
Third Eye Devil Hero

[This novel is extremely uncanny, wacky, action packed, and has some dark and serious moments. You have been warned.] Akira, a high school who's life has been equivalent to a loser, finally gains powers when he unknowingly gains a third eye. Having insanely fast strong and capabilities and power; living in a world where anything exists, with super powered ranked hero guilds and villains roaming the area fighting for leverage and survival, Akira just wants to fit in like his older and popular brother Shin, wants to be better than him, get stronger, become a famous hero, get a first girlfriend, make friends, enjoy life and the school life after a rough childhood, and be accepted. And to do that, he wants to join his older brother Shin's hero guild and overcome the toughest of villains. Get ready to embark on an action packed, fun, and comedic journey where Akira does his best to defy all odds, climb the hero rankings, destroy bad guys, deal with the pressures of school, and proving himself to everyone, especially the higher ups in his guild.. And with the mystery of the Third Eye roaming around the world, will it’s mysteries and origin be uncovered? Or will the darkness behind conquer humanity?

TheRedRedHoodie · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Electric Apocalypse!

Akira jumped through the ceiling to the next floor and into the hallway, Ulta dashed into the room on the right, smashing through the hallway, and Tenyu strafed to the left through a wall into another room.

Akira was soaring down the hallway, with 8 monitor headed enemies beside him, soaring with him.

They all had blue electricity in their arms and fists, and they attacked. As they dashed through the hallway, all the walls and floors around them shattered in destruction because of their speeds.

Akira blocked all the attacks with the wraps on his arms. They were going super fast down the hallway, and Akira decided to start spinning as he still blocked and dodged all the attacks thrown at him.

The enemies exclaimed:

"He's blocking all of our attacks!"

"He's dangerous! He must be the lewd king!"

Akira replied, "Lewd king?"

Akira flipped downward and started sliding on his feet in the hallway, and the enemies dropped with him.

They charged at Akira with punches, but Akira leaned his body back to the floor backwards, making the enemies miss him.

Akira grabbed two monitor enemies' ankles, and he started to use their bodies as weapons.

More monitor enemies were jumping towards Akira, and Akira flipped past them quickly, using the enemies he was holding as weapons to slap them around, smashing them through walls, smacking them up high through the ceiling, and spinning in a tornado fashion, knocking enemies away.

Akira let them go, and wraps bursted from his back, and they hit the monitor enemy's away pretty far.

Akira thought, 'They haven't been able to hit me once..good. Shit looks like it hurts. But what are they doing this for? And HOW DO THESE COMPUTER MONITORS HAVE BODIES?! This is all weird, but I can destroy them all.'

There were monitor enemies running fast on the walls behind Akira, and they yelled:

"He's killed our monitor friends!"

"Kill him!"

"For the sake of destroying porn from the world! We say no to viruses!"

"Cut off his cucumber stick!"

Akira tilted his head, "Cucumber..stick? WHO SAYS THAT?!"

The enemies continued to say:

"Join up! He's too strong for us to fight 1v1!"

All of the monitor enemies around Akira started to gather up with one another, creating a large heap of monitors and cords and bodies, blazing over to Akira in a flash with a large fist, yelling in unison, "How do you like this?!!"

Akira rushed forward in a quick teleporting-like step, and he punched the fist of the giant monitor enemy, and the enemy exploded in rubble, along with a large corner of the school, and wind blasting everywhere.

Akira's fist was steaming, and he said, "Damn. And I was even holding back."

Akira turned around, and more enemies were coming at him, "We will rid you and this world of porn!"

Akira grinned, "OHHHH. So that's why you're doing this? Okay makes sense!"


"Oi! I don't look that stuff up! More importantly…"

Akira thought, 'The floors and walls..and the ceilings..rebuilding itself..?'

Akira noticed that the school was repairing its own damages, but it did it slowly.

Akira sighed, "Phew! I was worried! I fought without thinking about the damage of the school! Now I feel better! This is great!"

There were 40 monitor bad guys incoming straight towards Akira down the hall, and Akira just stood there with a grin.

Akira said, "You guys are kinda..stupid, ya know? Not to brag, but….but…you all..are no match for me."

They got close with electricity brimming and hitting Akira, but it had no effect on him.

They said:

"He's not affected?!"

"Is he immortal?!"

They got close with the lightning punches and kicks, and Akira dodged them all, and he ran through the enemies fast, jumping and punching a few of them many miles away through the walls with his strength.

As he dodged, he did flips and spins as the attacks of electric punches and kicks flew past him quickly.

Two enemies rushed up to grab his legs, but Akira dodged it, jumped on the wall, jumped off, and did a downard twisting kick on top of their heads, and it sent them down the floor levels far, making them even go underground.

More enemies came at Akira, and Akira smashed his fists through two of the monitors heads, slammed them on the ground, jumped up high in the air while doing a triple 360, and he smashed the monitor enemy bodies onto a horse of enemies with a smile, smashing all the enemies away with sonic booms and strong winds flying everywhere from his attack.

Akira sat up, looking around him and seeing destroyed enemies on the floor.

Akira thought, 'Ultra and Zenyu are fighting in other parts of the school. I gotta go back them up! I mean, it's not like they'll REALLY need my help anyway.'

Akira took a step forward, and Gabriel was incoming with a sharp fist that had red electricity coming out of it.

Gabriel said, "I heard you've been taking good care of my family! Allow me to return the favor, weakling!"

Gabriel threw the punch, but Akira stopped the fist with one finger, making Gabriel gasp.

Akira asked, "And, you must be the leader..huh?"

Gabriel replied, "Why you-!"

Gabriel jumped backwards, creating some distance between him and Akira.

Gabriel thought, 'He stopped my ultimate attack with just one finger?'

Akira said, "Computer monitor man, I think those are your thoughts showing up on your screen. It's kinda cool!"

It was true, Gabriel's thoughts were showing up on his screen.

Gabriel yelled, "To hell with you! You and you wretched humans know little of us! Implanting viruses in our systems..corrupting our software..do you know what that's like?!"

"Uhh…you mean like getting sick?"

"Yes, you overpowered buffoon!"

"Ahhhh. You think I'm overpowered?! Thank you!"

"Too much time has been wasted on you. While my family is raising the king, I will defeat you and sacrifice you to him!"

"Oooh! Is he super duper strong?"

"Oh please! He would destroy you with one attack! His stare alone is enough to erase you from existence! OUT OF NOWHERE!"

"Ooooo. I would love to show him what I can do too!"

"I'll erase you!"

Gabriel started to dash fast all over the place, leaving behind after-images as he jumped from wall to wall around Akira.

Gabriel said, "Your eyes can barely keep up with this speed! I'm not like the others! I'm upgraded! Literally a new model!"

Akira stood there, saying, "You know, I'm not trying to brag or anything, because when I'm using my powers, I'm more confident in myself. But I just wanted to say…I might be.."

Gabriel dashed off the wall to hit Akira while his after-images were still showing, but when he got close, Akira performed a really fast roundhouse kick straight through Gabriel's computer face, and slammed his head on the floor with his foot, and they fell down to the next floor.

Gabriel thought, 'How..How could he keep up with my speed..?'

Akira smiled, "I might be..unstoppable."

Akira stopped, then he froze, then he got excited, saying, "Oh man! That sounded so cool! So..badass! Can I say something else cool?! Can I say something else badass?!"

Akira brushed himself off, cleared his throat, lifted his steaming fist up, and said, "I think I'm…invincible! Wait..someone else said that..I can't remember who."

Akira got himself together again, and said, "Whoa..didn't see you there…my name is..Akira. THE Akira! Wait! Should that be my hero name?!"

Gabriel was twitching on the floor, saying, "I'll kill you bastard! Lewd human! You're all lewd humans! We will rid this world of-!"

Akira bent down fast and smashed his fist through Gabriel's body, making Gabriel explode right in front of Akira with fire and smoke blazing all against Akira, but it had no effect.

Akira slowly stood up out of the fire, turned around, and said, "Now this..is a badass shot."

In the cafeteria, Zenyu was standing on a green paint tank he created, and the tank was shooting out dangerous shells, blowing up the monitor enemies that were rushing towards Zenyu.

Zenyu danced happily as his tank was causing destruction, smiling, "Hahahaha! This is fun! Let's have some more fun!"

Zenyu waved his paintbrush around, and red paint horses with red paint knights on them with swords riding them came into existence, and they began to charge down and slide all the monitor enemies in half fast.

The enemies yelled:

"He can create things! Watch out!"

"Of course he can!"

"He's strong like the other boy with the wraps!"

Zenyu replied, "Have you guys come up with a name for your group?! Maybe, maybe the LEWD HUNTERS! That's cool, right?!"

Five monitor enemies jumped up behind Zenyu, yelling, "We got him now!"

Zenyu turned around with a grin, and swiped them with his paintbrush, and they were sliced in half.

Zenyu laughed, and he jumped into the air, creating a blue fighter jet with his paint, and climbed on top of it.

Zenyu said, "Oiii! Computer things! Usually, I'm kinda scary when fighting enemies, but that's when I know the enemy is strong! But here..you guys are weeeeeeeak! I can say that, because I'm ranked #50 in the world! Hehe!"

His jet started to rain down jet bullets and missiles on the monitor enemies blowing them up all over the place. Zenyu kept flying around the cafeteria, sending more bullets and missiles, but then enemies started merging with each other, growing bigger trying to reach Zenyu's jet.

Zenyu smiled, "Mmmm, nope! This isn't enough to change me! I wanna try something I've seen off of a movie! Mind if I try it on you guys! Of course you don't mind! Haha!"

Zenyu jumped down to the giant enemy made of enemy monitors, and Zenyu created a large paint gorilla, and that gorilla smashed both of its fists on the enemy, blowing him up with one blow.

Zenyu was laughing as he fell to the ground feet first, with more enemies running into the cafeteria.

Zenyu created a red and black painted mini gun with his paintbrush, and he started to shoot all around him in a circle, making the monitor enemies explode in the process as the bullets pierced them.

Zenyu laughed the entire time, destroying the enemies incoming.

From above, monitor enemies were falling through the ceiling with electricity all around them.

As they fell, Akira rushed in from the side through the air, and he punched the air in front of him, and the large force from it made the enemies explode, and made all the walls blast outward and shatter, destroying that half of the school.

Akira landed beside Zenyu, saying, "Phew!"

Zenyu said without surprise, "I knew you were super strong. Was that your full strength?"

Akira answered, "Hm? Oh, no! Haha! I wasn't trying to use all of my strength for your safety."

"Cooool! Look! The enemies are even running from us!"


"Oi, Akira, you wanna be friends?!"

Akira gasped, with his hand on his chest, "…M-Me?! Me?! Y-Your friend?! I'm not worthy!

Zenyu laughed, "Nooo, it's not like that. Me and you are kinda similar! You're cool! And it's not because you're strong either, you're a good nerd!"

Zenyu stuck his hand out with a smile, and Akira slowly shook Zenyu's hand, thinking, 'THIS CAN'T BE REAL! THIS CAN'T BE REAL! ZENYU ASKED TO BE MY FRIEND! ME! I'M SO HONORED TO BE CALLED A NERD BY HIM!'

Zenyu then said, "About those bad computer guys though..I think they're up to something else."

Akira answered, "I'm so honored.."


"Oh! Sorry! You were saying what?"

"We gotta goooo follow them!"


"Oh, and I gotta question."


"Do you like Kirin?!"

Akira blushed, "HAHHHHH?! K-Kirin?!! She's outta my league!"

"Ya never know unless you ask! You should! She's always staring at you!"

"Mmm. That IS true!"

"We gotta focus! Let's follow the enemies!"


In the gym, Ultra was holding a monitor enemy against his will as the other monitor enemies watched.

Ultra said, "Hah?! You wanna do what now?! I'll erase this brat here!"

The enemies said:

"No! Don't hurt him!"

"He's the baby!"

Ultra responded, "What difference would it make? I done already killed 70 of your monitor friends! You REALLY think porn is gonna go away after you take down all internet access? Dumbasses!"

"Be careful with our brother….!"

"Mmm, I'm gonna say no. You guys attacked first, you know ima' punch back! Dumbass brats! I'm not yer' regular missus…"

Ultra slammed the enemy to the ground, destroying him.

The other enemies watched with water for tears coming out of their heads, and they screamed, "Noooo!!!! Billy!"

Ultra answered, "Heh? They're always named Billy or some other generic ass name."

The monitor enemies approached Ultra quickly, but Ultra swung her golden spear around, and dashed past all 20 of them, knocking them all into the air.

More of them were coming, and Ultra thought, 'Persistent bastards aren't they?'

They came in strong with the lightning punches and kicks again, and Ultra was blocking all of them with her spear while she was chewing some gum.

Ultra spun the spear over her head, slid to the right, and slammed the spear into the floor, and the floor was destroyed, but it knocked the enemies into the air fast.

Ultra said, "Damn. My bad. Not really."

At the bottom floor, about seven computer monitor bad guys were dancing in a circle around a pile of wires and computers and monitors, and they started to rumble quickly, shaking the floor.

The enemies said:

"It's working!"

"He's coming back to us!"

"Arise, king Apocalypse!"

Coming from the pile, was a 88 foot tall electric pure glowing blue figure with a bald head, glowing white eyes, and had blue electrify racing all around his glowing blue skin.

He said in a menacing deep voice, "I am the real king, king Apocalypse. I shall feed to improve myself."

He picked up his own monitor soldiers, and they laughed, "Yes! This is for the cause!"

Apocalypse's presence alone caused a scene, with half of the school destroyed, things were rising all around him due to the electric pressure. And down the road from the school, other unknown heroes were coming.

Akira, Ultra, and Zenyu saw Apocalypse, and they said together, "Oh shit!"

Akira adds, "Awesome! I'll take it down!"

Ultra looked off of a ledge of a hole in the floor, and heard Akira.

"Heh? No! Let me take this thing! He's my prey!"

Akira scoffed back, "Please! I wanna test out my strength more!"

"Haven't you done that enough! It's my turn!"

"No, mine!"

Apocalypse exclaimed, "Silence! Taking me down is futile. For I am Apocalypse, king of the monitors and computers. Prepare to be devoured by my strength and status alone. I am perfect!"

Zenyu said, "Ohh! This gets better!"

Akira said, "I'm pretty sure he stole that from somewhere."

Ultra says, "This apocalypse guy says he's perfect. He fucking wishes. Guess we'll show him a thing or two. Isn't that right, brats?"

Ultra didn't see Akira or Zenyu anywhere, then she turned around, seeing them both near Apocalypse.

Ultra yelled, "Cheating brats!"

Apocalypse's arms created two bright shining blue swords from his own body, and he started swinging it everywhere.

Akira vanished in plain sight, then reappeared again with his speed on the left side of Apocalypse's face, ready to hit him with a strong punch.

Zenyu was on the right side of Apocalypse, ready to hit him with a giant red paint sword, and then Ultra was under Apocalypse, coming at him with a giant golden spear.