
They call her Ace

They call her Ace, that's only because no one knows her real name. She runs this city as the Raingate Mafia leader. A cold-hearted killing machine that lives a lavish life, but who was she before this life of crime? To her it didn't matter who she used to be. That girl was long gone, but little did she know that someone from her past will remind her of who she really is. ------------------------ She froze not because the man was handsome. No, it wasn't that. Many handsome men walked into her life, but there was a reason that Ace stopped in her tracks for this one. It wasn't the breathtaking smile or the gorgeous hair. It was because she knew him.   She didn't know him in this life. No, she knew him in another life. A life that she had tried her best to forget. A life where she wasn't Ace. A life where she had people that she loved and cared about. A life where she didn't kill men and where she didn't live in an extravagant mansion with butlers and maids to do as she directed.   Ace was frozen. Her heart had stopped. How did he find her? ------------------ ----- ------- ------ Cover artist: Roxanne Jane black insta: Roxanne.janeblack

QingMojidori · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs

I don't like to share

Who was she trying to seduce!? Jack looked her up and down as she got closer to the car. He had gotten her a dark blue dress that was almost black. It exposed her back and went off the shoulder. The most extravagant part of the dress was the long slit that went from her upper thigh and went off into the tail . The dress shimmered as it hugged her body perfectly. She wore dark blue heels that exposed her freshly painted toes and carried a white purse to match her white pearls that gracefully hung from her neck.

Ace had her hair up into a beautiful bun with two pieces of her long, curly black hair out in the front. She never wore make-up because she never had anyone to impress, but tonight she wearing light make up and was that.... Jack gasped, She was wearing lipstick!?

Jack stumbled out of the car and immediately turned his gaze away from her. He didn't want to be caught staring or Ace would kill him for sure. He took her by the arm and nodded at the guards before leading her to the passenger side of the car. He opened it and gestured his hand for her to go in.

Once they were on the road Jack finally decided to speak to her because he didn't enjoy too much silence, "Ace, you look amazing tonight, so please don't get me wrong, but....why are you so dressed up? I don't understand. I know it's formal and all but-" Jack trailed off and stopped talking once he noticed that she was staring at him with her usual dark aura.

and without batting an eyelid she spoke, "I am going to kill Troy."

Jack didn't seem surprised and just looked at her and said nothing. He was thinking about how Ace never really explained herself to anyone. She barely acknowledged anyone when they questioned her actions, but surprisingly she disclosed her plans with him. People rarely questioned her anyway because of her aura. He felt like he had been walking on tightrope asking her so many questions like this, but she didn't even seem bothered by it.

She was leaning on the door and was now watching as they passed the cars on the highway, so she didn't seem to notice the perplexed look on Jack's face.

"Why not dress up? You have to dress to fit the crime." She said out of no where and smirked without looking at him.

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They pulled up to a ball room and Jack gave the keys to the valet parking driver.

As they walked in all eyes turned towards Ace. They couldn't help but to be drawn by her beauty. After they gawked at the beautiful woman they soon noticed the incompetent man standing next to her.

Jack sighed. He had to admit, he wasn't anything compared to the woman beside him. He had boring features and had nothing too special going for him. His short brown hair was combed to the side and his suit was the nicest that the store had. He did clean up nice, but there wasn't anything that was eye catching about him when he was next to her. Jack wasn't unattractive, in fact, he considered himself generally attractive, but all his confidence went down the drain standing next to Ace.

It seemed like Ace didn't notice all the eyes on her as she leaned over and whispered to jack, "Over there by the bar, the woman with the short red dress and blond hair. Go over there and make conversation. Don't let her go anywhere until I say so."

Jack stared at the woman a little bit more before he turned to face Ace, only to see that she wasn't even there! He looked around and saw her maneuvering her way through the crowd of rich well-dressed people. Why did she always do that?

Ace had been to a few events that were in this ballroom. It was known for all the famous people that came here for the parties. She knew where she could find Troy. His little doggies had told her where he would be when they were playing cards the prier weekend.

She walked down a hallway and as she was about to walk into the door she saw a guy and a girl a little further down the hall.

"Come onnnnn. You dressed like this on purpose tonight! I know what you're trying to do! Just a little peck on the cheek?" The man that was in his sixties chuckled as he forced the young girl into a corner.

"Get away from me you creep!" she slapped him, but he just smiled and continued to push against her. She screamed and it echoed down the hall.

Ace looked around to see who else was in the hall besides the two men guarding the door, as though she was making sure that no one she knew was around to see what she was about to do. She looked at the two men and saw that they were unfazed by the situation. Ace rolled her eyes.

She walked over to the man and pushed him, "Take a hint. She obviously isn't interested. So go back to whatever hole you crawled from."

But he only smiled harder! "Oh! Two beautiful ladies for me tonight!" His breath smelt like alcohol and he was clearly intoxicated. Ace's eyes went cold and she admitted her suffocating aura, asserting her dominance.

He took a step back once he saw the death glare in her eyes.

"You better leave before I end your life."

The man didn't know who she was or where she came from, but he could tell that she wasn't joking and he didn't want his life to end! He stepped back slowly and almost tripped before he ran down the hall.

Ace was about to walk away before the girl grabbed her arm, "Thank you so much!" Tears filled her eyes. When the girl said those words the coldness melted away in Ace's eyes and turned warm for a second, only a second, before they went dark again. Ace nodded and walked towards her destination while the girl ran off towards the party.

Ace walked past the two guards at the door, ignoring them. She didn't bother knocking and walked right in. Her eyes scanned the room and she noticed five people. Two of the men were body guards and were standing up. The other three people were sitting down at a desk. Two were sitting on the side closest to Ace and one man, that Ace knew was Troy, sat on the opposite side. The three were all wearing masks that only covered their eyes.

"I guess I didn't get the memo." She mumbled to herself and pulled up an extra chair.

Troy looked her up and down. This gorgeous woman couldn't be Ace! In his forty-four years of life he's never seen such an angel! It took him a second to realize that she was the same woman who took twenty thousand dollars from him and killed six of his men. If It wasn't for her cold eyes that threw daggers at him, he wouldn't have known who she was.

He never expected her to actually come! He demanded her presence, yes, but he knew that she was smarter than to walk into a room filled with his men who were heavily armed. Well, at least he thought she was smarter than that. She had put a target on her back and she decided to walk into a room full of shooters! He cleared his throat, "Ace..you're here. As expected." He nodded and his two companions nodded along.

"Thankfully you came because we have..mmmm...business to discuss, but don't you think it was a little stupid of you to come here? I've been told that you were the smartest out there, but it looks like the stories were wrong." Troy smirked as he rubbed his grey beard.

"mm. You're the third man to underestimate me today." Ace tilited her head back and jokingly pouted.

There was a few seconds of silence before Ace spoke again, but this time in a dark, chilling tone, "You will not see any money. Not from me at least." She jumped right into the reason she was there. Troy scowled, but she continued before he could speak.

"but I'd like to make a deal with you."

" A deal? " Troy looked like he tried to stay calm, but he turned a crimson red as he stood up, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ASKING ME TO MAKE A DEAL WITH YOU!? You stole from me! You're lucky I want to hear what amusing thing you say next, or else I'd kill you myself!" He leaned on the desk, his arms supporting him.

Ace didn't bat an eyelash at his outburst. It didn't affect her. "My deal is that you let my two men that you've been holding hostage go and you compensate for my missing goods. You can think of the twenty thousand as twenty percent of what you owe me. I don't like to share, Mr.Tin." She smirked because she found the dumbfounded expression on his face amusing.

Troy sighed and sat down. The blood that had rushed to his face left as fast as it came. He was now pale, but he managed to speak "I...what's in it for me?"

Ace continued to smile as she walked over towards Troy's desk slowly. She then leaned on the desk in the same manner that Troy had earlier and the two witnesses to the situation scooted their chairs back, "How cocky. Stealing from me and then having the nerve to ask what's in it for you?" Her smirk grew to show a gorgeous smile that contradicted the dangerous look that came into her eyes, "You wanna know what's in it for you? Does you and your wife's lives sound fair?"

I'm sad that I had to repost the book because I think it started off good! But yay! Two updates in one day! :)

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