
Thor Si with Nerfed Essence of Self

Ordinary boy reborn as baby Thor in MCU with Nerfed version of CYOA Essence of self power (Essence of self power-- At the time you consume this Essence you immediately win the genetic lottery, increasing all your stats, hereby defined as Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck, to peak racial maximum, and will not deteriorate from that state whether through old age or disuse. Any physical and mental health problems or defects currently plaguing you will be removed, with any new instances of such prevented from occurring. Your diligence and willpower is boosted, making you more driven and motivated, as it purges excessive indolence and procrastination. That is to say while you still value relaxing and chilling out, you wouldn't put something off if it's important. You gain a retroactive perfect memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, perfect indexing, and protection from any form of harmful memory. For some reason, you are able to improve yourself thrice as fast. You become perfectly capable of using powers, abilities, techniques, etc. without any adverse effects. This ranges from not suffering from Taint-buildup as an Aberrant Nova, able to swim as a Devil Fruit user, or being immune to the Great Curse as a regular Exalt. This includes usage of mutually contradictory abilities, so you can also eat multiple Devil Fruits, or drink more than one Cauldron Vial, without dying or horribly mutating. You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your very being against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. This also includes supernatural persuasion, memetic or eldritch effects, and reality warping shenanigans. The only things that can negatively affect you are direct brute force and threats to those you care for. Take note. You. Are. Not. Invulnerable.)

Webnovel_Addicted · ภาพยนตร์
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Spark of Awareness (Year 765 AD, Asgard)

Frigga paced the healers' quarters, the rhythmic thump of her heart echoing in the hushed space. Unlike the opulent birthing chambers of the palace, this room held a quiet dignity. Yet, despite the familiar surroundings, an unfamiliar knot of worry tightened in her gut. Hours had bled into one another, and the silence remained unbroken. Where was the joyous cry that heralded the arrival of a healthy Asgardian child?

Eir, the healer – her weathered face etched with time's passage, her eyes pools of wisdom – stood watch over Frigga with a quiet concern that mirrored the Queen's own."My Queen," Eir finally spoke, her voice a gentle rasp, "the babe struggles. Perhaps…"Frigga silenced her with a regal hand, her voice firm despite the tremor running through it. "No potions, Eir. This child will come into the world as nature intended."Despite the bravado in her voice, a sliver of unease gnawed at Frigga. This pregnancy had been different. There had been an unsettling stillness, a lack of the usual energetic kicks that announced a healthy Asgardian child. Yet, Eir assured her everything was within the parameters of a normal pregnancy.As time crawled by, the rhythmic thumping sputtered and stalled, replaced by a concerning silence. Panic twisted in Frigga's gut, tightening in a cold vice. Eir's touch on her hand was a grounding force."Breathe, Your Majesty," Eir urged, her voice steady in the face of the Queen's rising anxiety. "There's still time."Then, a faint cry, barely audible at first, filled the chamber. Weak and reedy, it was nonetheless the sweetest sound Frigga had ever heard. Eir bustled into action, a familiar calm settling over her weathered features, gently coaxing the newborn from its hiding place.Frigga held her breath as the babe emerged, wrapped in a glistening membrane. He was smaller than most Asgardian newborns, his skin a pale peach rather than the robust red common to Asgardian infants. Yet, despite his initial weakness, there was a subtle thrumming beneath his skin, a faint energy that pulsed with an otherworldly vigor. This was the subtle touch of the Essence of Self, working its magic on a cellular level, strengthening him from within.His eyes, still squeezed shut, were hidden beneath swollen lids. The only sign of life was the shallow rise and fall of his tiny chest.A wave of relief washed over Frigga, so powerful it threatened to drown her. He was alive. Her son lived. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. She cradled the babe close, the warmth of his tiny body radiating against her skin.As Eir cleaned the newborn and wrapped him in a swaddling cloth, a flicker of something… different… tugged at her senses. She focused on the child's brow, where a faint, swirling mark, almost invisible to the naked eye, seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy."He's… different," Eir murmured, her voice a hushed whisper laden with curiosity.Frigga, consumed by the overwhelming love for her newborn, didn't notice the mark. All she saw was the perfect curve of his tiny nose, the delicate down of his hair, and the way his chest, though shallow, seemed to struggle for each breath. He might look different from other infants, but he was hers.Across the Bifrost Bridge, in the vast palace chambers, Odin, the Allfather, paced restlessly. The birth of his son, a future heir to the Asgardian throne, should have filled him with joyous anticipation. Yet, an unsettling feeling gnawed at him, a sense of unease he couldn't quite place.He had felt it throughout Frigga's pregnancy, a subtle dissonance in the fabric of fate. The Norns, the weavers of destiny, usually sent clear messages, but this time, their pronouncements were veiled in ambiguity. All they had revealed was the birth of a son, a being touched by something… more.Odin yearned to be by Frigga's side, to witness the arrival of their child. However, royal protocol demanded that the birth take place under the watchful eyes of the healers. Besides, there were urgent matters of state requiring his immediate attention.Suddenly, a flicker of golden light pierced the window, signifying the arrival of Heimdall, the all-seeing guardian of the Bifrost."My King," Heimdall boomed, his voice echoing in the vast chamber. "The Queen has given birth to a son. A healthy… and...unique child, Your Majesty."Odin raised a questioning eyebrow. "Unique? Explain yourself, Heimdall."Heimdall's lone eye seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality, searching for the right words. "The babe is smaller than most Asgardian newborns, yet there's a… hidden strength within him. And… a mark, faint but undeniable, adorns his forehead. It pulsates with an energy unlike anything I've ever witnessed."Intrigue battled with a surge of paternal concern within Odin. A mark? What could it signify? Was it a blessing, a curse, or something else entirely?"The birth was… challenging," Heimdall continued, his voice grave. "The babe struggled, but the Queen… she is strong, Your Majesty. Both she and the child are well."Relief washed over Odin, momentarily eclipsing the mystery surrounding his son's birth. Frigga's well-being was paramount. "Excellent news, Heimdall. I shall join the Queen and our son as soon as my duties allow."Heimdall bowed his head. "As you command, Your Majesty."With a final flicker of golden light, Heimdall vanished, leaving Odin alone with his thoughts. His son, a being touched by the unknown, awaited him. It was a prospect both daunting and exhilarating. The future of Asgard, it seemed, would be far more interesting than he could have ever anticipated.Meanwhile, in the healers' quarters, Frigga cradled her newborn son close, a sense of wonder blooming in her heart. Despite his initial weakness, there was an undeniable spark in his emerald eyes, a spark of awareness that transcended his infancy.As Thor's tiny fist grasped her finger with surprising strength, a single, silent vow echoed within Frigga's soul. She would nurture this spark, guide him on his path, and ensure that her son, the prince of Asgard, became a legend worthy of the whispers that would one day fill the halls.The days that followed were a blur of sleepless nights and gnawing worry. The babe, christened Thor Odinson ("Thor" meaning thunder, and "Odinson" meaning "son of Odin") by the Allfather himself, remained smaller and frailer than other Asgardian newborns. His cry, instead of the robust wail expected of a prince, was a weak whimper.Frigga, ever the stoic queen, refused to let her anxieties show. Yet, her heart ached for her son's struggles. She would spend hours cradling him close, whispering reassurances in a language only mothers knew. The Essence of Self, however, was working its magic silently. While Thor's physical development appeared delayed, his mind was a different story.Unlike other Asgardian newborns who remained blissfully unaware of their surroundings, Thor seemed strangely alert. His emerald green eyes, unlike any other Asgardian Frigga had ever seen, would track the movements of those around him with an intensity that startled even the most seasoned nannies. The gentle hum of magic coursing through the very walls of Asgard seemed to hold a fascination for him.One evening, as the golden light of Asgard's sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the royal chambers, Thor stirred. His vision, still blurry and unfocused, began to sharpen. He could see the gentle sway of the silken canopy above his crib, the intricate carvings on the walls depicting epic battles, and most importantly, the familiar, loving face hovering above him.A jolt of recognition ripped through him, far too powerful for a babe of mere weeks. Memories, fragmented and hazy at first, flooded his mind. Memories of a different life, a life filled with towering buildings, glowing screens, and stories of fantastical heroes wielding incredible power. Memories of being an orphan, a lonely boy who found solace in the fictional worlds of anime and manga. Memories of yearning to be a part of those worlds, to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with legendary heroes.And then, the shocking truth hit him. This wasn't a dream. The woman cradling him wasn't some kind of fantasy character. This was Frigga, his mother, the Queen of Asgard. The tapestry depicting the one-eyed warrior wasn't just a story – it was Odin, his father, the Allfather himself.He was Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder, heir to the throne of Asgard!Excitement bubbled up within him, a potent cocktail that threatened to burst out of his tiny body. A god! Me? This frail, whimpering infant? It was absurd, unbelievable, yet the memories… they were real. He could still feel the phantom ache of missing limbs, the faint echo of a mighty hammer in his grasp.But then, a wave of frustration washed over him. He was an infant, utterly helpless. How could he achieve anything in this state? How could he train, fight monsters, and become the legendary Thor everyone worshipped? Despair threatened to engulf him, hot and bitter.Yet, another memory surfaced – the unwavering determination of the heroes in his past life who always persevered, overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds. Their resilience, their grit, fueled a spark of determination within him. No, he wouldn't give in to despair. I, Thor Odinson, would overcome this weakness. I would train, grow strong, and become a god worthy of the legends.He focused on the warmth radiating from Frigga, a source of comfort and security in this strange new world. This was his first step. He would become strong, yes, but he would also be a good son, a worthy prince.As he drifted off to sleep, a small smile played on his lips. My journey as Thor Odinson had just begun. It would be a long, arduous path, but I was ready. With the memories of my past life and the power of the Essence of Self coursing through my veins, I would rise above my limitations and claim my destiny. Asgard, the Nine Realms, and all the stories whispered in the halls of legend – they would all know my name.