
The Wrong Vassal

William Leech lives in a modern fantasy world and is the single father of Blair and Caleb, two small kids that gained the ability of transforming into gigantic monsters that usually become out of control until they pass out. Because of the obvious danger that his children cause and live, he tries his best trying to be as discreet as possible and hide them all from society, monster hunters and the people from his past, trying to build a new life in a different country with two kids to raise and traumas to ignore (or maybe overcome) and trying to discover how can Blair and Caleb become monsters. (contains body horror, canibalism, violence and abuse)

EmoPidgeon · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs


Screams. That was everything that could be heard. The attack of a giant centipeetle monster ended with 4 deaths and 28 injured. After 11 minutes the attack started, an enormous flash temporarily blinded everybody around, and the monster falled headless to the ground. It was 3 years ago.

Was suspected that it was an A ranked hunter attack, but then was found out the flash and the death had nothing to do with each other. The flash was magical, but the attack wasn't. The information stayed just with the rank manager, the research department and with the CEO of the Windbreak Foundation until they discovered what was that. They feared it could be some kind of vigilante trying to mess up their business.

Actually it was William and Blair. Back in the time, Blair was learning how to walk and they lived close to the place where the attack happened, so when the centipeetle hitted the building, she fell with her head on the ground. William thought because there were so many people in the battle, they wouldn't need to get involved. But that infuriated William, how many people would get hurt and or die if the fight continued? How many people aren't already dead because of the prolonged fight? He knew he wasn't capable of ending that monster, so he used magic to create a big flash to hide Blair. He gave Blair some of his blood to trigger the transformation. That creature was a quadruped, but way bigger than the centipeetle. She only needed one bite, her mouth was so big and her jaw was so strong that for her, it was like biting a cookie. After that, Blair distransfomed fell unconscious on William's arms. She wasn't able to handle that monstrous form for over 10 seconds back in the day. The person that got credits for that was Seraphina Ve, an A ranked hunter with incredible light based powers.

The morning after the event, Seraphina was thinking again about who killed that monster. Even if she was capable of being an A rank, that event was what turned her into an A rank. She tied her golden hair up, put on her gym clothes, her sunglasses and cap and left her house. After 22km running, she stopped at a supermarket to buy some water. When she entered, she felt something. Her rare light based powers on the same ambient as a mutant with dark magic made her fill the presence of the creature. Whatever that was, or whatever the state was, it was going to become huge and uncontrolled.

At the same market, William and Blair were buying ice cream because it was kinda hot that day.

- DAD! Can we have caramel syrup? -

- Not now, Blair. -

- What about chocolate? -

- We are already buying chocolate ice cream. -

- … Can we have caramel syrup? -

- I already answered you. -

Blair sighs in disappointment and puts the syrup bottles back in place. When Seraphina appears, gets close to Blair and starts whispering.

- Hey, are you okay? Is he hurting you? -

- No! But he don't want syrup! -

- Did he told you to say that to me? -

- No! I told you he don't want syrup! -

- Do you want to come with me? I have the feeling this guy is trouble. -

William was quietly staring at Seraphina and Blair. Turns out an unknown adult woman with golden long hair, four blue wings and sweaty smelly gym clothes wasn't the most discreet person. The moment Seraphina asked Blair to come with her, she took her hand, and immediately William picked Blair in his arms.

- What are you doing?! -

- What are you doing? -

- A man can't buy ice cream with his daughter anymore? -

- First, where are her actual parents? Second, can't you NOT speak like this in front of a child? Or in a public space? -

- I am her father! I was there every moment of her life! And what do you mean by "speak like that"? -

Seraphina repeats some of the words he was saying to Blair in sedento and then copies William 's accent in Rhyolitan. William stays quiet questioning her in silence.

- It's inappropriate! You're teaching her to speak wrong and you sound like a kidnapper! -

- It's inappropriate? -

- It's pronounced inappropriate. -

William picks the ice cream with his free hand and goes pay for it. Seraphina buys her water and leaves ashamed. Triggering feelings like anger on a pre-mutant usually transforms that pre-mutant, and giving the energy there was there, that was enough.

William and Blair get back home and Blair gets some ice cream, then some popsicles and then a watermelon. William just watches her. She's so happy with her hot day treat that she started remembering someone. After that, William tells her that they would be learning about aquatic creatures that day.

After her xenophobic shameful moment, Seraphina finally goes back home, just to be called for a reunion. She showers, dresses up and goes flying to the location. She landed on the roof of the building and met Sarah.

- Phina! How are you? I didn't see you last night! -

- Hi Klaw. -

Seraphina and Sarah walk to Redrot's meeting room and meet other 6 A ranked hunters. Most of them weren't there. They chat a little bit until Redrot enters the room, gets disappointed and they properly start the meeting to address some urgent measurements. At the end of the meeting, the old lady announces she had been with an eye on a B rank, which was weird considering everytime she wanted a new A ranked hunter, that person would just be promoted and then they would meet said person.

- But why don't you just promote him? -

Sarah asks.

- No matter what I do, he avoids me for some reason. -

Redrot answers.

- No wonder why. She looks like she could eat my soul -

A seemingly relaxed looking guy whispers. He had white skin, messy red hair, hazel eyes, a white horn and a white lizard-like tail. He was quite tall and attractive, but was wearing messy clothes and slippers because he had just woken up. Redrot just looks at him and he pretends nobody said anything.

- As I was saying, mister Joshua, because he constantly avoids me, it's very hard to turn him into an A ranked , we need him to solve some of those problems, they probably have something to do with him and that's why he might be useful. -

Redrot show's a picture of the B ranked in question, it was William Leech. Seraphina gets nervous almost instantly.

- That's Tine's friend! But he has a history of messing up spells, are you sure? -

Sarah pointed out.

- … Yes, I am. -

- Dude's looking kinda weak. I mean, look at him! -

- We already had this conversation. Mister Joshua. -

- Sorry ma'am! -

Joshua answers Redrot in a mocking way.

- Wait, soooooo… Our mission now is is recrute him? -

A small man with green skin and white hair askes. He was with pajamas under his hoodie.

- Not necessarily, it's more of a secondary mission. -

Another man leaves. He was very tall wearing a suit and was overall very formal. He had white hair, golden eyes, and black horns.

- Honestly, the more famous you guys get, the more disappointed I get. -

Redrot whispers.

- You can go now. -

She said out loud, pointing at the door. Seraphina and Sarah leave together, with Phina being clearly nervous. They went to a restaurant to have lunch.

- What's the problem, Phina? -

- I met him this morning! -

- Your ex? -

- No, the guy Redrot wants to promote! -

- And…? What's the problem? -

- I mistook him for a mutant and tried to trigger him! -

- Oh… -

Sarah silently starts eating, awkwardly staring at Seraphina. After some minutes, Sarah talks.

- So… I can ask Dustine to try to convince him to turn into an A ranked, and maybe she can convince him to forgive you. -

- I don't know… I called him a kidnapper and made fun of his accent. -

- DAMN GIRL! Why did you pulled the Gregory card with a stranger? -

- He's the most annoying guy I know! He didn't even need to say a word to annoy Miss Redrot! - 

- That will be hard! Did he recognize you? -

- I think not. -

- Good! We can work with that! Are you going to eat that or…? -

- You can have it. -