
Third Eye Devil Hero

[This novel is extremely uncanny, wacky, action packed, and has some dark and serious moments. You have been warned.] Akira, a high school who's life has been equivalent to a loser, finally gains powers when he unknowingly gains a third eye. Having insanely fast strong and capabilities and power; living in a world where anything exists, with super powered ranked hero guilds and villains roaming the area fighting for leverage and survival, Akira just wants to fit in like his older and popular brother Shin, wants to be better than him, get stronger, become a famous hero, get a first girlfriend, make friends, enjoy life and the school life after a rough childhood, and be accepted. And to do that, he wants to join his older brother Shin's hero guild and overcome the toughest of villains. Get ready to embark on an action packed, fun, and comedic journey where Akira does his best to defy all odds, climb the hero rankings, destroy bad guys, deal with the pressures of school, and proving himself to everyone, especially the higher ups in his guild.. And with the mystery of the Third Eye roaming around the world, will it’s mysteries and origin be uncovered? Or will the darkness behind conquer humanity?

TheRedRedHoodie · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

A Good Thrashing

[Akira's house]

Akira was walking back and forth in his room, murmuring to himself, "I-I-I was strong. Super super fast, and and and and I knew how to fight!"

Akira blinked one time, and Shin was standing at his door, with his arms folded.

Akira jumped in fear, "Shin!"

"You dare..yell my name in a fearful tone?"

"Sorry, sorry. I'm just…excited. Like..this is big! I'm strong! And fast! But only when I bring my wraps out. Not so much when I don't have them out, I'm like a regular powerless human without my wraps out. I must collect blood samples! Yes! That's what I'll do!"

"Do you think..you're surpassing me?"

Akira waved his hands nervously, "N-N-No! I never said that! I mean..back there was my first real fight, and..I'm really REALLY good at it."

Shin was walking out of the room, "Don't fool yourself. I'm levels above you."


"And don't even think about staring at me as I walk out, I don't like staring."

Shin walked out, leaving Akira in there.

Akira sat in silence for a few seconds, and then he started pacing back and forth again, holding his glasses and murmuring.

"A-All I did was do 20 push-ups..could that be the case? No! It couldn't be..right? I mean..I was always afraid to train before because I found myself to be clumsy sometimes, and I could've injured myself because of it. But now..I'm so pumped! I should test this out once more. Yeah..yeah…that's what I'll do.."

Shin walked back into the room, peaking his head in, "Stop talking to yourself. It's creeping me out. I don't want nightmares. I'll erase you."

Shin walked out, and Akira adjusted his glasses.

Minutes later, Akira was standing outside in a woods area, surrounded by 10 foot boulders.

Akira was wearing a grey tank top, black sweatpants, and dirty white sneakers.

'Okay..I'll practice my punches now. There's a lot of boulders..oh well. Here we go.'

Akira walked up to the first boulder, and there was white wrap covering his fist, leaving the fingers open like always.

Akira took a deep breath, and he closed his fist.

He pulled his fist back, and he stepped forward, "Hiya!"

Akira's fist punched the tall boulder, and the boulder blew up into pieces, with wind and rocks shooting everywhere.

The impact knocked Akira back some, and some of the rocks were flying at him because of the wind.

Akira dodged the rocks easily, leaning left to right while ducking and flipping over them.

Instantly, Akira dashed over to that boulder at light speed, and punched it, making it explode in debris and large winds, shaking the ground.

Shin jumped out of the way, thinking, 'I barely reacted to that.'

Shin landed on the ground, and Akira was covering his mouth.

Akira said, "I'm so so so sorry!"

Shin's eyes were watery and straining red, "You dare attack me?!"

"Wait! Shin! I didn't mean to! It was a reaction!"

Shin's phone started to ring, and Shin calmed down. Shin answered the phone, putting it up to his ear, "What did I say about calling me while I'm in the midst of battle?…Oh. Alright. I'm on the way."

Shin hung up and turned around, saying, "You were saved. I have to leave now. I have people to save with my guild. Continue to mess things up here."


Shin walked forward, as a cloud of darkness surrounded his body, and he was gone.

Akira's foot was tapping, and he was eager, eager to go back to punching boulders.

"Let's go!"

Akira dashed to every boulder around, using one punch or one spinning kick to blast the boulders into large pieces.

His speed was immaculate, he was transferring to each nearby boulder in just a few milliseconds, hitting them all as hard as he could with a smile on his face.


(Night time)

Akira was laying in the grass, surrounded by boulder rubble, and he was looking into the stars.

'This was unexpected. I mean, this is crazy. Did I earn this though? Doesn't matter. I got it.'

Akira pulled his phone out, and started to browse social media.

He was logging into a superhero website, in which it showed thousands upon thousands upon thousands of heroes, hero news, and super hero guilds and the highest ranked heroes and guilds.

Shin was the third highest ranked hero, with Gunjo the infamous being in first. Ranking was determined by number of jobs completed, mixed in with merit.

Shin's guild was named "Valhalla", and it was the tenth highest ranked guild in the world.

Akira scrolled through the page some more, seeing videos of heroes fighting or saving lives, and seeing hero news like:

"Wind Woman and Cold Clover save policemen's lives during a bank robbery!"

"Shin one-shots a monster with his finger near the mountain area!"

"20 heroes defeat a swarm of mutant bees terrorizing a children playground!"

"Captain Red saves a family from a burning building! Along with some members of his guild and Hacksaw Man!"

"Unknown boy with wraps completely destroys bank robber that involved Cold Clover and Wind Woman! Identity is yet to be revealed due to lack of full footage."

Akira sat up, saying, "Awwww! Crap! I should be praised! Damn Shin."

Akira looked at all the guilds, including his brothers.

'Mom and dad wouldn't let me register to be a hero because I used to be clumsy, and I was too chicken to attempt to train or fight anyone. Always saying 'It's for my protection.' But ever since today, since what Sensei Ultra talked to me, ever since I fought that bank robber, I feel better than ever. I'm gonna train super hard, and be noticed and accepted. Maybe make some friends in the process! Once I start high school, that'll be one of my main focuses. I need connections if I'm gonna increase my popularity. I wanna beat Shin also. And beat up bad guys. Oh yeah! I also wanna..join Shin's guild. Just so I can outrank him in his own guild, that'll make me even more popular! And I gotta do my best to show my strength in front of people!"

Akira stood up, and his dog Munchie came up behind him, barking and trying to get Akira to hold him.

Akira laughed, "M-Munchie?!"

Munchie kept barking, and Akira kept smiling, "I already bought you dog treats! I bought them really fast before I fought that old bank robber guy! Oh! You wanna play?! Let's play fetch or something! Or do you wanna try seeing if you can withstand a punch of mine?! No, sorry for that suggestion. I'm getting carried away."

Literally out of nowhere, and 50 foot long, 60 foot wide brown hawk with a red beak swooped in and snatched Munchie away with its sharp claws.

Akira yelled, "Munchie!"

The hawk looked at Akira, saying, "Yeah! I'm taking this got-damn rodent! I need to feed my younglings! They love dog meat!"

"Bring him back right now!"

"I hate when heroes think that telling me to stop what I'm doing is ACTUALLY going to make me stop doing what I'm doing. ONLY FEATHER CAN TELL FEATHER WHAT TO DO!"

The hawk's name was Feather, and Akira looked excited, saying with a smile and glowing eyes, "You…you called me a hero!"

Feather responded, "Strange kid. Don't follow me if you're not a stalker!"

Akira smiled some more, "He called me..a hero!"

"I wasn't trying to call you one! It just slipped out!"

Feather dashed through the sky, disappearing with speed.

Akira said, "Crap. I was too careless, distracted by my one amazement!"

Akira covered his arms and hands and legs and feet and chest with white wrap, and his hair was fully white, and his eyes turned dark red, and his pupils were now turned into black "X's".

Akira felt his eye vibrate a little, and he felt something. He took off his glasses and put them in his pocket, he could see a hell of a lot better with his red eyes.

He pulled out his phone, and looked at himself in a reflection.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Why do I look like this?! Oh..this must be my appearance when I'm fully in my white wraps. I feel stronger! Oh yeah! Hell yeah! I won't need my glasses when in this form! I'm coming, Munchie!"

Akira leaped 40 feet into the air, cracking the ground on the takeoff, and once he was in the air, he kicked off of it, darting through the air as a loud sonic boom sound shot from his feet.

Feather was landing slowly in a super large nest that was bigger than him, and they were in a giant 400 foot tall tree with extremely large branches.

Feather's baby's hawks were 18 feet tall, looking the same as Feather in appearance, but they had yellow beaks.

Feather exclaimed, "I have brought back a meal. This should hold you over for at least a day until I capture a Doberman or a Great Dane. They're pretty big, and hard to find."

The baby hawks chirped in excitement, and Munchie squirmed while squealing, and he broke out of Feathers grasp, falling on the other side of the nest.

Feather yelled, "Bad dog! Disobedient rat! Come here and be a good dog!"

Munchie barked over and over, backing up as the baby hawks were running towards him and screeching.

Feather yelled, "Submit! Submit! Submit, you rat!"

The baby hawks got close, but then Akira swooped in and clotheslined all of the baby hawks with his wrapped arm and fist, and the hawks blew up in meat, blood, bones, and feathers.

Feather looked down, shocked with his feathers vibrating.

Akira asked Munchie, "Munchie! Are you alright?!"

Feather was rising up higher, and he was bigger than before, and his eyes glowed white, with his wings expanded all the way out, and they were vibrating and rattling like a rattlesnake's tail.

Feather said, "You dare…carnage my younglings..?! I'll kill you now, boy!"

"Oi, they were gonna eat my dog! I can't let you do that! My parents and brother would be super mad!"

"Squeal all you want. Screams will follow that annoying voice of yours. Now, perish!"

Large and sharp feathers began to shoot out of Feather's body and wings, and they started to slice everything in half, even the large branches and the nest.

Akira grabbed Munchie, and jumped out of the nest, turning around to look up.

"Whup! That was close!"

Feather came flying under Akira now, and Feather screamed, "Gotcha! Brat!"

Akira replied, "Hehe, no!"

Feather shot more large feathers at Akira, and Akira started to kick off the air in diagonal patterns, doing all of this in quick speed, Feather's eyes could barely follow.

'His speed is unlike anything I've faced in the past. And he's kicking off air to become more mobile. What's he planning?..I gotta hit this brat with everything I've got!'

More feathers shot out of Feather, and they were slicing more large branches up into pieces, and Akira used his body to spin really fast downward, and the feathers were bouncing off of Akira easily.

Feather thought, 'Impossible! My feathers are elite!'

Akira laughed, "I'm so cool! Oi! Let's make more noise so someone can see me doing this! Oh! I should've set my phone up at a good angle to record this!"

"Shut up!!! You may be able to deflect my feathers, but can you deflect this?!"

Feather started squawking loudly, and the visible vibrations from his sound began to spread through the entire tree, making the trees and branches shake.

Munchies ears were bleeding, and Akira thought, 'This noise isn't good for him. I gotta wrap him up!'

Feather thinks, 'He's not affected by this either?! What is he?!!!'

Akira landed on a large branch, and he put Munchie inside of a square made of wrap.

Akira said with a grin, "Now I'll be back, Munchie! Don't go anywhere!"

Akira turned to look at Feather, seeing Feather rise in front of him.

Feather said, "I assume you're not human."

Akira responded, "Oh, I'm completely human. 100%."


"No, I'm serious. And now that my dog is safe, I can be even more serious!" Akira smiled.

"You run-!"

Akira tackled Feather by the chest, spiraling downward through multiple branches, shattering them all.

Akira was sitting on Feathers stomach as they fell, and Akira smiled, "Earlier you called me a hero! Be serious. YOU MEANT THAT! You thought I was a hero!"

Feather answered, "Shut the hell up! Nerd!"

Feather was making his feathers shoot at Akira at very very close range, and Akira was dodging them with just his head with a smile.

Feather asked, "Impossible! How are you doing that?!"

Akira waved his hand, "Enough of that please. Why do you keep saying impossible?"

"What are you?!"

"Akira. And I'm gonna be the most famous and most popular hero in the world. And I'm gonna beat my brother. And I'm gonna make friends. Friends who are really strong preferably. And I'm gonna marry a good woman, and I'm gonna beat up all the villains with my unknown power that is not suspicious at all. Sometimes I talk too much, but that's because I get excited. Oh! I love to study exciting things and such, especially according to science and powers and history as well as artifacts and-."

"Be quiet! You'll die for killing the birdlings!"

"That's not a real word."

Feather turned around fast, and then did a backflip in mid air, and once he did, Akira was gone.

Feather thought, 'Did I shake that annoying nerd?'

From the right comin at quick speed, Akira punched Feather in the face, and Feather blasted 40 feet to the left, with his face a little flattened and dripping with blood.

'My right?! When did he…?!'

Akira was in front of Feather, and punched him again in the left side of the face, destroying his beak.

Feather twirled diagonally to the right as he fell at an extremely fast pace.

'I can't change my trajectory! His attacks hit too hard! And way too damn fast!'

Akira was dashing around Feathers falling body, and Akira started wrapping Feather in wraps, going all around his body.

Feathers could barely talk because of his crush hawk face, but he mumbled, "Youf a demona!"

Translation: You're a demon.

Feather was fully wrapped up, and Akira replied, "I'm Akira."

Akira punched through Feather's body, making his body blow up in bones, feathers, and blood.

Akira dashed to a nearby branch, making sure there wasn't any blood on him.

"Oh goodness! I'm sorry, talking hawk man thing bird! I didn't mean to..kill you..?"

From above, sitting on a branch, was a really skinny man with long frizzy red hair, pale skin, and red eyes, and he was wearing a brown sackcloth as an outfit.

His name was Thrash.

Thrash said, "Bad kid."

Akira looked up, and replied, "Huh?"

"You killed that hawk. Murderer."

"He was trying to erase me first! No fair!"

"I wanted that bird as a pet. I was out looking for my pet parrot, until I came across this talking hawk you were fighting. I wanted that one instead just a few minutes ago, forgetting about my parrot because that one didn't talk as much, it only said one word. Which was always, 'Bankai.' But now you killed it, so now you die."

"What?! What sense does that make?"

"Bird killer. Man beast. Pay for your sins. Foolish. Killer of birds. Worthless power boy."

"Okay. Now, you're starting to piss me off…"

"Heh..? You don't like being called names?"

"Not really. I hate when I get made fun of. Even though it's good for a hero origin story, I still hate it. That's why when people recognize me, they'll accept me and they won't make fun of me anymore. I'll finally fit in."

"Pity. Too bad you won't get to do any of that because I'm gonna massac-."

Akira punched Thrash in the face, and a sonic boom went out, and he smashed through many branches, and the tree was falling over because of that hard punch.

Thrash's face was bleeding, and halfway broken, but he was still standing, standing on a branch.

"Way too strong. Still gonna fight anyway, I wanted that talking hawk as a pet. He ruined it. You're too strong as an opponent, I must go all out. Into my true form."

Thrash jumped, and he stretched his arms out, and his arms started to turn into sharp points within his skin, with the tip sharp as a needle.

A red electrifying orb started to glow, it grew bigger and bigger.

Thrash shot the orb out, and the orb started blasting towards Akira. That orb was destroying a lot more branches, but the orb started to suck all the branches and parts of the tree inside the orb itself, with spirals of wind around it.

Akira thought, 'That orb is trapping things inside of it on its own.'

The orb got to Akira, and it sucked Akira inside of it.

Thrash said, "I shall make the orb explode. Please avoid getting your intestines on me."

More wind surrounded the orb, and Thrash smirked.

"Goodbye now."

Immediately, Akira punched his way out of the orb, shattering it.

Thrash gasped, "What? I must be dreaming."

Akira zipped right in front of Thrash on the branch, and Thrash jumped at Akira, saying, "Bird killer!"

"Say something different."

Thrash slashed fast at Akira with his needle pointed arms, and Akira was dodging them easily, blocking them with his arms and hands that had wrap on them.

Thrash thought, 'I can't pierce him. How amusing. It's annoying.'

Thrash went faster with the swings, and they were jumping from one branch to another as the giant tree was falling still.

Akira blocked all the attacks with his arms and hands, keeping a straight face.

Akira implied, "Enough of this!"

Akira grabbed both of Thrash's wrists, then he lifted both of his legs up, and planted them hard on Thrash's face.

Akira and Thrash started to dart towards the ground, with Akira's feet still planted into Thrash's face, and Akira was still holding Thrash's wrists.

Thrash said, "Gonna end me too?!"

Akira responded, "Shush!"

Instantly, Akira's feet slammed Thrash's head into the ground, causing most of the ground to crack and split open with a loud bang and a whirlwind of wind and dirt flying around like a hail storm.

Thrash's face was bleeding heavily, and his eyes were rolled to the back of his head. He wasn't dead, just fucked up.

Akira turned around and saw the tree about to fall down and rip out of its roots. Akira ran to the roots, and grabbed them, and it stopped the entire tree.

Akira pulled back some, and the tree was pulled back into its place.

Akira's hair went back to brown, and his eyes went back to blue, and his wraps went away. Akira's vision was blurry now, so he reached into his pocket and he pulled his glasses out.

They were only in good condition because of the wrap.

Akira put his glasses on, and his vision was good now.

Akira looked to the right, and he saw the cube made of wrap laying on the ground. Munchie barked from inside, and Akira exclaimed, "Munchie!"

Akira ran over them, almost tripping over Thrash's unconscious body.

Akira made the wrap go away, and Munchie leaped out and started licking Akira.

Akira laughed, "Hey, buddy! Munchie! That was so fun! Did you see me?! Of course you didn't, sorry. But-But-But, I did amazing! I mean I got serious for a second, but the thrill of that has overtaken me now!"

Munchie barked, and Akira added, "I wish you could talk like that psychopathic hawk."

Behind Akira, was a man covered in grass and dirt, and he said, "I am Kom. I've come to kill you. To kill you for fighting on this tree. I wanted to turn this tree into my secret hideout, but now, I can't because some of the branches are ruined. I shall destroy you now. And I shall be going all out!"

Akira had a wrap on his fist, and he punched the man 30 feet in the air, yelling, "Leave me alone! Get away from me! Who's next to show up?! Huh?!"

Akira picked Munchie up, and said, "We're getting away from here."

Akira started to run away.

'So this is what it's like, huh? Do super heroes experience this all the time? I'm pretty sure they do. Shin always has people trying to kill him, but he always beats them everytime, so he's unfazed. This has been exciting to say the least, and like I said earlier, I'll spend all summer training with my unknown yet unsuspicious power. When I first start high school..it's gonna be a blast! Or..everything is gonna be batshit crazy. Either way, I'll be popular. I'll be in the same school as Shin, so I'll have competition. I suck at talking to people sometimes, so I gotta work on that too. And I gotta work on my nervousness, and all that other stuff. No way this I'll be hard! I got this!'

(3 months later after summer)

(Hajimari High school)

[Fukuoka, Japan]

Akira stood outside the gates adjusting his glasses with hundreds of students around socializing and having fun with each other or with their hero guilds, with some of them showing off their super powers. There were tons of students that were registered heroes, some even being high ranked.

Akira was shaking and trembling, with sweat running down his head.

"I-I-I-I can't do this!"