
Thor Si with Nerfed Essence of Self

Ordinary boy reborn as baby Thor in MCU with Nerfed version of CYOA Essence of self power (Essence of self power-- At the time you consume this Essence you immediately win the genetic lottery, increasing all your stats, hereby defined as Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck, to peak racial maximum, and will not deteriorate from that state whether through old age or disuse. Any physical and mental health problems or defects currently plaguing you will be removed, with any new instances of such prevented from occurring. Your diligence and willpower is boosted, making you more driven and motivated, as it purges excessive indolence and procrastination. That is to say while you still value relaxing and chilling out, you wouldn't put something off if it's important. You gain a retroactive perfect memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, perfect indexing, and protection from any form of harmful memory. For some reason, you are able to improve yourself thrice as fast. You become perfectly capable of using powers, abilities, techniques, etc. without any adverse effects. This ranges from not suffering from Taint-buildup as an Aberrant Nova, able to swim as a Devil Fruit user, or being immune to the Great Curse as a regular Exalt. This includes usage of mutually contradictory abilities, so you can also eat multiple Devil Fruits, or drink more than one Cauldron Vial, without dying or horribly mutating. You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your very being against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. This also includes supernatural persuasion, memetic or eldritch effects, and reality warping shenanigans. The only things that can negatively affect you are direct brute force and threats to those you care for. Take note. You. Are. Not. Invulnerable.)

Webnovel_Addicted · ภาพยนตร์
9 Chs

Chapter 4: Seeds of Might

Years blurred into a whirlwind of studies and exploration. Thor, fueled by his insatiable curiosity, devoured knowledge like a starving man presented with a feast. He delved into ancient texts, absorbing forgotten lore about Asgard's history and the secrets of Asgardian magic. He spent hours in the royal library, a labyrinthine network of chambers stacked high with scrolls and tomes bound in leather and etched with shimmering runes. The air hung heavy with the scent of aged parchment and forgotten knowledge. Thor would wander these halls, his fingers trailing across the weathered spines of countless books, each one a portal to a bygone era. He'd spend days poring over intricate illustrations depicting forgotten spells and powerful artifacts, the air crackling with a faint, magical energy that seemed to hum in response to his burgeoning power. Here, amidst the forgotten whispers of the past, Thor unearthed knowledge that had been lost for generations. He learned about ancient civilizations that had harnessed the power of the cosmos, about forgotten languages that held the key to manipulating the very fabric of reality. The library became his sanctuary, a place where his thirst for knowledge could be quenched, and the seeds of his true potential could begin to sprout.

Frigga, ever supportive, encouraged his academic pursuits. She facilitated his studies, acquiring rare scrolls and tomes from the furthest corners of the Nine Realms. She even enlisted the help of Eir, the head healer, who, in turn, introduced him to the subtle workings of the human body – Asgardian physiology, though enhanced, shared many similarities.

However, the warrior spirit within Thor still yearned for a more physical outlet. He observed his peers, their bodies honed to perfection through years of rigorous training. He ached to join them, to test his own limits and push his boundaries. Yet, a nagging doubt lingered in his mind. Was brute force the only path to becoming a true hero?

One afternoon, while exploring a dusty corner of the royal library, Thor stumbled upon a collection of ancient training manuals. These were not the standard combat guides he had seen before. These spoke of a more holistic approach, emphasizing balance, control, and an understanding of the body as a conduit for power.

Intrigued, Thor devoured the contents of these manuals. He learned about the ancient Asgardian discipline known as "Urðrseta," a philosophy that combined physical training with mental focus and the manipulation of Asgardian magic. This, he realized, might be the path he was looking for.

He sought guidance from one of the palace guards, a grizzled veteran named Hogun the Grim, who had a reputation for unconventional training methods. Hogun, to Thor's surprise, readily agreed. He saw a spark in the young prince, a thirst for knowledge mixed with a quiet determination that belied his outward bravado.

Hogun's training regimen was unlike anything Thor had ever experienced. It wasn't just about swinging weapons and brute force. It was a series of exercises designed to strengthen his core, improve his balance and agility, and awaken the latent Asgardian magic coursing through his veins.

Hours were spent under Hogun's watchful eye, performing repetitive calisthenics that pushed Thor to his limits. He strained and sweated, muscles burning and lungs screaming. But with each grueling session, he felt the change. His body grew stronger, more resilient. He could perform feats of strength his peers could only dream of – scaling the palace walls with ease, leaping incredible distances, and even cracking stone with his bare fists.

However, the true revelation came in the form of the ancient Urðrseta techniques. With Hogun's guidance, Thor learned to channel his growing physical prowess through focused visualizations and the manipulation of his Asgardian energy. He could feel the electricity crackle around him as he trained, his body becoming a conduit for the power that flowed within him.

The results were subtle at first. He could perform simple feats of levitation, manipulate small objects with his mind, and even project localized bursts of energy. Yet, Thor understood this was just the beginning. The path to mastery was long and arduous, but with each passing day, he felt himself edging closer to the warrior he was destined to become.

The whispers had begun. Whispers of the "Odinson Prince," the one with the unusual training methods and the strange, crackling energy that surrounded him. Some scoffed, others were intrigued. But within Thor, a quiet confidence bloomed. He wasn't following the conventional path. He was carving his own destiny, becoming a hero through a unique blend of strength, knowledge, and the nascent power simmering within him.

Years stretched before him, filled with countless training sessions, failed spells, and hard-earned lessons. His journey to becoming the strongest Asgardian, the God of Thunder, had just begun. The challenges would be immense, the tests daunting. But Thor Odinson, with the memories of his past life and the unwavering determination burning within him, was ready. He would rise to the occasion, a storm brewing on the horizon, and his legend would one day echo throughout the Nine Realms.