
This Crayfish is not edible

Xia Che was a crayfish monster that cultivated to become a human, but from then on he was the epitome of unlucky. But because he was friends with a Koi fish, he was able to escape his predicament. One fine day the Koi fish disappeared and our silly little crayfish lost his luck. He was all alone for many years until an ugly snake landed on his lap. The snake turned out to have exponential luck. Xia che: “Let me pet you today as well little worm. I want to trip on a pot of gold.” He rubbed the coarse scales of the snake. Long Aotian: ‘How dare you try to pet this majestic dragon,’ he bit his offending hands and squirmed. Xia che: “Stop squirming little worm, I might cook you for dinner instead. I heard humans say that snakes are good for your liver.” Long Aotian: “You....You” The little ugly snake changed into a majestic dragon and pushed the crayfish down. He ate till his heart’s content. P.S- Cover art inspired by LinDu

Lullabybao · LGBT+
275 Chs

Chapter 34 - Secrets

"I am not playing around. I want to dress you in this myself," Long said, nodding towards the pant.

"No, I will—Will dress myself," Xia che pulled his shirt down and moved towards the changing screen.

"I see, you fear me don't you," Long whispered with a downcast look. 'Fall for it. Fall for it,' he prayed in his heart and crossed his fingers.

"Little son, I—I....." Xia noticed the little snake's downcast look and gulped. "Please help me dress," Xia screamed and held his hands out.

"Okay, since you ask. I will," Long smirked and pulled him closer. Getting down on his knees, he whispered, "Now, pull your shirt up."

Xia che gulped, glancing down at him. He held his face in his palm and whispered, "Long you.... you."

"What about me? Ah," Long chuckled. He held his lover's soft hands and kissed his fingers. "Xia, you are very beautiful," He whispered.

"Of course I am, But Yukiya is much prettier than me," Xia cheerfully said patting his chest.

"But you are the most beautiful to this little snake," Long gave a wide smile. "Xia, I—I don't know how to say this but...." Long hesitated. He glanced up at him and gulped.

"What is it Little Long?" Xia whispered holding his hands.

Long rapidly blinked his eyes. "Xia, if—if in case I have lied to you or hidden a truth from you, would you forgive me," his heart pounded, glancing up at his lover.

Xia blinked innocently and said, "of course I would. Aren't you my little snake?" Xia softly caressed the golden snake's face.

Long blinked back his tears. "There are truths that I wish to share but it would bring great harm to you. I—I can't... I don't want you to be in harm's way," Long cupped his lover's hands in his and breathed into them.

Xia wiped the lone tear flowing out of the little snake's eyes and whispered, "Everyone is entitled to have their own secrets. You don't have to force yourself to share anything with me. And when you feel the time is right you will tell me right?" Xia cheerfully laughed.

"Xia," Long whimpered.

"Now, don't cry so much. Aren't you a big baby now, you shouldn't cry for everything," Xia tapped his forehead slightly.

"Hmm, I can cry to you right. Aren't you my daddy?" Long sniffed, holding back his smile.

"Of course I... I am not sure anymore," Xia answered with his eyes wide. 'Is he my son now? Am I his daddy? After all that's happened can I even be the little snake's father,' He frowned and bit his lips.

"Xia, don't think too much. Isn't being my father means that we are a family. So let's be family rather than father and son, Okay," Long whispered. He kissed his soft palms and glanced up at him.

"Really? Are we family now?" Xia whispered in a hesitant tone.

"Yes, we are. We are a family now and I will always be there for you," Long chuckled. He could feel tears fill his eyes again. 'Forever, I want to be with you forever, you silly beast,' he subtly wiped it with his sleeves.

"Okay, we are a family now, and I will always be there for you as well," Xia held his shoulders. "Long... how long are you going to keep kneeling? I feel a cold draft under my shirt already," Xia pouted.

"Oh, how could I forget," Long chuckled and held the pant legs out. "Step in," he whispered. Xia stepped into the open pant legs and Long pulled it up to his hips and tied it with his sash.

He stood up and patted the tied sash, "there it's done." He moved his hands down towards the little crayfish's little bulge.

Xia pulled his roaming hands away. "No, I just got clean. Don't ruin my new clothes," he said, pulling his collars up.

Long gave a wide smile at looking at his red clothed lover. "You do look good in my clothes," he whispered his thoughts.

"Ah, didn't you say you just picked up the space ring? Then how are these clothes yours?" Xia narrowed his eyes and pouted.

"No, I think you misheard. I found this ring when I was born," Long pointed towards the blue ring on his fingers.

"Eh, but you were with me since the day you were born," Xia scratched his head.

"Oh that—that I...." long stuttered trying to find a reason.

"Young lor... no, Young masters sorry to disturb you, but some people have entered this hall's passage," the mud dragon whispered from outside the door.

"Outsiders? We have to leave now," Long whispered, pulling his lover behind him. He subtly wiped the sweat drops on his forehead. 'That mud dragon is proved to be useful.'

He pulled his lover's sleeve and ran out of the bathroom.