
Third Eye Devil Hero

[This novel is extremely uncanny, wacky, action packed, and has some dark and serious moments. You have been warned.] Akira, a high school who's life has been equivalent to a loser, finally gains powers when he unknowingly gains a third eye. Having insanely fast strong and capabilities and power; living in a world where anything exists, with super powered ranked hero guilds and villains roaming the area fighting for leverage and survival, Akira just wants to fit in like his older and popular brother Shin, wants to be better than him, get stronger, become a famous hero, get a first girlfriend, make friends, enjoy life and the school life after a rough childhood, and be accepted. And to do that, he wants to join his older brother Shin's hero guild and overcome the toughest of villains. Get ready to embark on an action packed, fun, and comedic journey where Akira does his best to defy all odds, climb the hero rankings, destroy bad guys, deal with the pressures of school, and proving himself to everyone, especially the higher ups in his guild.. And with the mystery of the Third Eye roaming around the world, will it’s mysteries and origin be uncovered? Or will the darkness behind conquer humanity?

TheRedRedHoodie · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs


Ukine jumped at Shin, smashing red gamma energy at him. Shin jumped backwards to dodge it, allowing rubble from the ground to pierce up through the sky.

Shin thinks, 'He's holding Akira in his chest. If that's the case…'

Ukine smashed his fists into the ground, and gamma burst from under it, making the ground rise in a plunder of red cosmic energy.

Shin was holding onto a piece of ground rubble, rising up fast as the gamma was right under him.

Ukine laughed, "Got cold feet?! Nervous?! What happened to the statement you said earlier?! Is that still happening or..?!'

Shin thought, 'I'll aim for the head!'

Ukine jumped up at Shin, and Shin stuck his hand out, as a fast needle of darkness shot out from Shin's hand.

Ukine smirked, lifting his chest up. The needle almost went through Akira's head, Shin gasped and released the technique.

Ukine said, "Nice try!"

Ukine threw a gamma punch at Shin, Shin put up a shield made of darkness, and they connected.

Shin was blasted back by the attack, and he landed feet first on top of a roof, sliding to the edge. And at that exact moment, the building started to tilt.

Shin thought again, 'His reaction speed is formidable. It's like Akira is forcefully acting as an auto defense system. I need Tengen for this. Until then…I shall take Ukine to my version of hell..created with my power of darkness..'

Ukine landed on the same roof as Shin, saying, "Brainstorming?! HAHA! Let's see what you come up with."

Ukine took a step forward, but when he did, he was standing in a pool of black water.

Ukine looked around him, seeing there were black and grey flames surrounding him with a black sky.

Ukine thought, 'Some kind of domain. What's he planning?'

All around Ukine, and there were multiple horrific looking versions of Shin around him, walking in circles, saying, "U..kine."

Ukine laughed, "I commend your use of sorcery, but this still isn't enough to-."

Ukine's nose was bleeding, and he gasped.


Ukine's ears began to bleed, and his eyes began to bleed as well.

Ukine started to stumble around, yelling, "This..isn't..enough!"

Immediately, dark hands started to reach out of Ukine's mouth, grabbing his face and trying to crush it.

Ukine coughed, stumbling all over the place.

'So this..is the power of darkness?!'

Rising out of the water in front of Ukine, was a super large beheaded head. And that head was Ichiro's head.

Ukine saw it, screaming with a muffled voice, "Ichiro!!"

The giant beheaded head began to open its own mouth, and horrific versions of Ichiro and Ukine's wife started to climb out while the eyes of the beheaded head bled tremendously like a waterfall.

Ukine said, "What are you two.."

The versions of Ichiro and his wife screamed, "We'll show you true terror."

Ukine gasped, "No!"

The scary versions of Ichiro and the scary versions of Ukine's wife began to brutally kill each other. Blood was swarming all over the place, with the sounds of slicing, splashing, crushing, breaking, and yelping.

Ukine screamed, "No! Stop fighting each other! No! You two are supposed to love each other!"

The killing went on, as more blood poured out of the giant beheaded head.

Ukine cried and screamed, "Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!"

The evil versions kept laughing as they kept brutally killing each other.

Above Ukine, was Shin and Tengen, floating in the air.

Tengen said, "I couldn't come in here with just my power, my bad. It's risky."

"Do not apologize. We need you now that you're here. I do not want Akira opening his eyes and seeing all of this."


Tengen's body was slumped over, still floating in the air, as his spirit form was coming out.

Tengen began to fly down to Ukine's body, and entered right into it.

Tengen was in a dark place, and he looked behind him. He saw the soul of Akira, and it was sitting right beside Ukine's soul.

Tengen said, "Shit. It's worse than I thought..their souls are both right beside each other, it's like they share one body. If I end up destroying Ukine's soul, Akira will die as well. I just have to separate Akira's soul from this body, which will instantly split them up and Akira will be separate from Ukine. Tch..what's this sinister feeling..? Another spirit is here..another being..can't see him..gotta move fast. Fucking fast.."

Tengen dashed forward, almost reaching Akira's soul. Tengen stuck his hand out, and touched Akira's soul, placing his entire hand on it.

Because of that, Akira's body began to be separated from Ukine's body. Akira was floating upward into the air, with his eyes fully white and body limp.

Ukine yelled, "No!"

Shin was reaching out to Akira, saying, "Come on..come on..come on..!"

Akira was floating upward slowly, Ukine screamed, "Do something! Yōkai!"

Coming out of Ukine's chest, was a rotten arm with sharp fingers, and it had darkness around it. The arm and hand stretched out and grabbed Akira's leg, keeping him from going up any higher.

Shin gasped, "Darkness..?! Tengen!"

Tengen came flying out of Ukine's body, but he fell out, hitting the black water while being unconscious.

Shin yelled again, "Tengen!"

Shin grabbed ahold of Akira's hand, and he started to pull, but the rotten hand and sharp fingers coming out of Ukine's chest pulled harder.

Tengen's soul started to slowly fade back into Tengen's body, and Tengen woke up.

Tengen saw what was going on, and he helped pull, but it wasn't working.

Tengen said, "I successfully separated Akira's body from Ukine, but there's a Yōkai in that man's body just waiting to come out of the for whatever reason, he touched me once, and decommissioned me. I can't use my ability for another 10 minutes. That's my cooldown after using up my power. When he touched me, it completely drained me!"

Shin answered, "We got this far. I'm not letting go..I'm not…"


Shin and Tengen pulled harder, as the Yōkai's hand coming out of Ukine's chest was pulling Akira closer.

Shin and Tengen struggled as they gritted their teeth pulling, yelling at the same time.

Akira was forced back to merging with Ukine's chest, and Shin yelled, "No!"

Ukine screeched as red gamma blasted out, and the entire domain exploded.

They all were outside back in the real world now, with dozens of heroes around.

Shin, Tengen, and Ukine hit the ground, and Ukine darted at Shin with a gamma fist, punching near him.

Shin picked up Tengen, and started running off with him.

Ukine laughed, "How dare you use my family to attack me!"

Ukine placed his hand on the ground, and red hot gamma was flowing out like lava, melting everything in its path, and made some cars explode in the process.

Shin was dodging all of this while still carrying Tengen.

Tengen scoffed, "Fool! Leave me! I'm slowing you down!"

Shin replied, "I can't let these other heroes attack Ukine without a plan to avoid hitting Akira. I must warn them if they do not notice Akira instantly."

"Are you listening to me?!"

"Be silent."

Flying in a blue painted plane was Zenyu and Klem.

Zenyu said, "How are we gonna attack this guy?! He has Akira!"

Klem answered, "Destroy them both."

"No! We can't do that."

"Tengen looks out of it. He was our only chance at freeing Akira. But something else stopped them."

"There's…there's gotta be something else!"

As Ukine was running forward, buildings collapsed due to his running strength, and the ground shook. Each step he took, more red hot gamma flowed through the streets, even melting some heroes in the water.

Landing in front of Ukine, was Cold Clover and Skater.


Cold Clover placed his hands on the ground, and a 40 foot tall ice wall appeared, stopping some of the red flowing gamma.

"It won't hold long! Do what you do, Skater!"

Skater nodded, "Got it!"

"Attacking head on isn't a direct option. We have to avoid hitting Akira at all costs!"

Shin stood between the two of them, replying, "If we throw any attacks, no matter how fast they are, Akira will be moved in front of that attack, taking the hit for Ukine."

Skater made her arm like a volcano crust with lava in it, and she ran up the ice wall, and as she ran up it, a giant wave of red gamma was flying up there too, like it was being controlled.

Skater and the gamma pool met up, and Skater stuck her fist and out to it. Skater's entire body was like the volcanic crust and lava, and the red gamma was being absorbed by her.

Ukine said, "What?!"

Skater's lava and volcanic skin ability could absorb heat, meaning she could not be affected by fire or anything hot.

Skater yelled, "Screw you, bitch!"

Ukine replied, "I don't think so."

Ukine punched the ground with his red gamma fist, and more destruction happened. Buildings crashed to the ground, roads were blowing up with red gamma under them, and the force of wind was pushing everything back, knocking Skater back and into a building window.

Ukine says, "Is that the best ANY of you got?! Or will you say you're at a disadvantage?!"

Kirin came out of the cut, and she was holding two green daggers, saying, "We won't."

Kirin slashed near Ukine, but Ukine backed up, sliding back.

Ukine said, "Hoh? You attacked without making contact..which didn't trigger Akira to move towards it. You won't get anywhere with that strategy if you're not hitting anything, little girl."

Kirin slashed her daggers in the air, and green slashes came out, going past Ukine. Ukine ran away from them, thinking, 'She's purposely missing her attacks on purpose..why?'

Kirin was dashing around all the rubble around them, jumping from one to another as she sent green slashes with her dagger through the air.

'Just a little longer..'

Ukine scoffed, "You're fast."

Ukine punched the air at her, with gamma blasting out causing more destruction.

Kirin dashed towards the incoming gamma, and she slashed through it with her daggers. Coming out on the other side with dirt, steam, and blood on her, crossing her daggers like an x in front of Ukine.

Nearby, Red and Obi were running through a building watching, and Red implied to Obi, "She's missing purposely to see how his ability works. From what we saw, the ability of auto defense only activates when the body knows an attack is actively trying to hit them."

Obi replied, "Yeah, but how are we gonna use that to our advantage?!"

"…I don't know.."

Ukine smirked at Kirin, "Delightful. I assume this weak human is your boyfriend?"

Kirin answered, "You won't leave here alive. We won't let you. Even if you surrender."

"I have an entity on my side, things will work out for me after I kill Shin and the rest of you annoying heroes."

"You used to be a hero.."

"Gee, you're right. USED to be. Not anymore. I realized there was no such thing as a real superhero, everyone has demons they fight within themselves, dark secrets that they hide from the world that could make them look bad. Are those the type of people protecting humanity?"

"Not everyone is perfect. We all have flaws, you're looking at it as if you..were the only perfect hero."

"I am perfect! I was the best this world had to offer, and I still am!"

Ukine vanished, reappeared beside Kirin, and punched her in the side of the head with a gamma fist, blasting her away straight through a car.

Kirin grunted in pain, then she said, "Not yet.."

She tried to sit up, but she felt a sharp pain in her ribs, which made her grunt again and fall back against the car.

Ukine saw nothing but heroes surrounding him, studying him and planning things out.

Ukine said, "What's this? Heroes confused on how to beat someone? I thought you all were protectors?! Anyways-."

Ukine looked down, and he saw..Kubo sitting on the ground in front of him. He's the little boy in Shin's guild, the one who only speaks in sign language.

Ukine asked, "Huh? A new foe? A child?"

Kubo moved his hands up, moving them around, saying in sign language, "Bad bad man."

Ukine answered, "Don't know what you're trying to say, but it looks cursed. I shall end you."

Ukine slammed a gamma fist on Kubo, making another gamma explosion.

Ukine moved his fist away, then gasped when he saw that Kubo was completely fine.

Ukine said, "What?!"

Watching from the side was Remy.

Remy thought, 'Kubo can turn indestructible for 1 and a half minutes at a time. And he can paralyze anyone with his touch for 30 seconds at a time..'

Zenyu from above thought, 'That's it! If we can use Kubo as a shield to charge in while everyone else is purposely missing their attacks to throw Ukine and his ability off guard..'

Red was leaping off a roof, thinking, 'We can win this!'

Ukine yelled out, "Where's Shin?! I'm done playing with you brats!"

Zenyu was on the ground, and he ran and picked up Kubo, holding him forward, and running towards Ukine.

Ukine said, "Using a baby as a shield. How ridiculous!"

Ukine reached forward, but red lines started to form around him.

'Red lines?'

Red came from the sky with his sword, and he started to dash through those red lines, swinging and missing Ukine on purpose.

Ukine moved out of the way, "Nothing works if you don't land your shots!"

Ukine then thought, 'This kid in front of me is using this baby as a shield to come close. I have to create distance.'

Ukine jumped backwards, and red gamma energy shot from his feet and blew up the ground some more.

Zenyu jumped high in the air, and used Kubo as a shield to block some of the excess gamma energy.

Remy came up behind Ukine, and she had light around her body and fist, yelling, "Gotcha!"

Ukine turned around to Remy to attack, but a red line went straight past him.

Ukine gasped, "That sword boy!"

Ukine thought, 'They're gonna miss again purposely. I don't know what they're aiming for, but-.'

Red was right in front of Ukine swinging his sword, and Remy was right at Ukine's feet with her light ability, and Zenyu was rushing at Ukine at the same time.

Ukine was about to perform another gamma attack, but Zenyu threw Kubo at Ukine.

Ukine screamed, "Not this time!"

Akira had forcefully been moved out in front of Ukine to block the touch, but Klem came outta nowhere and snatched Kubo away, while Red rushed in and slashed Ukine's arm off, and Remy blasted Ukine's legs with light.

Ukine was blasted back against a car, thinking, 'Impossible..how?!'

The Yōkai's voice inside of his head replied, "They found a loophole. Outsmarting me. Since I was the one making Akira move around to block shots, they missed purposely to trick me, doing it for a while made me think their other attacks wouldn't land. They are good."

'I'm killing them all. Regrow my arm! We had a deal!'

"Stop being hostile towards me. I got this."

Ukine's arm started to grow back, and he stood up.

Remy exclaimed, "He grew another arm."

Red added, "Dammit.."

Zenyu said, "Now what?!"

The other heroes started to complain too, and Ukine smiled, "Now what? It's my turn to get serious."

Ukine immediately grew a pair of butterfly wings but they were entirely made up of red gamma energy. And his body glowed dark purple and red too, with his eyes being white.

Akira opened his eyes, looking around him, and seeing all the dead heroes, and the ones that were alive, and all the destruction. He felt that he couldn't move, and he still couldn't use his power.

Akira said, "Guys..beat him.."

Zenyu exclaims, "Akira! Don't worry!"

Kirin was walking towards them, "Akira.."

Ukine started to float high in the air, and his butterfly wings started to flap, and gamma energy came out of the wings like shower spray, and the gamma began to melt and blow things up.

Ukine laughed, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Look at them run and dodge like wussies!"

Akira yelled to Ukine, "Stop! You're gonna..kill them!"

"So what? They've awakened my limitless rage. They have to face it now. This is for my family."

"You think..you're making them proud..by doing this?"

"Yes. They'll know that I am a man of my word. They'll know they will be safe for the days to come. And people will know not to fuck with me or my family. Do you know what I've been through with them? How much have we struggled in the past? What did I have to sacrifice? No more! No more of that shit! It is the dawn of a new era, in which today will be the day the world will know what a real father is."

"You're..not a real father..I know what a real father is. One who provides and protects..and does whatever he can to make sure his children…doesn't make the same mistakes he did..to make sure they are not confirmed to the unrighteous practices of the world..to make sure they are content..and to show them the right..path."

"You know nothing! You're like four! Don't try and talk me out of this!"


Smoke was rising into the air, but jumping through the smoke to get to Ukine was Yuu, Yamato, and Ultra.

Yuu and Yamato yelled, "Akira!"

Akira looked at them, "No! Get away! He'll-!"

Ukine laughed, "Fools!"

Ukine made his butterfly wings shoot a destructive beam of gamma at them, but Ultra stepped in the way, and smacked the beam hard like a baseball using her golden spear.

The beam flew back at Ukine, and Ukine dodged it even though Ultra missed on purpose.

Ukine thought, 'Another missed attack?!'

Ultra dashed up to the beam she smacked a few seconds ago, saying, "Let's fucking go.."

Ukine looked up at her, thinking she was gonna try and actually hit him.

But behind Ukine, Yuu and Yamato were falling down into the smoke with snipers in their hands, aimed at Ukine.

Yamato said, "Shoot and miss. I'll shoot and hit him."

Yuu, "I'll shoot first."

Yuu shot a sniper bullet out, and Ukine saw it, but the bullet missed, but Akira was still moved towards it direction, but not even a second later, another bullet came and hit Ukine in the head.

Ukine yelled in pain, as red gamma energy shot out simultaneously from his butterfly wings and forms of beams, and it started to level the entire ground, blowing more things up as gamma flowed through the city, melting things in its path.

The heroes below were climbing on top of high surfaces to avoid it.

As Ukine was in the air, he was holding Ultra by the neck.

Ukine said, "I am utterly disgusted. Bring me Shin, and let me kill him. I will end this madness if I complete that."

Ultra answered, "Bullshit..you're gonna keep going and going..you won't stop."

"Saying no to me? That will be your last words. Your last fucking words!"

Behind Ultra, was Shin. And Shin was holding ICHIRO by the neck.

Ichiro yelled, "Dad!"

Ukine gasped and turned around, seeing Shin choking Ichiro.

Ukine said, "Son.."

Akira saw Shin, saying, "Shin!!"

Shin said to Ukine, "Release Akira, and I'll release Ichiro. Funny..you say you are doing this to protect your family, but here I am…about to kill your son in the blink of an eye. Where were you when I went to your house and almost destroyed it? Your wife was also there. I should've brought her. But I'm not the type to involve people who have nothing to do with this."

"You bastard..! Let him go!"

"Or should I take him to my version of hell?"


"We'll fight somewhere else. Fairly. Release Akira."

"I don't have that type of power..and the Yōkai won't allow it."

"I'll kill him too. After I kill your son."


In the blink of an eye, Tengen in his spirit form rushed right inside Ukine's body.

Tengen was flying around in there, and he saw Akira and Ukine's soul.

'Let's give this shit another try..'

Tengen touched Akira's soul with his whole hand, and Akira started to be removed from Ukine's body.

Akira was floating in the air, and coming out of Ukine's body, was the rotten Yōkai hand.

But Tengen flew out directly, thinking, 'I won't fight this thing head on like last time!'

Tengen stood in front of Akira's body, and stopped the rotten Yōkai hand, but the Yōkai hand pierced straight through Tengen.

Tengen yelled in pain, but he still didn't move.

Shin threw Ichiro out of the sky, making him fall on a rooftop, and he rushed up to grab Akira, catching him and flying to the ground.

Tengen's soul went back into his body, and Tengen awoke on the ground.

As Shin was going down with Akira, Ukine blasted him in the back with red gamma energy. Shin was hit, and he crashed to the ground, dropping Akira.

Ukine landed feet first on the ground, with a bunch of wounded heroes laying on the ground.

Ukine said to Shin, "I admit, you almost had me. Such a waste."

Yuu and Yamato and Ultra were walking towards them as well.

Ukine said, "Guess this is it then. I'm gonna destroy you, Shin."

Akira was leaning against a pile of rubble, in extreme pain.

'I've..I've never felt this type of pain before..is this what being a hero really like? Am I even cut out for this..? I..I can't let him kill Shin..or anymore people…gotta do something..'

Akira picked up a rock beside him, and painfully threw it at Ukine.

Ukine just stood there taking the hit, saying, "Really?"

Akira grabbed a sharp piece of glass that was sitting under him, and he started crawling to Ukine.

Akira said, "I..won't let you..touch him..or anyone else.."

"How noble. But my acts are the true meaning of noble."

Ukine rushed up and kicked Akira in the face, making him bash against the car again.

Ukine says, "Stay down, kid."

Akira cried softly, "I won't be humiliated..anymore."

Akira stabbed the piece of glass in his own face, and he carved out Ukine's blood that was marked in his face, the mark that was keeping Akira from using his powers.

Akira screamed louder than he ever did, with tears running down his eyes almost immediately, with blood squirting from his cheek. Heroes watched with a horrified look, even Shin's guild.

Ukine scoffed, "No!!!!"

Ukine tried to stop Akira, but Akira had already taken the mark out.

Once Ukine got close, he jumped back almost immediately.

The heroes around gasped, and Akira stood up all the way. Akira's hair was white with red eyes and wraps were covering his entire body, but..he had a third eye on his forehead. That third eye was red and yellow, and it was sitting vertically instead of horizontally.

Everyone gasped in shock, and Kirin said, "Akira..has the third eye curse..?"

Ukine yelled, "How..do you have the third eye?!"

Yuu and Yamato looked at each other, and Ultra said, "Does anyone wanna fill me in on why Akira has the third eye curse?"

Ukine stepped back, saying, "Yōkai, do something!"

Coming out of Ukine, eas a dark shadowy figure.

The shadowy figure started to turn form itself to look like Akira.

But this was a darker version, the Yōkai looked just like Akira, but its hair was pitch black, his eyes were black, and his vertical third eye was black and gold. And the Yōkai had black wraps around his body. He was Dark Akira. But still the Yōkai.

Obi said in a shocking tone, "Another third eye?!"

Shin was standing up, just looking.

Dark Akira said to Akira, "This is what I was waiting on. For you to bring out your third eye..so that way I can become the strongest Yōkai above all others. They will serve one. I needed heavy amounts of negative energy to bring out your third eye, and now that I have it, I will kill you and take your third eye. Even though I have a third eye on my head, it is clearly a mimic of power, in which after I beat you, it will disappear. Taking your third eye will give me the permanent form. The one who bears the third eye is rendered to be unstoppable when using it..Let's see what happens when two unstoppable forces collide."

Ukine added, "Yeah, whatever, just do what you agreed to do. I'll take care of these heroes."

Akira said to Dark Akira, "...…Fuck you."

Akira dashed forward and grabbed Dark Akira by the face, and they started darting up into the sky.

Zenyu yelled to Akira, "Kick his ass, Akira!"

Kirin stood there, thinking, 'The third eye curse…the one who slaughtered my descendants..Akira is related to them.'

Ukine was surrounded by Shin, Yuu, Yamato, Ultra, Remy, Klem, Kubo, Obi, Red, Kirin, Cold Clover, Gas Mask, Skater, Kit, and a bunch of other heroes ready to fight.

Ukine's body went full gamma with larger gamma butterfly wings.

Red yelled, "Let's fucking go!"

All the heroes charged at Ukine, and Ukine got ready.