
The Wrong Vassal

William Leech lives in a modern fantasy world and is the single father of Blair and Caleb, two small kids that gained the ability of transforming into gigantic monsters that usually become out of control until they pass out. Because of the obvious danger that his children cause and live, he tries his best trying to be as discreet as possible and hide them all from society, monster hunters and the people from his past, trying to build a new life in a different country with two kids to raise and traumas to ignore (or maybe overcome) and trying to discover how can Blair and Caleb become monsters. (contains body horror)

EmoPidgeon · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

And you are...?

A week had passed since Sarah Klaw and Seraphina Ve had been in the Leech's house. William is receiving calls and messages daily from Jonatan wanting to train with him and from Wilton trying to contact him to try to discuss his promotion for a A ranker, but he had been ignoring those calls since the very second one with the same subject. To add to the stress, Blair convinced herself she's going to become a famous singer in the future because of a movie she saw.

William hasn't left his apartment since that day. But after so much bother he decided to fire himself from the WindBreak Foundation, being the good guy once doesn't mean they will be the good guys forever, especially coming from a company. But before that, William decides to make one final mission to save enough money just in case he doesn't get a new job right after getting out of the WBF. He goes to check the B ranked missions he could accept for the first time.

While he is searching and Blair is drawing, an earthquake starts. William's first instinct is to grab Blair to try to run away, but right when he puts her on his arms, she says:

- There is someone under the floor! -

- Of course there is! We are on the 4º floor! -

William answers right before jumping off the window while the building collapses. For him, only Blair's protection matters.

- No, there is someone UNDER THE FLOOR! -

Blair points at a subway station.

- We're not going there! That's dangerous! -

Blair bites his clavicle with her main mouth that seems to have grown and gained teeth, the bite was strong enough for William to drop her. Blair starts getting bigger and bigger while running to the subway station. William goes running behind her.

She was getting faster and bigger, with her clothes being reduced to rags on the collapsing station. Her posture went from biped to quadruped, her arms turned into legs and her body became more and more animalistic, her eye holes turned into full mouths with sharp teeth, her horns went bigger than her original body and a new set of horns started to grow on her neck, her ears disappeared, her tail was twice the size of the rest of her body. The bug legs coming out of her head where bigger and sharper, touching the floor and boosting her body to the front, making her even faster. Her hair was gone and her head gained a weird oval smoothish shape, her neck was connected to the top of her head and a completely black eye appeared close to her chest. Her body was so big it was basically opening the way for William to follow her in despair.

Blair stops at a wall and starts to eat it while using her tail to help her build a hole. Her small mouths were big enough for swallowing a whole gas stove, but her main mouth fully opened was ⅔ of her current size. After finishing eating her entrance, she met who was causing the earthquakes. It was a dragon, but kinda humanoid, standing in a biped position, but it looked tired. He had long horns coming out of the sides of his forehead that curved slightly outward, between them there was a red flame. His scales looked like volcanic rocks, with his skin underneath it shining red. He had four muscular arms with four claws each and spikes coming out from his neck to the tip of his tail. His sclera was black and his eyes were shining red and full with anger and his teeth looked like blades. 

The dragon screams at Blair, who headbutts him. He grabs her horns and starts slamming her on the wall, destroying even more the city above them. She uses her tail to grab his foot and drops him, setting herself free, than she tries to use her bug legs to try to immobilize him, but he stands up faster. He grabs his 2 right hands and punches the right side of her face and starts spanking her. She bites his hand with all her force and jumps on top of him, immobilizing his arms, so he kicks her stomach to make her let his hand free and uses the same hand to grab her jaw and try to break it. Blair gets impulse and jumps with her lower legs with all forces on his stomach, which set his lower arms free and he uses that advantage to grab her body and try to take her out of him. Blair bites his claws, which makes him throw her against the wall and starts charging his fire breath.

William finally comes and immediately goes running in Blair's direction, screaming for her to get out of the dragon's sight, but she just keeps standing still, just staring at him while he charges his attack. And out of nowhere, the dragon stops his attack and faints, making an enormous dust cloud.

William grabs Blair's bug leg, who is still in her monstrous form, and tries to guide her to leave. But Blair doesn't want to leave now, she points at something with her bug leg and it looks like a boy not older than 6. William runs towards the boy, grabs him and starts forcing Blair to try to get out of there. Blair also collapses and turns back to her toddler body. William grabs the two children and gets out before the place collapses. William looks at the destroyed neighborhood, there are just a few survivors, crying their eyes out over their friends and family.

The 6 years old in his arms was a burning hot fever, just like Blair when she transformed for the first time, he have small horns in the same placement as the dragon, a crimson lizard-like tail, he's bangs where scarlet red and looked like flames in shape, both his arms looked damaged in a weird way, like there were 2 arms trying to fuse and become one in each side. His ears were pointy but instead of pointing sideways, they were pointing upwards, he had a lot of stabbing wounds and bruises covering his body and dark skin. William feels the need to take care of this unknown child, he can see both Blair and himself in this boy.

William goes walking to the closest hospital and leaves the children there before going to the WBF. After a lot of bureaucracy and proving, William claims the credits for preventing the destruction of his neighborhood when to the rest of the city. Jack Wilton tries to comfort him and congratulates him for being the only hunter in the place and for finishing so fast. He tries to offer the promotion again, but before he finishes, William interrupts him.

- I want the money. -

- Sure, but wa… -

- I want the money now. -

- Ok then. Here it is. -

Jack gives William a check. William looks at it, stands up and put the check in his pocket.

- I quit. -

- What? -

- You heard me, I quit. Bye. -

- Really? Are you insane or something? -

- Bye! -

William gets out of the WindBreak Fondation building for the last time.

The 6 year old boy wakes up in a hospital bed, William and Blair are right next to him, with Blair clearly pissed off. He gets scared and threatens to punch William, just to have his small fist gently held. The adult smiles at him.

- Hi, I'm William, this is Blair and you are…? -

The boy stares at William for sometime.

- Caleb. -