
Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars (Part 2)

*3rd Person POV*

"There's no signal, only static. Something interfering!"

Ohari cries out in panic. Hayden curses loudly this time.

"Damn it Xeona! We're going to have to face them. Ohari protect the girl and when given the chance make a run for the ship with her and we'll follow!"

Xeona bites her own cheeks, tasting iron in her mouth.

"I'm sorry... but I couldn't let an innocent little girl die... Ohari get out of here. You and her are my top priority."

Ohari screams back.

"No! I'm not leaving either of you!"

Something erupts from the ground as a huge centipede whose legs are malformed arms and legs of dead bodies move its flesh body. It's head was massive, misshapen, lined with misplaced eyes balls that darted in all directions. Mouth was agape with rotting teeth, it charged at the group. Xeona launches herself at it and with a massive punch, crushes the beast's head and the force ripples through its segmented body, blowing out its backside in an explosion of gore. More and more creatures came in waves as Hayden flies into the air wielding his twin blades slicing through the creatures in blinding speed. Ohari looks to the little girl besides her and encases her in a protective bubble.

"Stay in here! Ok! We'll protect you!"

Ohari jumps up into the air and notches back her arrow, she unleashes the arcing blue streak, splitting into a volley of quanta arrows impaling into the creatures below before detonating, vaporizing their remains. Hayden sends a massive arc of quanta that slices through a giant, lanky figure with sunken hollow eyes, its needle like teeth showing as it crawls toward him. Hayden head moves to the side as a bone spike whizzes past, penetrating through the concrete wall behind him. Hayden turns the group of monstrous bipedal creatures, their skins sagging as their spines extend out like tentacles, whipping shards of bone at him. The bone shards only shatter upon Hayden's quanta shield around his body.

"Is that all you've got!"

Hayden yells as he slams down his blades into the ground, sending a wave of rupturing energy that tears the creatures apart. As he gets up he sees more twitching towards him. Unknown to the group, a unnatural, corrupting force watches from above... intrigued by the mortals of this plane.

"They just keep coming! We need to concentrate in one direction!"

Xeona slams a creature into another before launching a massive ball of quanta into them, melting them apart.

"Hayden just take Ohari and the girl and fly to the ship!! I'll follow and slow them down!"

Ohari quickly pierces the body of a spider like creature shambling towards Xeona with stretching sharp limbs, the arrow passing clean through, leaving a hole of dripping flesh.

"I'm not leaving you Xeona!! Don't you dare!!"

Hayden nods as cuts his way through the horde flying towards Ohari, just as Ohari turns to see him, something shots down from the sky in an explosion of ethereal shadow... Hayden's feels his body suddenly stuck as he feels something come loose in him...and looks down... a massive black spear protruding through his chest into the ground.


Ohari screams... Hayden feels the strength leave his body as his blood drips down the black, spear, it seeming to relish the life juice as it sucks it in. He manages to croak out...


A voice rings through out the town, its shivering echo halts Xeona and Ohari as they feel their mind invaded. But the abominations stopped moving as well, instead they backed off as their master descend from a pitch, abyssal black hole above the town.

"It seems I have attracted attention... I am the last... the Crawling Chaos... I will tell the audient void."

Its large chaotic, shifting black form emitted a sentient darkness. Upon laying his eyes on the Crawling Chaos, the eyes' pupil loses its color as it disperses into demise, Hayden feels torment as incomprehensible, horrid images start consuming his mind, eating away at his sanity. Hayden in his dying last moments gives a last thought through the pain.

Hayden: (Don't look... It'll drive you insane...)

Xeona and Ohari turn away, shielding the little girl's eyes. It was the last thing Hayden had in mind before the spear through his chest started growing spikes, slowly gouging into his body as he screams but it was cut short as one punctures his lung filling it with blood as you hear, choking, guttering sputters as Hayden suffocates. The black shards rip his body apart as his innards slip out, the intestines still trying to cling to the body, into a puddle of entrails and viscera. All that is left, is the body parts impaled like some demented scarecrow as one spike juts through the eye socket with a eyeball dangling on the end. The Crawling Chaos lands behind Hayden's corpse, ripping the wings off with a wet tear. In a manic inducing voice, it taunts Xeona and Ohari.

"Two lovers... two interconnected souls... due to severance."

A black void starts forming in the vastness of space, engulfing the solar system and casting it into the eternal chasm. There is no running, no help, no escape... no hope. Ohari feels dread creep through her body as maniacal anxiety takes over her mind...comms off... Hayden... Hayden... oh god. Her breath increase in irregular pace, her lungs desperately shuddering as hyperventilation takes over. Ohari holds onto the child... who remains in petrified silence. Something touches her shoulder and Ohari nearly cries in fear, but it was Xeona. Xeona's face as pale, but she did not lose her determination... she whispers to Ohari.

"Run Ari... run with the girl and never look back."

Horror chokes Ohari at Xeona's words.

"Xeona No! Don't leave! I can't leave you! Let's run together... please Xeona... plea-"

Ohari's pleading is cut off as she feels warm, soft lips embrace hers.

"I love you..."


Ohair tries to stand her ground but Xeona picks her up and the child in Ohari's arms and with a forceful thrusts... throws her far away from the Crawling Chaos and its plagued creatures... the Crawling Chaos' twisted words commends her.

"Sacrificing yourself... brave... you are far more impressive than most mortals I've come across in all my dimensional travels... but she cannot run."

Xeona slams her gauntlets together, the loud, powerful clang reverberating. Tears streak down her face as she turns, avenging anger in her eyes.

"She will survive... I don't care who or what you are..."

The Crawling Chaos laughs and all Ohari sees as she holds tight onto the little human girl is the corrupt horde and sentient darkness closes on her lover... soon to be mother.


Ohari uses quanta to generate force to slow her fall and land on top of a building. She looks back as she hears Xeona's yells ringing in her ears, her giving what little time for her to run... emotions eclipse her heart, desperately wanting to run back to help her but her fear held her back. She looks down at the little girl staring back with, frightened eyes... she runs... her adrenaline the only barrier... only thing preventing her from breaking down as she fights the back memories of life she shared with Xeona. Sprinting back to the ship with every ounce of strength, it was too late... the ship was destroyed, black spears pierces through the hulls and engine in complete decimation.

As Ohari turns around and continues from building to buildings, she sees wandering creatures move throughout the town... they were everywhere... empty, decaying puss filled eyes searching until they stopped on Ohari. She quickly moves out of sight... where can she even go? In her frenzied mind she spots a low lying building and quickly runs to it holding onto the child.

As she opens the door and closed behind her, not realizing it was locked as it cracked upon opening... she turns... to find a group of children all hiding in a dark corner. Two adults hushing them and turns to Ohari, one a cat lady and other a lizard, with terror in their eyes... they were hiding here in silence in the entire time. Ohari breaks down as she puts down the little human girl... puking up as anxiety and Xeona's sacrifice settles in as her hands grips the, splintered floor.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

The two adults seem to understand the situation but the terror did not leave. One speaks up.

"Stay quiet... please... don't scare the chil-"

A lanky arm breaks through the closed window and grabs the lizard person, crushing his chest as another shrieking humanoid crawls through, it's multiple limbs grasping on the floor as it moves erratically towards the woman. Before Ohari can get her arrow off it already tore into the woman's chest, severing legs and limb... the children crying as they turn away and cling to one another. The creature shot dead, as Ohari finally finds the strength to shoot her bow.

"Leave...I-I need to-!"

But looking at the group of children in the corner... nowhere to run... their young lives doomed to an atrocious end, what is she to do? Her legs crumple to the ground as overwhelming guilt drives her into sobbing hysteria... if maybe she convinced Xeona to never step foot into the building and listened to Hayden... if she... none of this would have happened. Just then the roof and the front of the building is obliterated.

"Futility runs in your blood... give in..."

Hovering outside was the Crawling Chaos with its creatures... holding Xeona's neck with its morphing tentacles. Xeona's was barely alive, warm liquid gushing form her missing arm... her vacant eyes gives one last message to Ohari and she mouths.

"I'm sorry... don't give up..."

Ohari's breath grows shallow as numbness fills paralyzes her body... No... the Crawling chaos grabs Xeona's torso and pulls... she couldn't even scream as her body is torn in half with a sickening snap...bowel and viscera bursting in a red bloom as warm, sticky liquid splatters onto Ohari's face.


Ohari's demented, hysterical shrill is heard through the world as her mind finally breaks... but it only worsens as the Xeona's lifeless, amber eyes suddenly starts to twitch as her corpse starts to move as cracking bone is heard.

"No... not her...no! No! No! No!"

Tendrils starts to burst forth from the pulsating flesh and fur as the body contracts and expands to a disgusting form. Xeona... no... the thing's mouth stretches wide as its clawed hands reaches towards Ohari. Its malformed amalgamation of tendrils and limbs drag its body towards her. Entrails of creeping blood, gore, and putrid flesh leaking from its pores, eye sockets. It's visage horrid enough to induce untold trauma and fear…

"No! Stay away! STAY AWAY!"

Ohari squeezes her eyes shut desperately, strangled with uncontrollable spasms of horror as her former lover… that thing… crawls towards her. The wails of children… they cry for that is the only thing they could do. Some frozen in fear, some… gone insane. Ohari feels her numb limbs making her back away. She turns to the children... and tries to hug them, to feasibly protect them… and pray… pray to what God there is to listen… but what God can face such an untold cosmic, sanity tearing being.

"Go-goddess Kaiyo… Dur-durga… please sa-"

As Ohari prays, her lips quivering, dripping with blood laced saliva… a haunting cacophony of voices creeps into her ears… burrowing into the depth of a black, shattered heart.

"Oooohhaarrriiiiiii… I loooveee yooouuuu… beearrr ouuur child…"

The grotesque voice croaks out of the shuddering abomination, barely reminiscent of the once daring, kind, and joyous voice that Ohari fell in love with… to only hear it now in sickening perversion.


Ohari feels her soul break, crumble into blood filled heaps like those littered around her. I love you, the first words that made Ohari's burst into tearful joy as Xeona confessed at the festival... it was such a sudden surprise as Xeona brought her to the cheery blossoms as the petals gently rains on them... it was surreal. Her smile, it was the first time Ohari has seen Xeona act nervous before as her tender cheeks turned rosy pink...

Her torn psychotic shrills were music to the ears of the Crawling Chaos as the warping darkness of his thousands of eyes lay itself upon Ohari. It was a marvelous sight to behold, such a kind soul tortured by its former lover… oh how ironic! oh the fear! The cries! The suffering… truly luxury amongst the most luxurious.

He laughs from all his orifices, its madness inducing laughter travels far beyond the cosmos, beyond the suffering clusters of multiverses… all who are driven insane, broken, suffer, bends to the will of the Crawling Chaos, Nyralathotep, Will of Azathoth. Like no other beings of himself, he craves the slow act of chaos and insanity all possible within its nigh-omnipotent presence. He shall enjoy taking this universe slowly.

As Xeona's corpse staggers closer in broken, twitchy movements, Ohari just kneels, her limbs hanging lifelessly at her sides, no longer able to move her body… not even the hope of reuniting with her love in death for a fate far worse than it awaits… Someone… save us… she feels her last tear drip down her cheek as she stares into the sunken eyes of Xeona once so bright with life.

Then… then everything stops. The clawed, decrepit hands grasping towards Ohari suspends in unknown silence. The moans and groans of abominations halts to a silence, the wails of children quiets.

The Crawling Chaos falters… its black, consuming darkness shrinks back into its shape shifting, melding body. The universe seemed to hold its dying breath as something arrives… an arrival of a force and will this universe has long, long last seen.

For reasons not understood... a new, foreign sensation courses through Ohari veins… an overwhelming, incomprehensible sense of rage not her own, quelling her ravenous fear.


A hand bursts through the wall next to her as it grabs onto Xeona corpse's melting head. In a sudden force, the crunch of bone is heard as its head is crushed in a shower of blood. It's body bulges and flails in shrieking fury as it attempts to claw at the hand. But its futile attempt does nothing as furious crimson flames envelope the corpse… its horrid dying screams the last thing Ohari hears… too stunned and broken to react anymore.