
Third Eye Devil Hero

[This novel is extremely uncanny, wacky, action packed, and has some dark and serious moments. You have been warned.] Akira, a high school who's life has been equivalent to a loser, finally gains powers when he unknowingly gains a third eye. Having insanely fast strong and capabilities and power; living in a world where anything exists, with super powered ranked hero guilds and villains roaming the area fighting for leverage and survival, Akira just wants to fit in like his older and popular brother Shin, wants to be better than him, get stronger, become a famous hero, get a first girlfriend, make friends, enjoy life and the school life after a rough childhood, and be accepted. And to do that, he wants to join his older brother Shin's hero guild and overcome the toughest of villains. Get ready to embark on an action packed, fun, and comedic journey where Akira does his best to defy all odds, climb the hero rankings, destroy bad guys, deal with the pressures of school, and proving himself to everyone, especially the higher ups in his guild.. And with the mystery of the Third Eye roaming around the world, will it’s mysteries and origin be uncovered? Or will the darkness behind conquer humanity?

TheRedRedHoodie · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs


The class began to pair up and get to their tables, while Tengen was partnered with another student. And that student was standing there prepping the experiment table, and Tengen watched with his feet on the table.

Tengen said, "Ugh. Could you go any slower?"

The student answered, "I'm going as fast as I can, sorry. I'll go faster."

"Haha! That's more like it!"

Sensei Ultra said, "I will go over the instructions on dissecting this foul creature. I will start in a few seconds."

Akira thought, 'Frog dissection on the 2nd day of school? Amazing! My hands are shaking..Kirin is standing super close! Her arm is touching mine! Should I move? Of course not.'

Kirin and Akira were preparing the table, and Akira was sweating still.

Kirin asked Akira, "Sweating. Why?"

Akira replied, "AGH! Sorry for yelling in your face. I just get really nauseous around dead things."

Akira lied obviously.

Kirin answered, "Oh. Whoops."

"So um..what made you wanna be my partner?"


"Right! Right…I'm talking too much."

Ultra said out loud, "Okay, I see most of you have your stuff ready. We'll get started. Step one: Place the frog in the dissecting plate on its back."

Everyone started to do just that, and Akira grabbed the frog with gloves in, setting it on the dissecting plate on its back.

Kirin said to Akira, "Good job."

Akira repsonsed nervously, "T-Thank you!"

"I thought…you said you weren't gonna yell anymore."

"Sorry..I'm jittery as crap right now, being around dead things..not a good sight."

"You did say that."

Ultra continued, "Next step: Use scissors to lift the abdominal muscles away from the body cavity. Cut along the midline of the body to the forelimbs. In other words, cut under the damn head going from armpit to armpit, then cut down the middle, then cut a line on the top of the legs. Horizontally, but from the neck down, cut vertically."

Akira and Kirin looked at each other, and Kirin asked, "Can I do it?"

Akira thought, 'Aww. But I wanted to do it. I guess it would be fair to let her do it, since I did the first step.'

Akira answered, "Yeah, go ahead."

Kirin nodded, "Thank you."

Kirin grabbed a small pair of scissors, cuffed the blades together, and started to slowly slice the assigned points of the frog, slowly.

Akira said, "Wow! You're really good at this!"

Kirin answered, "This is how I dissect my victims, the ones I eliminate."

Akira gasped, "Really?!"

Kirin looked at Akira while still cutting slowly, "Joking."

Akira laughed nervously, thinking, 'She has a dark sense of humor..'

Kirin asked Akira, "You..are in the gaming club?"

Akira replied scratching the back of his neck, "Y-Yeah, I am! How did you know?"

"Boy named Hide…posted the new members' faces on the hallways. Your picture."



Sensei Ultra continued, "You brats are all doing a satisfactory job. Next step: lift the flaps of the body wall and pin them back."

Akira grinned, "We can do this one together-."

Kirin interrupted, "We should."

Kirin started to open the body flaps of the frog open, while Akira was pinning them down with small pins.

As they were doing that, Tengen rushed over to them, asking, "Having fun?! Dweeeebs?!"

Kirin asked Akria, "Akira, who is this man?"

Tengen got angry, "How dare you..act like weren't not in the same guild. I should erase you now!"

Akira replied, "U-U-Um.."

Kirin continued to talk to Akira, "This random here decided to leave his lab partner to do all the work, just to mess with us. Immature."

Tengen twitched with his teeth gritting, "Shut up! I can do what I want! I'm the boss here!"

Akira had his head turned, murmuring something under his breath.

Tengen noticed, saying, "HAHH?"

Tengen got in Akira's face, and asked, "You got something you wanna say? Ya wanna fight me? Do ya? You wanna fight?"

Akira gasped and looked at Tengen, smiling, "Yes! It would be an honor! I want you to witness my strength and speed and skill and all that! Trust me! You won't be disappointed!"

Tengen backed up, "Hoh? You're excited about it. Fine then! Let's fight right now."

"Wait! W-We can't fight in school-."

Ultra said yawning, "No one is gonna be fighting on school grounds. Tengen, go help your partner, or I'll bring the librarian up here to sub for me while I go look for a husband."

The class gasped, and Tengen said, "Tch. I'm not scared of the librarian!"

Tengen looked at Akira, tapping his chest hard, "You lucked out, nerd. I'll catch you slipping one of these days."

Tengen stomped over back to his partner, and some students were staring at him, and he said to them, "What are you looking at?!"

Akira sighed, "He's pretty tough."

Kirin answered, "Mhm."

"What's he like at the guild base?"

"The same as he is here. He obviously doesn't seem to care that you're Shin's little brother. Tengen was like that when we took the qualifications."


"A physical test of strength, ability, speed, and skill. We had to take tests in order to officially be in Shin's guild, it doesn't matter if he invited you personally or not."

"Oh. Do a bunch of people watch you?"


"Do you get nervous?"


"Right. Right. Too many questions."

Ultra said, "We'll now start to dissect the foul being in the plates. Don't throw up all over my floor. I'll make you clean it up. Especially you, Akira."

Akira replied, "I-I won't vomit!"

Akira thought, 'If I was using my powers, I wouldn't have to throw up. My powers would suppress all my weaknesses. Like outside when I was riding on the plane, once I got on, I had made my wraps go away. But when I got off, I threw up off the rooftop.'

For the next couple of minutes, the students were all dissecting the frogs, with Ultra standing over Tengen, forcing him to dissect the frog, and Tengen had an angry face the entire time with his veins popping and teeth gritted.

Tengen exclaimed, "This is for nerds!"

Ultra replied, "You do realize you're in this specific class because of how good your grades were when you were in 8th grade, right? You're the real nerd."


Akira was holding a napkin to his mouth as Kirin dissected the frog. Akira was shaking with his face almost purple, and he was holding his glasses in place at the same time.

Kirin said, "Akira."

Akira responded, "Y-Yes?!"

"Stop being a wuss. Come cut the stomach out."

Akira gulped and nodded.

Akira grabbed the small scissors, and said, "Right.."

Kirin grabbed Akira's hand, and she guided him in cutting the stomach of the frog.

Akira blushed hard, thinking, 'She's touching me! She's touching me! She's touching me! She's touching me!'

Kirin said, "I'm doing this to make you calm down. I don't want vomit on me. You need to conquer your weak stomach."


'The trembling stopped..it feels calmer to cut this frog open.'

As they finished cutting the frog, most of the boys and girls in the classroom were instantly standing in front of Akira and Kirin's table with red eyes and menacing looks, swaying back and forth.

All except Tengen. Obviously.

Akira said, "Um..you guys okay?"

They said:

"How dare you..make contact..with KIRIN!"

"This nerd doesn't deserve to have her touch him like that!"

"He must be using some sort of curse of secret power on her! Don't worry, Kirin, we'll free you from this DEMON!"

Kirin replied, "I'm not under any curse."


They all pounced at Akira, and Akira gasped, running out of the classroom.

Akira started running down the hallway, saying, "It wasn't what it looked like! Well..I don't know!"

The students ran behind him like zombies, chomping their hands at him like animals.

They exclaimed:

"Destroy him!"

"Kill him!"

"I'm gonna cut his hand off and hang it on my wall to get Kirin's hand scent!"

"Whoa that's kinda weird bro."

"We can't let Akira get away!"


Akira whined, "Stop chasing me! We don't have anything going on! I mean, I wish..b-but hear me out!"


"I don't even know why she chose me!"

Akira thought, 'I feel like if they really really catch me, then they'll try and actually erase me. Without the use of my powers, I get tired and run out of breath fast. If I use my full speed with my power, I could destroy the entire half of the school or maybe even worse. I'll use half of it.'

Akira was making his wraps come out, until someone walked out of a classroom in front of him.

Akira slightly gasped, and instantly jumped over them in a 360 fashion, landing feet first behind them.

The person who came out was Red, and he looked straight at the group of evil students.

The students stopped, saying:

"It's Red!"

"How convenient for him to stop in front of us!"

Red asked, "What's the rush?"

The students immediately started to lighten up and show their attention to Red, wanting to take pictures with him and shake his hand.

Akira was hiding behind a wall, thinking with tears, 'THANK YOU, RED! BIG BIG FAN!'

Red thought, 'That Akira kid..he flipped over me faster than I could blink. Something's off about him.'

Red turned back to the students, pointed at the girls, and said, "You can be in my harem..YOU can be in my harem..oh you're cute! You can definitely be in my harem! Such cute girls around me! Could you girls..fight to the death over me if I asked? Kidding! Kidding!"

Back in Ultra's classroom, Kirin just stood there, and Tengen said to her, "That nerd Akira is probably dead right now. It's your fault. Shin's gonna be pissed."

Kirin replied, "…"

Ultra was sitting in her chair, blowing gum bubbles, and playing games on her phone with her feet kicked up.

"Akira will be back. Give it a few seconds."

Akira immediately ran inside the classroom, slamming the door shut.

Akira was breathing heavily, with his hands on his knees.

"I got away! Thanks to Red!"

Tengen laughed, "I thought they shredded you."

Akira responded, "Well…maybe. BUT IF I SHOWED MY REAL POWERS-!"

Ultra interrupted, "Not a chance."

"Aww man."

Kirin was just staring at Akira, and Tengen noticed.

Tengen waved his hand in Kirin's face, "Oi. You dead?"

Kirin grabbed Tengen's finger, and started twisting it while still looking at Akira.

Tengen exclaimed, "Oi! Oi! Oi! Ya better let go of me!"

"Too close. Breaching proximity."

Tengen yanked himself away from Kirin, saying, "Wait until we get back to base! I'll erase you!"

[Unknown location, far away]

Ukine, Ichiro's dad, was in an empty grey room, with the floor covered in dead bodies; Ukine didn't have a scratch on him.

Ukine checked his phone, saying to himself, "Interesting. I'll be home to avenge my beloved son earlier than I expected."

Ukine started walking away, but a sinister voice behind him said, "Oh..Ukine."

Ukine stopped, thinking, 'There's no way even one of them is alive. I was sure of it! I don't even hear a pulse.'

Ukine turned around, and he saw a dark floaty figure in the corner of the room.

Ukine said, "Oh.A Yōkai."

*Yōkai - supernatural spirits in Japanese folklore. Some being dangerous.*

Especially the one Ukine had come across.

[Hajimari High School]

(Hours later, End of the school day)

Akira and his classmates were packing their things up, as Ultra said to them, "Please do the got-damn review tonight at your houses. If you refuse, me and the librarian will break into your house tonight. You don't have to get a good grade, it's literally just a review. You're all dismissed."

The class started to nod fast, as the bell rang, and they started to leave the room. Akira started to walk out fast, as he was heading to the game club room.

Kirin and Tengen walked past Akira, and Kirin said to Akira, "Be seeing you."

Akira answered nervously, "Y-Yeah! See you tomorrow!"

As they went down the hallway, Tengen said to Kirin, "Strange brat, isn't he?"

Kirin answered, "Yes. When I grabbed his hand..it was rough. He had been fighting. Brutally."

"Hoh? So that nerd isn't defenseless? I find that hard to believe!"

"He's..strong. Really strong. Something is up with him."

"Bullshit. I'll believe it when I see it!"


Kirin turned around instantly and she dashed over to Akira with a fist, and her fist had a green aura around it.

Tengen thought, 'What is she-??'

Akira saw Kirin incoming with a fist, but some students stumbled in the way, horse playing and laughing, and Kirin stopped.

Kirin said, "…Unlucky."

Kirin walked back over to Tengen, and Tengen said, "What the hell? You probably would've killed that nerd. Something I kinda wanna see.."

"No. It would've been the other way around."

"Sure…don't care. You see the text Remy sent to the team?"


"Yes or no?!"


"Her and a few other heroes destroyed a being in the city during lunch. The enemy bastards kept yelling about looking for a boy with the third eye."

Kirin gasped. Then she said, "Third eye…."

"Yeah that ancient curse or whatever."

"Third eye..the one who bears that curse…is unstoppable. Many years ago..someone held the third eye curse.and they slaughtered half of my ancestors. Almost destroying the world along with it. Whoever has the third eye..I'll get my revenge on them. It's my duty. I shall not disappoint my family."

"That doesn't make any sense. Whoever has the third eye now is not the same person who killed half of your ancestors all those years ago."


"You gonna answer or?!"

"Doesn't matter. The eye needs to be destroyed along with its host. So no one can go through what my family had to go through. I'll end the line of the third eye curse forever."

(10 minutes later)

Akira was walking inside of the game club room, and he saw a bunch of TV's, computers lined up on the wall, and people playing video games on all of them.

Akira smiled, "Cooool!"

Hide, the club leader, saw Akira, saying, "Akira! You made it!"

Akira walked over to him, saying, "You guys..really do play games all day. Me too! Well, if I'm not doing research or working on my hero stuff."

Hide turned around and said to the club members, "Guys! This is Akira!"

All the club members turned around, and said, "Nice to meet you, Akira!"

Akira bowed slightly, "I-It's a pleasure to be here! Please ignore my awkwardness!"

They all laughed, and Hide laughed along with them.

Hide put his hand on Akira's shoulder, "Haha! We don't care if you're awkward! Truth is, we all are! We may be outcasts to society, separated by the cool kids and the popular trash! But we are unique!"

"So..inspiring!" Akira smiled.

Minutes later, Akira was playing video games with the club members, laughing with them, discussing games very fast, and competing in all of the games.

This went on for 2 hours straight, and the sunset was out.

In another room in the school, where a bunch of computers were, one kid was sitting in there, watching something on the monitor alone.

"Now..time to skip to the best part.."

Out of nowhere, the monitor in front of him started to rumble, and the kid back up falling out of his chair, saying, "What the hell?!"

He fell down on the floor, and the computer monitor in front of him started to rise upward.

The monitor started to grow a human chest, human legs, and human arms, but it was wearing a red scarf, a white t-shirt, red fingerless gloves, blue shorts, and red and white sneakers. Yeah, and a computer monitor head. And the monitor head was red, unlike all the other monitors in the school. Gabriel's screen was also black too, and it had red digital eyes and a mouth on it, that moved according to Gabriel's will.

The boy backed up on the floor, saying, "W-W-W-What the hell?! What are you?"

The monitor said, "I am Gabriel. And I am the anti-virus. We're sick and tired of everyone typing in and looking up lewd things inside of us, causing viruses to spread through our systems and corrupt us, making our mainframes disjointed and out of order, causing us to fail. Well no more! I am the anti-virus, Gabriel! And we will rid this world of all internet access! No more porn!"

The boy started to get up and run away, screaming, "Help!! Someone help me!"

Gabriel said, "Run. Weakling! But you won't run far."

Gabriel touched one computer monitor in the room, and lightning and electricity started blasting all over the school, and all the monitors in the school began to grow bodies. They were all naked bodies, but they had no privates or buttocks. Gabriel was the only one with clothing, because the video that was being played before on his screen..a man had the same outfit.

Gabriel laughed, "Haha! We shall awaken the monitor king! And he will lead us in a world without the internet or access to lewd porn! We say no to all viruses in our system! We'll start here! And we shall locate the Wi-Fi router in this school and eat it! Just so it won't be fixed later!"

All the awakened monitors, including Gabriel, took one step forward, and they vanished quickly, but they were moving super fast, electricity blasted through the school, and the force of their speed shattered the hallways and walls.

In the game club room, the members exclaimed: "What is that?!"

"Is it an earthquake?!"

"Get under the table!"

Hide said, "W-What is going on-?! A monster?! A villain?!"

Akira stood up, thinking, 'Something's running this way. About a dozen people..? They're moving fast.'

Akira took off his glasses, wrap started to cover his chest and back, arms, legs, and hands besides his fingers, and his hair turned white with his eyes going red.

Akira clenched his fists, "I'm guessing none of you have powers?"

The members said, "No! But you look badass, Akira!"

Bashing through the window behind them…was Zenyu, and he rolled onto the floor, sitting up on his knee.

He looked up at Akira, saying, "Oh, hi Akira!"

Akira gasped, "Y-You know it's me?! Zenyu recognized me?!!! This is amazing!"

Zenyu smiled, "Of course I know it's you!"

"W-What are you doing here?"

Zenyu smiled, standing up and rubbing the back of his head, "Oh! Haha, I had created a GIANT paint slingshot, and just wanted to see how far I could go! And then here I am! Wait, are there bad guys coming? Exciting! Let's go!"


Akira thought with a glowed up smile, 'I'm fighting alongside Zenyu! I'm gonna shit myself!'

The club members said:

"Zenyu the Painter is here!"

"We're saved!"

Bursting up from the floor, came Sensei Ultra.

She stood beside Akira, holding a golden spear, and she popped the gum in her mouth, "I work overtime to come up with tomorrow's lesson and create more homework for the week, and this shits happening. This should be fun! Let's kick some ass, nephew Akira! And Zenyu the Painter!"

Ultra spit her gum to the right, and got ready to fight.

"Finally some damn action."