth.

(FUCK! He got me!)


(Shit! My arms! They will break at this rate!)

(Why you!)

The plant beast began kicking the wolf monster in the threat, trying to make it bleed more.

The plant beasts kicks were effective, but its arms were sustaining more and more damage and before long the arms ended up being thorn to shreds.


(My arms are gone!? What now?!)

(This thing doesn't care anymore and wants to just kill me, even when it knows it will die!)

(Its wants to take it down with me.)



As soon as the wolf monster tried launching another attack, the plant beast quickly put both of its feets on the ground as well as took out its tail that it hid.

Poured all of its remaining strength into its legs and tail as well as used the skill [Short Limb Extend] on them before then using legs and the tail to launch itself at the wolf.

The mouths of both beast came close to each other, but the one to reach their prey first was the plant beast.

The plant beast managed to once again sink its fangs into the grey wolf neck.




The plant beast used last remaining bits of its strength and ripped huge chunk of the wolf flesh that was located on its neck.

The grey wolf neck began spreading blood everywhere at the alarming rate.

Before long, the wolf couldn't stand on its feets and fall on the ground lifeless.


(Take that…. You bloody…. Bastard.)

(Fuck me…. I'm way too tired…. And I'm in shit tons of pain.)

(That guy had way more strength compare to the ants and when it slammed me against the ground and trees. I took way too much damage.)

(Not only that…. I lost my arms…. This time I lost freaking both of them instead just one…. Fuck me….)

(I need to eat…. To recover even a little bit.)

I've began eating that bastard wolf corpse.

Honestly, it didn't tasted that good and would rather to eat that rooster or that human corpse, but they were too far and I was too damn tired.


(I'm fully again… I can't even force myself to eat anymore.)


(I'm tired. I want to sleep already….)



(Fuck! Not yet! Don't lose conscious yet! Don't fall asleep yet!)

(You need to run….)

(Blood will attract monsters and monsters may end up getting attention of the humans.)

(My current state is critical…)

(Multiple injuries and both arm missing as well as left eye.)

(Exhaustion had piled up too much as well.)

(I don't think I could even put up a fight even against a freaking slime.)

(Run…Hide…. Find safe spot…)

I don't know…. I don't know how much I walked for.

I tried getting as far as I can from the spot where the fight with the wolf and human took place while using my mana detection to avoid any monsters.

It wasn't easy.

If I would lose focus for one moment, I would probably end up losing my consciousness.

I don't know…. I don't know how much time passed…. But I managed to get to the spot I used before as my resting spot yesterday. It was a pretty spacious hole that was hidden by the tree roots.…. I didn't sense anything nearby… I decided to finally sit down…. No….

It was more like I couldn't walk anyway.

I didn't noticed, but my leg seemed to have been damaged by the wolf when he was hitting me against the ground and trees.

My leg must have finally reached its limit…. I can't move it at all…

Well, it doesn't change anything…. I don't have any strength left… So I wouldn't be able to move even when I wanted to.


[LEVEL 100]


(Thank god…. That bastard gave me enough EXP….)


(Damn! Not yet! I have to chose my evolution before I lose consciousness!)

[Evolution possible.]

[Please select one of the evolution paths.]

-Savage Plant Wolf.

- Savage Plant Rabbit.

- Savage Plant Bird.

- Savage Plant Deer.

- Savage Plant Fish.

- Savage Plant Insect.

- Plant Wolfdeer (?).

(Damn…. There is a lot to choose from unlike before….)


(What?... Plant Deerwolf?)

(What is this?)


(This feeling…. What is this?)

(It isn't like the nonstandard evolution or variant evolution…. What is this? And why it has (?) next to it?)

(This feeling… Is the same when an nonstandard evolution came up….But these…. Is way too different… It feels same and nothing alike at the same time…. It also feels like variant, but not at the same time?)

(Just what is this thing….)



(Damn… I don't have much strength left…. I'm losing consciousness…)

(Pick…. Something…)


(Damn… I don't know what you are and I don't have to time to check what it is either, but you better be something useful…)


(It doesn't matter what you are! I will grow stronger! I will survive!)

(I will evolve!)

(I will live my own life!)

(You hear me devils and gods up there and below?! I will live my own life!)


[Evolution chosen: Plant Deerwolf]




[Evolution complete]

[You had evolved.]

[Wild Plant Beast -> Plant Deerwolf]

[A unique skill: [New Evolution] had been acquired.]